Covered artists
Here is the complete list of all artists ever covered at ChartMasters!
What this list is about
View moreAs you know, for each artist we study, we can publish different article formats, depending on how their success is built. We have:
- CSPC articles. CSPC stands for Commensurate Sales to Popularity Concept, the method which enables us to fairly compare apples with oranges. Understand: fairly evaluate all formats’ contributions to an artist’s success. These articles are the most comprehensive analyses we provide on artists we study, reviewing their full discography, weighting all formats together, and evaluating all markets worldwide.
- Streaming Masters (SM) articles, where we get into more details about the artist’s streaming performances.
- Global Heatmap (GH) articles, where we take a geographical approach to understand which countries contribute more or less to your favorite artist’s success.
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Artists covered by ChartMasters
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