Shania Twain albums and songs sales
Storming North America and the world isn’t expected for Country stars. But Shania Twain has made it. Just how successful has she been?
Storming North America and the world isn’t expected for Country stars. But Shania Twain has made it. Just how successful has she been?
The longest running group in the world, the Rolling Stones continue to sell records at a fast pace. Find out all their impressive statistics!
Yesterday in the Frozen study I referred to Black Friday as the opening of the Holiday season. On the other side of the mirror it is also the final curtain call of the release schedule fever after three months full of …
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A Disney standard, the Frozen soundtrack has been translated in 42 langages and reaches over 21 million equivalent sales as we start 2024. This week some 15 years ago, French Album Chart saw an album debut in a big way at #1, Chansons Pour Les Pieds by Jean-Jacques Goldman. Far from a surprise, this result was logical as since the artist breakthrough …
R&B flagship artist Alicia Keys has managed significant success outside of the USA. Where does she stand in terms of sales?
Bon Jovi is one of the most successful American bands of all-time. How many albums and singles have they sold? Answers are one click away!
A Jazz artist who crosses over to pop culture, Norah Jones totals 50.3 million equivalent album sales. Check how she made it!
ABBA’s sales numbers are often either inflated or underestimated. To get an accurate image of their real success, head on to our analysis!