France Album Sales: Madonna

Music (2000) Era

Now that she recovered her hey-days status, Madonna returned with Music album and single in 2000. To highlight how big she was at that time one week after the single debuted Ray Of Light (#10), Something To Remember (#61) and True Blue (#75) all reentered the Top 75, so did The Immaculate Collection in the Compilation Chart as high as #6.

Music single peaked only at #8 which may seem weak giving the circumstances. In reality, this result was incredibly positive as for the very first time of her career Madonna was now becoming more an album seller than a hit maker, with her songs doing wonders for their parent albums. The #8 lead single led the album to a huge #1 debut ahead of French gigantic seller Michel Sardou and #16 second single Don’t Tell Me pushed the album up from #24 to #8 during the key Christmas season. This resulted in 420,000 sales for the year 2000, followed by 210,000 more in 2001 and 40,000 in 2002, making Music the sixth half a million selling album of the singer.

With enough hits since 1992 to fulfil a new compilation, GHV2 was released for 2001 fall. The album charted at #2 in December in the Compilation Chart, topped by Mylène Farmer massive best of Les Mots. Strong sales during the holidays enabled the set to be ranked as the #5 compilation of the year.

Along with the release of GHV2, all Madonna past albums got their certifications updated so it is time to review all her up to date sales, as they stood by the end of 2002!

1983 Madonna – 345,000
1984 Like A Virgin – 680,000
1986 True Blue – 1,055,000
1987 Who’s That Girl – 610,000
1987 You Can Dance – 430,000
1989 Like A Prayer – 620,000
1990 I’m Breathless – 280,000
1990 The Immaculate Collection – 975,000
1992 Erotica – 340,000
1994 Bedtime Stories – 250,000
1995 Something To Remember – 270,000
1996 Evita – 220,000
1998 Ray Of Light – 950,000
2000 Music – 670,000
2001 GHV2 – 320,000

Top 3 Most Streamed Tracks on Spotify
  1. Music – 9,968,000
  2. American Pie – 5,313,000
  3. Don’t Tell Me – 4,792,000

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