CSPC: Katy Perry Popularity Analysis

Katy perry

Digital Singles Sales

As a reminder, the weighting is done with a 10 to 1,5 ratio between one album and one digital single.

One Of The Boys (2008) – 4,643,000 equivalent albums

I Kissed A Girl – 11,810,000
Hot N Cold – 11,790,000
Thinking Of You – 2,130,000
Waking Up In Vegas – 3,620,000
Remaining Tracks – 1,600,000

Teenage Dream (2010) – 9,878,000 equivalent albums

California Girls – 11,060,000
Teenage Dream – 8,490,000
E.T. – 9,040,000
Last Friday Night (T.G.I.F) – 6,530,000
Firework – 12,820,000
The One That Got Away – 4,930,000
Part Of Me – 5,190,000
Wide Awake – 5,590,000
Remaining Tracks – 2,200,000

Prism (2013) – 4,116,000 equivalent albums

Roar – 11,750,000
Dark Horse – 9,470,000
Unconditionally – 2,160,000
Birthday – 1,210,000
This Is How We Do – 1,250,000
Remaining Tracks – 1,600,000

Witness (2017) – 348,000 equivalent albums

Chained To The Rhythm – 1,420,000
Bon Appétit – 330,000
Swish Swish – 470,000
Remaining Tracks – 100,000

Orphan Album – 1,329,000 equivalent albums

If We Ever Meet Again – 2,900,000
Starstrukk – 3,240,000
Rise – 700,000
Feels – 1,450,000
Remaining Tracks – 500,000

Along with the likes Taylor Swift and Rihanna, Perry is one of the leading artists among the digital sellers. Up to an incredible 135 million digital downloads, the most unbelievable fact is that she did so with mostly three album eras. Her main 12 singles from them add for a whopping 108 million. I Kissed A GirlHot N Cold, California Girls, Firework and Roar sold over 10 million each, making Perry the only female artist ever with 5 songs past 10 million units sold. Teenage Dream, E.T. and Dark Horse are all fairly close too.

The era of Teenage Dream as a whole is up to a stunning 65,85 million copies, the second most prolific era of all-time in this format, only topped by Lady Gaga‘s The Fame.

Witness fails to do well in this format with only one million selling song, Chained To The Rhythm.

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