ChartMasters streaming tops and tools
Welcome to the ChartMasters streaming tops and tools page!
Please reach our various tools related to Spotify data through below links:
The streaming numbers tool uses up to date information from the Spotify database. The other lists are updated daily also with fresh numbers.
We have also developed a Discogs app which allows you to retrieve Discogs ownership statistics by artist!
Below are additional details about these various pages.
The Spotify streaming numbers tool

Most of you already know this page. It has been growing for months, becoming the place to be if you wanna check Spotify streaming results of an artist.
In April 2020 and then again in November, we replaced the former tool with lifted versions which brought 6 great enhancements.
Heavy performance improvement
View moreWe can’t control the time needed by APIs to retrieve streams or a disc information from Spotify. What we can do though is minimize the required number of calls to these APIs.
In April 2020, we’ve added a local database to the design of the tool. Basically, it gives the tool a memory, which opens the door to tricks improving performances.
Dealing with the versions of each record
Although on the front end you can see an expected number of releases for each artist, the Spotify database has an awful lot of versions of every record.
Imagines Dragons for example are up to 4 studio albums. The app shows 5 versions, as their debut Night Visions has both the standard and the deluxe version available. On their database though, these albums add for 37 versions.
When we set up an automatic process, all these are retrieved, and then streams for all of them are scanned. No need to say that since these releases have mostly the exact same tracklists, most of them bring zero information about streams, as different versions of the same song add to the same tally.
Our script now learns from your search. When someone looks for an artist nobody looked for, everything is scanned, to make sure we don’t miss streams. Then, the script memorizes which records brought relevant data, and which ones barely repeated the same information.
Versions adding no data are thus excluded from later searches, even from new users. Our exclusion list is up to nearly 600,000 entries.
These versions which can be safely ignored reduce the execution time by a factor 2 to 5 depending on how many repeated releases an artist has.
Limiting interactions
In November 2020, another major improvement was developed. The architecture was newly designed to limit interactions.
To make it simple, while previously ChartMasters was doing request to an API, now the API also queries ChartMasters. This prevents ins and outs as the playcount API reads the exclusions directly.
The original tool needed roughly 25 minutes to go through Justin Bieber‘s discography when we included the ‘Appears on’ releases. Now, it scans all the results in 25 seconds.
Addition of the “Orphan” songs
View moreThese performance limitations prompted us to exclude the possibility of searching for orphan songs.
These are all the songs listed only under the “Appears on” section, mostly features but also primary songs that belong to Soundtracks or similar products. Often, popular artists from our era have a handful of albums, 20-ish singles and no compilation, but they appear on hundreds of compilations.
So far, we only used this extended search internally when compiling CSPC studies.
Our engine can now scan them efficiently enough to go through the largest discographies in an acceptable time, under a minute for most artists. Consequently, we decided to switch on this functionality that has been requested countless of times!
Fix of in-page releases from other artists
View moreA well known issue of our former tool was that it listed all songs from an artist page.
For most artists, it’s perfectly fine.
Then there are artists like Michael Jackson, Sting and Diana Ross who’s artist page includes compilations that feature hits from their former groups.
Worst are situations of artists who for an unknown reason got a Soundtrack on their artist page.
It’s not so surprising for Lady Gaga with the A Star Is Born OST since she strongly contributes to it.
Still, there are 5 songs which feature only Bradley Cooper, hits like Maybe It’s Time and Black Eyes that add for well over 200 million streams.
More extreme was the case of the soundtracks for 13 Reasons Why. The season 2 appears on pages of Selena Gomez, OneRepublic and YUNGBLUD.
They all contribute to 1 to 2 songs only, while the album contains a streaming hit as massive as Billie Eilish‘s lovely that will soon break over the 1 billion mark.
The lifted version of our tool now controls the id of all artists featured on songs from the artist page, ultimately removing from an artist results all songs which aren’t his songs.
Better regrouping of songs into albums
View moreWhen we select the discography view on our tool, it’s always annoying to get many folders for one album only, because of the numerous versions. It’s impossible to automatically regroup together all songs and versions which are related to an era. They have different IDs, often slightly different titles, different release dates.
Still, the tool now includes a bit of regular expression work that manages to group together some songs that were previously split over several versions of the same album.
If we use back our Imagine Dragons example, we can now see a clean 22-songs tracklist for their debut album.
Since the data is manipulated and compared in multiple ways through the code, it wasn’t possible to stick to the original ordering of the songs. In fact, as the album folder actually regroups songs from multiple versions, and as we may exclude the very first release for performance improvement since it rarely includes all songs, it breaks the tracklist ranking.
Still, we decided to rate the performance improvement and data quality, with albums totals now more comprehensive, over the order of the data representation.
Addition of the number of followers
View moreAt the top of the results, we now display how many followers the artist has. This information, just like the streaming numbers, is fresh, updated daily. Followers are fans who decided to be informed of new releases from an artist.
While there is no direct link between streaming numbers and followers, having a lot of fans obviously helps in getting large numbers, especially upon release. By experience, we can say that growing artists see their followers count increase dramatically. An the other end of the spectrum, one-hit wonders are unable to gain traction in terms of fans. This statistic thus appears key to gauche which artists are here to stay.
Addition of the Popularity index
View moreWe already explained to you that the Popularity Index is way more relevant than the Monthly Listeners figure.
To follow how strong your favorite artist is going, this index, also updated daily, is now displayed at the top of streaming results too.
As it takes a lot of daily streams to smash, this indicator fluctuates slowly. In the long run, it’s absolutely fundamental still.
Artists can decrease in spite of consistent streams, this is when an artist performs so well that he raises the 100 points scale.
Top Spotify artists

