Streaming Masters – Twice
The 9-members K-pop group Twice has been exploding year after year since their 2015 debut. They have now reached a point where they are arguably the biggest girl group in the world.
During 2018, they even were the most streamed artist in Japan, outdoing BTS! But just how well are they doing globally?

In order to account for her real popularity in each relevant country, the below sources have been used along with the mentioned ratios that reflect the market share of each area.
Audio Streams
– South Korea : Genie streams * 3.05 (consistent with Gaon streaming numbers)
– Japan : AWA streams * 100/5.5 (AWA has 5.5% of the Japanese streaming market)
– Elsewhere : Spotify streams * (370 – 8.5 – 9.5 – 33 – 9) / 207 (370 million global subscribers minus 8.5 million from South Korea minus 9.5 million from Japan minus 33 million from China divided by the number of Spotify only users minus 9 million more Asian users) + Genie streams * 2.25 (uses Genie rather than Spotify to extrapolate markets like Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam)*
*The multiplier for Genie streams have been set to 2.25 instead of the usual 3.05 to not inflate her Asian numbers since her popularity is much larger in South Korea in comparison unlike most western acts and more global K-pop artists like BTS and Blackpink.
Video Streams – China* : Xiami streams * 125/6.5 (Xiami has just over 5% of the Chinese streaming market)
– Elsewhere : Youtube views
*since 96.4% of Chinese streaming platforms are free users, that paid-for users pay less than $2 a month and that they are also used as video streaming platforms, their streams are weighted in par with YouTube streams.
Audio Stream value – 1500 plays equal 1 album unit
Video Stream value – 11,750 views equal 1 album unit
Equivalent Albums Sales (EAS) = ( Spotify * 310/207 + Genie * 3.05 + Genie * 2.25 + AWA * 100/5.5 ) / 1500 + ( Xiami * 125/6.5 + YouTube ) / 11750
Twice streaming review – the results

Total: 4,357,841 EAS
Want uptodate data? Access updated numbers everyday right here!
Twice most streamed tracks (EAS)
1. TT [Twicecoaster] – 417,000
2. What is Love? [What is Love] – 357,000
3. Cheer Up [Page Two] – 356,000
4. Dance the Night Away [What is Love?] – 319,000
5. Likey [Twicetagram] – 312,000
6. Yes or Yes [Yes or Yes] – 301,000
7. Fancy [Fancy You] – 276,000
8. Knock Knock [Twicecoaster] – 257,000
9. Heart Shaker [Twicetagram] – 253,000
10. Like Ooh-Ahh [The Story Begins] – 249,000
11. Signal [Signal] – 216,000
12. Feel Special [Feel Special] – 129,000
13. BDZ [BDZ] – 51,000
14. Candy Pop [BDZ] – 40,000
15. One More Time [BDZ] – 34,000
16. The Best Thing I Ever Did [Yes or Yes] – 31,000
17. Merry & Happy [Twicetagram] – 30,000
18. Breakthrough [&Twice] – 30,000
19. Jelly Jelly [Twicecoaster] – 28,000
20. I Want You Back [BDZ] – 25,000
Sources: Spotify, YouTube, AWA (app), Xiami, Genie.