Streaming Masters – Sfera Ebbasta

Italian Sfera Ebbasta is no stranger in his home country. When it comes to rappers that popularised trap in Italy a few years ago, he is among the biggest names.

His 2018 album Rockstar broke all kinds of streaming records when it came out. How many units do you think it has accumulated after two years?

Streaming is made up of audio and video streams. Our CSPC methodology now includes both to better reflect the real popularity of each track. The main source of data for each avenue is respectively Spotify and YouTube.

In order to account for their real popularity in each relevant country, the below sources have been used along with the mentioned ratios that reflect the market share of each area.

Genie, AWA and Xiami have been ignored since Sfera Ebbasta have close to 0 streams in Asia. The Spotify to Comprehensive Audio Streams ratio have also been set a bit lower to account for Spotify’s big market share in Italy

Audio Streams
– World: Spotify streams * 1,35 (Spotify have roughly 75% of the Italian streaming market.

Video Streams
– World : YouTube views

Audio Stream value – 1500 plays equal 1 album unit
Video Stream value – 11,750 views equal 1 album unit

Equivalent Albums Sales (EAS) = ( Spotify * 1,35 / 1500) + ( YouTube / 11750)

Sfera Ebbasta streaming review – the results

Total: 1,686,786 EAS

Sfera Ebbasta most streamed tracks (EAS)

1. Tesla [Orphan]90,000
2. Cupido [Rockstar]80,000
3. Calipso [Orphan]79,000
4. Pablo [Rockstar]68,000
5. Tran Tran [Rockstar]62,000
6. Rockstar [Rockstar]56,000
7. Peace & Love [Orphan]55,000
8. Sciroppo [Rockstar]54,000
9. Mademoiselle [Orphan]52,000
10. Ricchi x Sempre [Rockstar]50,000
11. Happy Birthday [Rockstar]48,000
12. Stamm Fort [Orphan]45,000
13. Cabriolet [Orphan]45,000
14. Serpenti A Sonagli [Rockstar]44,000
15. Supreme [Orphan]41,000
16. Lamborghini [Orphan]40,000
17. Mwaka Moon [Orphan]38,000
18. Visiera A Becco [Sfera Ebbasta]37,000
19. 48H [Orphan]32,000
20. Uber [Rockstar]30,000

YouTube video

Sources: SpotifyYouTube

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