Official Global Top Sellers of 2004 – with Sales

#5 Avril Lavigne – Under My Skin – 6,500,000
Following up the monster seller Let Go which was the #2 best seller of 2002 and #9 of 2003, Avril Lavigne proved to be a solid album seller with the #5 record of the year Under My Skin.
It has a lead of nearly 1 million over the #6 album of the year, but as a June release it had many less copies lying on store shelves by the end of December, which means the gap in retail was much bigger showing that the top 5 was especially strong. The album sold to consumers more than 2,33 million units in the US and 510,000 copies in the UK, leaving massive room for sales elsewhere. It isn’t surprising since we know how popular the singer has been in her native Canada, Latin America, Australia and on the top of those, in Asia. Under My Skin went Diamond for 1 million copies shipped in Japan in September 2004, only 3 months after its release.