Streaming Masters – Britney Spears
Britney Spears was the trigger of a new generation of super successful divas when she exploded 20 years ago. That was at the peak of the CD era. How is she performing under a completely different environment almost entirely made of streaming?
As detailed in the Fixing Log article, Spotify represents 157 million of the 272 million users of streaming platforms, while YouTube is pretty much the only video platform generating some revenue for the industry. Below is the equivalence set on the aforementioned article:
Audio Stream 1500 plays equal 1 album unit
Video Stream 11,750 views equal 1 album unit
Equivalent Albums Sales (EAS) = 272/157 * Spotify streams / 1500 + YouTube views / 11750

Total: 4,123,058 EAS
Most streamed tracks (EAS)
1. Scream & Shout [Orphan] – 384,000
2. Toxic [In The Zone] – 380,000
3. …Baby One More Time […Baby One More Time] – 282,000
4. Oops!… I Did It Again [Oops!… I Did It Again] – 247,000
5. Work Bitch [Britney Jean] – 193,000
6. Womanizer [Circus] – 185,000
7. Make Me… [Glory] – 131,000
8. Till The World Ends [Femme Fatale] – 129,000
9. My Only Wish (This Year) [Orphan] – 109,000
10. Circus [Circus] – 107,000
11. Gimme More [Blackout] – 99,000
12. I Wanna Go [Femme Fatale] – 92,000
13. I’m A Slave 4 U [Britney] – 77,000
14. Everytime [In The Zone] – 77,000
15. Pretty Girls [Orphan] – 75,000
16. Piece Of Me [Blackout] – 74,000
17. Criminal [Femme Fatale] – 70,000
18. (You Drive Me) Crazy […Baby One More Time] – 68,000
19. Slumber Party [Glory] – 67,000
20. Sometimes […Baby One More Time] – 63,000
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