Streaming Masters – Kent
How high streaming numbers can a Swedish rock band have? Kent might be unknown outside of Scandinavia and their native Sweden, but the interesting case about this band is that Sweden’s streaming era arguably started all the way back in 2011-2012 giving the band many years of strong catalog streams.
To put things into their context, Kent are arguably bigger in their country than U2 / Coldplay in the UK. Since their sophomore effort topped charts in 1996, they got 13 #1 albums out of 14 releases, the only one which missed it peaked at #2, that was a B-Sides album which was blocked by the Beatles‘ One during the Christmas rush in 2000. The band peaked with their 2002 album Vapen & Ammunition which went on to sell 400,000 copies in Sweden alone, a market 45 times weaker than the US. That ratio should be kept in mind while checking below EAS statistics.
CSPC articles require time to compile. It may be frustrating to wait for them too long, especially when various new artists, and even more and more catalog acts, enjoy the large majority of their sales through streaming only these days. To make sure to provide you much more frequent updates, we are going to publish Streaming Masters sheets from now on, detailing the complete streaming section of artists.
Spotify represents close to 90% of Sweden’s steaming market, while YouTube is pretty much the only video platform generating some revenue for the industry. Below is the equivalence set on the aforementioned article:
Audio Stream – 1500 plays equal 1 album unit
Video Stream – 11,750 views equal 1 album unit
Equivalent Albums Sales (EAS) = 1.15 * Spotify streams / 1500 + YouTube views / 11750
Total: 532,947 EAS
Most streamed tracks (EAS)
1. Utan dina andetag [Orphan] – 35,000
2. La Belle Epoque [Tigerdrottningen] – 18,000
3. Egoist [Orphan] – 15,000
4. 999 [Jag är inte rädd för mörkret] – 15,000
5. Dom andra [Vapen & ammunition] – 14,000
6. Pärlor [Vapen & ammunition] – 12,000
7. Sverige [Vapen & ammunition] – 12,000
8. Kärleken väntar [Vapen & ammunition] – 11,000
9. Vi är inte längre där [Då som nu för alltid] – 9,000
10. Töntarna [Röd] – 9,000
11. Mannen i den vita hatten (16 år senare) [Du & jag döden] – 9,000
12. Skisser för sommaren [En plats i solen] – 8,000
13. Socker [Vapen & ammunition] – 8,000
14. FF [Vapen & ammunition] – 8,000
15. Ingenting [Tillbaka till samtiden] – 8,000
16. Andromeda [Då som nu för alltid] – 7,000
17. Den sista sången [Då som nu för alltid] – 7,000
18. 747 [Isola] – 7,000
19. Musik Non Stop [Hagnesta Hill] – 6,000
20. Jag ser dig [Jag är inte rädd för mörkret] – 6,000

Most streamed albums (EAS)
1. Vapen & ammunition [2002] – 77,000
2. Tigerdrottningen [2014] – 58,000
3. Då som nu för alltid [2016] – 57,000
4. Jag är inte rädd för mörkret [2012] – 48,000
5. Du & jag döden [2005] – 37,000
6. Röd [2009] – 35,000
7. En plats i solen [2010] – 34,000
8. Tillbaka till samtiden [2007] – 28,000
9. Hagnesta Hill [1999]– 27,000
10. Isola [1997] – 19,000