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Michael Jackson albums and songs sales

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Garage singer Guest
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From a man called "Guillaume Vieira", i'm sure you know who that is

"205-225 million albums, 120 million physical singles, 22 million digital singles, 17 million music videos, 2 million ringtones - 2009

  • This means sales of 360-380 million at the time of death

Including Billboard's 117 million record sales (singles / albums) since his death that puts it at 470-503 million, this figure does not include the This is It DVD which sold 12 million, that's 489 million right there.
Since then he's sold another 5 million which brings it up to at least 490-500 million

Queen's song sales jumped 260% and album sales went up nearly 500% in a single year after the Biopic. Michael's already selling 1 million albums a year in the United States consistently without any promotion & nothing but hit pieces against him from the media. The Biopic is projected to make well over a billion and far surpass Bohemian Rhapsody, all it would take is another sales skyrocket like 2009 to 2014 and he's the #1

Viral on Spotify Guest
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You do realise that 'records' can mean anything from downloads to albums and even sales-equivalent streams? On this website in 2017 his sales were already estimated on over 440 million records plus streaming. So with streaming and sales since 2017, it's pretty close.

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Because it's a terrible list and really didn't think it merited much discussion, I mean it has Toxic as the 2nd most popular song ever, just behind a Queen song that is far from their most popular track. The list just smacks of weird demographics and choices.

On top of that, Jackson has so many songs on the list but is still not the top artist. The whole survey and it's "findings" are a joke.

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Mate, you posted about a stupid poll, with stupid results and proclaimed it as "the best example of how internationally huge MJ is", so please, do not spoon feed me or anybody else, anything.

Any normal person, with half an eye for detail, would notice straight away, the strange results of the survey and question it's demographics, reach, integrity, validity etc but not you, no, you see absolutely nothing untoward about the results and instead champion it, as a definitive example of how internationally huge Jackson is.

Let's look at the this definitive analysis of the most popular songs ever;
Carolina Soto, with 3 tracks in the Top 30. These 3 tracks currently have 132k, 83k and 43k streams, on Spotify.
Michael Jacksons We've Had Enough, a previously unreleased track chucked on a Box Set at 41st.
Britney Spears Everywhere #14, this isn't even one of her most popular tracks, let alone 14th most popular ever
Seems to be a distinct Latin flavour to the results, demographics
A Teens I Promised Myself at #27!
La Noche Que La Luna Salio Tarde- O91 #13!
18 Jackson songs, Jackson is on Sony, Sony conducted the survey! Poll conducted around about the same time as The Essential Michael Jackson was released. A tie in perhaps, with the album and survey?

Those are just a few things that make this survey seem very, very dubious to me, if not to you.

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I was just re-reading your point and can't actually believe you have the audacity, to say that others can't help their bias against Jackson. You've highlighted a meaningless survey, because it has favourable results for Jackson, yet extremely dubious results overall, ordained it with some kind of authority and then decided to proclaim that it represents "the best example of how internationally huge MJ is".

Now, if that is not bias towards Jackson, then I don't know what is!

It would seem being able to read is a moot point, in your case, seeing as you seem unable to discern or gain any kind of context or perspective from what you read.

Hyped artist Guest
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Michael Jackson’s Billboard 200 entries ranked by weeks in top 10 ( April 1 , 2024 ):

1. 79 , Thriller
2. 39, Bad
3. 29, Off The Wall
4. 18, Dangerous
5. 6, Michael Jackson's This Is It (Soundtrack)
6. 6 , Ben
7. 5, HIStory: Past, Present And Future Book 1
8. 4, Xscape
9. 3, Invincible
10. 2, Michael

Total : 191 weeks .

Signing a deal Guest
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Michael Jackson's EAS total seems to have increased by around four million over the last two days. I'm assuming this is a glitch?

Garage singer Guest
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 18

Why did he do arenas shows in the US with Bad Tour and stadiums overseas?

Landi Schorsch
Signing a deal
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At that time up until the 1980s, stadium concerts were not yet common, even for top international stars like MJ. Only the Rolling Stones were already established stadium acts worldwide. Nowadays, live performances are the main source of income for artists, which is why more emphasis is placed on large concerts than was previously the case.

Another reason for the difference between North America and Europe:

During the release of Bad, MJ's success in the USA had already more or less exhausted itself, while in Europe he was still in a growth phase that would last until the 1990s.

Garage singer Guest
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The absolute best to ever do it.


Garage singer
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Posts: 9

Thriller has hit 1 billion views on youtoube. It is the longest with 1 billion.
MJ is the only artist with 4 videos over 1 billion on youtoube. His 5th video will follow soon: Smooth Criminal 985 Mio.

Making some noise Guest
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chart data


Michael Jackson becomes the first artist to have five 20th century music videos surpass 1 billion views each on YouTube:

Billie Jean
They Don't Care About Us
Beat It
Smooth Criminal

Got his first mic Guest
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So how much would Thriller be certified for worldwide if it was re-certified up to date for it’s pure sales & streaming generated units? I’m confused, you have it at 66 million pure sales but streams, video streams and TEA are all counted towards album certifications now with the best selling album page here listing Thriller at 120 Million album equivalent units.

There's also the sales of the special editions which sold around 2 million each for Bad, Dangerous and Off the Wall. With Thriller special edition selling over 3 million. Are those added to the album's total pure sales as well or is it listed under LP?

Garage singer
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Posts: 9

Billie Jean has joined the 2-billion-club on spotify 😀 

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