France Album Sales: Renaud

Rouge Sang Era

Although nowhere near as hyped as Boucan D’Enfer era, Rouge Sang double album released in September 2006 largely benefited from being the follow up of such a monster seller. With #8 lead single Les Bobos, the album shot to #1 from its debut week with a massive 168,755 copies sold, almost five times more than Evanescence debut at #2 and over ten times more than Johnny Hallyday who was sitting at #3.

Sales went downhill after that but still added for 446,000 units during 2006as per IFOP. As seen in past studies, those past IFOP figures were 30% lower than more accurate GFK figures, up to an estimated 570,000 copies. Overall sales, albums plus singles, of Renaud in 2006 amounted for  784,277 units.

In 2007, the set sold 90,100 units as per GFK (IFOP scanned sales  were on 73,000). The 5CD compilation of his 1985-2006 years Les 100 Plus Belles Chansons released a couple of months before this studio album sold 42,000 copies in 2006 as per IFOP.

Related live album issued in 2007 Tournée rouge sang – Paris Bercy + Hexagone peaked at #16 shifting 75,000 units by the end of 2008. Les 50 Plus Belles Chansons best of was released in 2008 with no impact.

Top 3 Most Streamed Tracks on Spotify
  1. Les Bobos – 351,000
  2. Dans La Jungle – 49,000
  3. Elle Est Facho – 45,000
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