France Best Selling Albums Ever:
Update Part 3

The CranberriesNo Need to Argue (1994) : 1 540 000

France is likely the only country where the Cranberries went Top 10 with all their studio albums, from 1993 debut to 2012 comeback record. Someway, the fact that the band isn’t a one-album wonder here impacts No Need to Argue catalog sales negatively. It makes their compilation Stars all the more worth it. Charting around the Top 1,000 at, it performs way better than the studio album which tends to be around the Top 10,000. The band is rarely active but the status of the album and the strong recurrent airplay of Zombie and Ode To My Family provide it a few steady sales week after week.

Mylène FarmerAnamorphosée (1995) : 1 025 000

The third Mylène Farmer album in this article, Anamorphosée is on par with L’Autre in terms of catalog sales, estimated at just over 2,000 units for the year. As it turned 20 in 2015, there is no jump nor anniversary edition to expect before long.

Fugees – The Score (1996) : 1 210 000

There isn’t that many urban albums so widely regarded as all-time greats even by fans outside of their original target audience. With group members following solo careers after this record, Fugees classic The Score hasn’t got much of light since 20 years. It still re-entered a few times on catalog or main chart up to 2008, although a Greatest Hits was issued in 2003. Its generation is gone by now, with the youngsters hardly knowing them anymore, lowering its catalog sales.

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