Here you fill find the biggest artists on Spotify based both on current success and on historical strength. To evaluate that, we factor in:
- the popularity rating,
- monthly listeners,
- total streams as lead artists,
- and total followers.
ChartMasters streaming tops: highest streams on Spotify
Most streamed artists of all time

This ranking presents the most streamed artists on Spotify based on tracks available inside sections Albums, Singles and Compilations of his personal page.
Numbers are continuously updated as you search for them. As soon as new daily data is in for an artist, this will be reflected in this overall ranking.
While the highest part of the list is comprehensive, as we go down artists may be missing. If you notice an omission, just use our streaming search tool to look for the related artist and if he scored enough streams he will automatically and instantly appear here.
As the Spotify database is tricky, we can’t guarantee you there won’t be occasional data glitches, even if we developed several controls to grant data consistency. If an issue appears in spite of these controls, manual fixes will be performed.
Most streamed albums of all time

Since streaming took a monster share of the music industry, the most streamed albums are mechanically among the most successful albums of the year.
On the other hand, it’s difficult to complete our CSPC rankings as studying deeply discographies of major artists takes a lot of time. It’s even more complicated to get updated lists for new releases since the data evolves so fast.
We can’t keep our CSPC articles updated constantly, but we can set up scripts to scan the new releases and see how they perform in streaming. So that’s what we did!
Most streamed songs of all time

This page provides you the list of the most streamed songs of all-time on Spotify, with their up to date statistics. And it draws a picture fairly different and way more accurate than lists we are used to see. Do you know why?
Well, the more popular a song is, the higher chances are that it gets exploited a lot through several remixes, including hyped ones. It means rankings which focus on one track only, as it is done in this Wikipedia page, make little sense.
For example, the blockbuster hit Despacito has two versions well past a billion each. And that brings it to the overall ranking of #4 rather than out of the top 50…
That’s why here, we aggregate all versions with distinct playcounts of the same song and that changes it all.
Biggest album debuts all-time

Among Spotify records, one of the hardest to take is the most streamed album debut in a country.
This page presents two views, by country and by artist. The former will show you the largest debuts of all-time in a country, while the latter displays for an artist the streams and the rank of his albums among all-time lists when they performed well enough.
ChartMasters streaming tops: artists tops on Spotify
Most popular artists

How do you know which artists are the most popular on Spotify? Monthly listeners hardly tell you the truth of it and Spotify’s popularity index isn’t so easy to read. Combining data, here is a feel of artist popularity.
Most followed artists

As previously mentioned, having the most fans definitely helps.
If tens of millions of users are notified of your new album when they open Spotify, it’s a well deserved and free promotion. It doesn’t guarantee your releases will always be hits. If you got 20, 30, 50 million subscribers though, it’s safe to say you’ll remain relevant for many years.
So, whether it comes from new songs or past hits, these most followed artists are the ones that are building the most robust discographies, ultimately climbing up the ladder in our CSPC rankings.
Go on and check the most followed artists on Spotify.
Highest gainers in followers

While past hits define most followed artists, highest gainers in followers on Spotify tell you about the future!
Indeed, as a teenager, you go crazy about your fave artist and stream their songs an awful lot of times. And as you grow older, you get away from stanning but always keep a soft spot for the artist and listen to him from time to time.
That’s how a new fan today is someone who will grant an artist heavy streams for several years and consistency for even longer.
Most viral artists

With our top 100 of most viral artists on Spotify, you can be the first to discover the next big stars!
To build it, we analyze and rank the growth speed of Spotify followers bases over 50,000.
ChartMasters streaming tools: artist spotlight
Global impact
How many times have you seen someone claiming an artist is global or local? At last we shed light on the global reach of artists.

This page lists several key performance indicators of an artist you search and the top 50 cities of an artist in terms of listeners and how many countries they cover, unlike the Spotify website which displays only the top 5.
You’ll see artists being listened by people from 2 or 3 countries only, while others put cities from 25+ different countries inside their personal top 50.
Expect this page to evolve soon with the addition of relative shares being artists to really know where your favorite artist over or under performs.
Tracking history
Once you have stored all the information to build the various lists mentioned in this page, why not sharing everything collected about a specific artist?

This is the purpose of this page. You can retrieve historical total streams, followers counts and popularity rating of your favorite artist.
Assembling this data also enables us to add the daily increases in streams as well as in followers.
If nobody searched for a specific artist in a day, playcounts won’t be available, consequently we aren’t displaying daily growth either. It’s up to you to make sure your favorite artist’s daily data is added every day by looking at it!
As the data reflects songs available on an artist page, if a track gets disabled or added to it, strong daily changes may happen and won’t reflect the daily activity.