Top artists – ASR

This top is ranking the most successful artists rather than the highest-selling ones.

Why the distinction? Because an artist’s success is not only dependant on how well their productions turn into hits, but also on how their discography is structured and repackaged over time.

For example, if an artist issues only studio albums, you will need to buy about all of them to own their biggest hits. On the contrary, if a greatest hits album is available, only one purchase will give you the same satisfaction.

To take this kind of effects into account, we have developed the ASR (Artist Success Rating) as a base 1000 indicator factoring in both EAS and EDS, where:

  • EAS (Equivalent Album Sales) establishes a catalog’s total sales;
  • EDS (Equivalent Discography Sales) tells us how many times this catalog has been consumed.

Here is the top artists ranking according to the ASR concept!

Top artists – Artist Success Rating (ASR)

Some artists are missing, because their analysis has not been done yet. Here is the complete list of covered artists.

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