France Album Sales: Lady Gaga

Lady Gaga

Lady Gaga is special. Her debut album was a monster success. Her last pop record was a huge flop. After that latter album, with no notice she left heavily popular sounds to record an adult Jazz music record in duet with legendary 89 years old Tony Bennett. What’s more, even if her last albums had dubious sales, nobody doubt she will sell big again sooner or later.

A one of a kind artist, Lady Gaga indeed has three solid arguments backing her. First, she created a following that is poised to be long lasting. Second, she already proved her skills to create big hits. Third, her star popularity quickly crossed over the music world to become a widely known face, more than most of her peers including some that outsold her. Will that return to the top happen with her upcoming album, likely coming out during this year Christmas season?

Before predicting what’s going to happen, it makes sense to look at her past discography first to see how she performed in France. That’s exactly what we will be doing during the next pages with detailed sales information on her discography. Please be aware all Spotify figures refer to worldwide streaming as they only aim to display which albums still have strong catalog hits as of now. Let’s go!

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