France Best Selling Albums Ever:
Update Part 6 (41-21)

#40 – 7,000

Jean-Jacques GoldmanEn Passant (1997) : 1 465 000

One of the most anticipated albums ever – at the time the pop star first solo album in 10 years – En Passant remains a strong seller up to this day. It was released one year after Jean-Jacques Goldman massive selling compilation Singulier, thus the album still isn’t cannibalized by a greatest hits album even 20 years after its release. On surface, the record isn’t doing much with a #70 peak inside the Catalog Chart. Its five charted weeks were spread over 4 spells though and a comparison with Chansons Pour Les Pieds reveals it was most likely among the Top 200 Catalog sellers pretty much all year long despite charting much less time inside the available Top 100.

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