CSPC albums updated daily with streaming data
Slightly over a year ago, we announced a mass update of the all-time artists list thanks to dynamic streaming data.
Today, we do one more step forward by making all our articles and all-time lists dynamic at album level.
Would you hazard a guess at how many units albums like Thriller, Rumours, Appetite For Destruction or Metallica‘s Black Album are gaining every day thanks to streaming?
The answer is over 2,000 equivalent album sales. Every day. Mondays, tuesdays, wednesdays, etc… you got it.
No need to say that more recent efforts can hit even higher numbers. Ed Sheeran‘s Divide and Bruno Mars‘ Doo-Wops & Hooligans bank in 5,000 sales per day.
Obviously, a top albums list gets outdated fast if albums can move 150,000 EAS every month with streams alone. In fact, Nevermind by Nirvana is up by nearly 3 million units since we posted their breakdown.
These days of terribly outdated data are over. Since this week, all CSPC articles include a final results table with updated streams.
Our tool is now scheduled to record these albums’ streams in a daily basis.
All relevant albums are included. Relevant means albums with over 2 million CSPC units, or 250,000 EAS from streams, or from an artist who debuted since 2000. Remaining ones will be added shortly.
Here is how the new enhancement looks like:

The cover is shown, but the most important change is under the ‘Streams’ columns.
The ‘Last verified’ value is the one from our manual searches while completing the article. It enables to know the artist relative relevance on various platforms.
The ‘Auto update’ column uses updated Spotify streams and apply the artist last verified conversion rates to define an updated value.
‘Daily increase’ enables to see how well the album has done since the last article (‘Av.’), but also how well it’s doing right now (‘LD’).
The fact that streams for all albums are now in a level playing field enables to compare them with more fairness.
Our historical page for all-time most successful albums have been updated as well.
It includes updated streams, a Top 500 all-time, yearly and decade lists since 1956, and even unstudied albums with suffisant streams!
Below is the all-time top 10:

Thriller went up from 116 million to 119 million. Rumours is catching on Bad. Nevermind moved ahead of The Bodyguard and zooms on higher albums. So many things to learn in a second.
What about the next 10?

Grease and Let’s Talk About Love are losing ground, Appetite For Destruction can’t stop climbing, just like Metallica, while 21 is already sitting at #17.
Lower down you’ll see that Ed Sheeran‘s X is larger than Led Zeppelin‘s House of the Holy, that Justin Bieber‘s My Worlds tops Madonna‘s Ray Of Light or that Eminem makes the list 8 times.
There are much to learn from annual and decade lists as well. Below is 10s top 10 which shows that it now takes 18 million units to be featured among these blockbusters.

As many as 7 of them are still gaining 1 million or more per year. How high will they be once they are as old as our 80s favorites?
You can check all these lists right now at this link, simply browsing the Available Lists navigation block. The link can be reached from the website menu entry Top Albums – EAS. Enjoy!