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Backstreet Boys albums and songs sales

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At one point, the Backstreet Boys were defining success: massive albums sales across the globe, great singles sales, plenty of chart-topping releases, hugely hyped tours, and tremendous media coverage.

It is true that they benefited from extraordinarily good market conditions in all markets. After all, the all-time record year for the music business, as far as revenues in billion dollars are concerned, was actually 1999. That is back when this five men group was at its peak. 1997, 1998, 2000 and 2001 also rank amongst some of the very best years.

Yet, the way many music consumers - especially teenagers and young women's - embraced their output deserves its own chapter. If the Jonas Brothers and more recently One Direction reached a great level of popularity during the past decade, the type of success achieved by the Backstreet Boys is on a completely different level. They really dominated the business for a few years all over the world, including in some countries that were traditionally hard to penetrate for Western artists.

We will try to analyze the extent of that hegemony with this new article with final results which will more than surprise many readers. Back then, they were sharing the same label and marketing plans as Britney Spears and N' Sync. The latter group's leader Justin Timberlake and Britney Spears herself surely remained under the spotlight longer than the Backstreet Boys. Who has the most valuable career to date though?

Original Albums Sales

Backstreet Boys (1996)

Afficher l'image d'origine

  • America

    • US - N/A
    • Canada - 1,300,000
    • Argentina - 220,000
    • Brazil - 300,000
    • Mexico - 225,000

  • Asia

    • Japan - 225,000

  • Oceania

    • Australia - 100,000
    • New Zealand - 20,000

  • Europe - 3,950,000

    • UK - 280,000
    • France - 125,000
    • Germany - 1,525,000
    • Italy - 100,000
    • Spain - 425,000
    • Sweden - 110,000
    • Netherland - 175,000
    • Switzerland - 170,000
    • Austria - 160,000
    • Finland - 22,000

  • World - 7,900,000

Backstreet's Back (1997)

Afficher l'image d'origine

  • America

    • US - N/A
    • Canada - 1,400,000
    • Argentina - 340,000
    • Brazil - 575,000
    • Mexico - 400,000

  • Asia

    • Japan - 275,000

  • Oceania

    • Australia - 400,000
    • New Zealand - 100,000

  • Europe - 5,220,000

    • UK - 740,000
    • France - 160,000
    • Germany - 1,225,000
    • Italy - 575,000
    • Spain - 840,000
    • Sweden - 170,000
    • Netherland - 170,000
    • Switzerland - 140,000
    • Austria - 90,000
    • Finland - 50,000

  • World - 10,800,000

Millennium (1999)

Afficher l'image d'origine

  • America

    • US - 14,000,000
    • Canada - 1,500,000
    • Argentina - 200,000
    • Brazil - 700,000
    • Mexico - 750,000

  • Asia

    • Japan - 1,200,000

  • Oceania

    • Australia - 260,000
    • New Zealand - 50,000

  • Europe - 3,410,000

    • UK - 560,000
    • France - 110,000
    • Germany - 850,000
    • Italy - 340,000
    • Spain - 425,000
    • Sweden - 135,000
    • Netherland - 100,000
    • Switzerland - 100,000
    • Austria - 65,000
    • Finland - 43,000

  • World - 23,800,000

Black & Blue (2000) g" alt="Afficher l'image d'origine" />

  • America

    • US - 6,600,000
    • Canada - 625,000
    • Argentina - 75,000
    • Brazil - 300,000
    • Mexico - 300,000

  • Asia

    • Japan - 825,000

  • Oceania

    • Australia - 130,000
    • New Zealand - 20,000

  • Europe - 1,680,000

    • UK - 210,000
    • France - 20,000
    • Germany - 500,000
    • Italy - 160,000
    • Spain - 180,000
    • Sweden - 80,000
    • Netherland - 65,000
    • Switzerland - 60,000
    • Austria - 30,000
    • Finland - 27,000

  • World - 11,500,000

Never Gone (2005)

Afficher l'image d'origine

  • America

    • US - 850,000
    • Canada - 125,000
    • Argentina - N/A
    • Brazil - 40,000
    • Mexico - 50,000

  • Asia

    • Japan - 600,000

  • Oceania

    • Australia - 60,000
    • New Zealand - 10,000

  • Europe - 600,000

    • UK - 85,000
    • France - 15,000
    • Germany - 180,000
    • Italy - 100,000
    • Spain - 25,000
    • Sweden - 20,000
    • Netherland - 15,000
    • Switzerland - 25,000
    • Austria - 10,000
    • Finland - N/A

  • World - 2,650,000

Unbreakable (2007)

Afficher l'image d'origine

  • America

    • US - 225,000
    • Canada - 50,000
    • Argentina - N/A
    • Brazil - 20,000
    • Mexico - N/A

  • Asia

    • Japan - 400,000

  • Oceania

    • Australia - 15,000
    • New Zealand - N/A

  • Europe - 160,000

    • UK - 25,000
    • France - 3,000
    • Germany - 50,000
    • Italy - 20,000
    • Spain - 10,000
    • Sweden - 5,000
    • Netherland - 5,000
    • Switzerland - 10,000
    • Austria - N/A
    • Finland - N/A

  • World - 1,050,000

This Is Us (2009)

Afficher l'image d'origine

  • America

    • US - 130,000
    • Canada - 20,000
    • Argentina - N/A
    • Brazil - 15,000
    • Mexico - N/A

  • Asia

    • Japan - 325,000

  • Oceania

    • Australia - 10,000
    • New Zealand - N/A

  • Europe - 110,000

    • UK - 25,000
    • France - 2,000
    • Germany - 25,000
    • Italy - 10,000
    • Spain - 10,000
    • Sweden - 5,000
    • Netherland - 5,000
    • Switzerland - 5,000
    • Austria - N/A
    • Finland - N/A

  • World - 750,000

In a World Like This (2013)

Afficher l'image d'origine

  • America

    • US - 100,000
    • Canada - 15,000
    • Argentina - N/A
    • Brazil - N/A
    • Mexico - N/A

  • Asia

    • Japan - 150,000

  • Oceania

    • Australia - 5,000
    • New Zealand - N/A

  • Europe - 100,000

    • UK - 25,000
    • France - N/A
    • Germany - 30,000
    • Italy - 5,000
    • Spain - 10,000
    • Sweden - N/A
    • Netherland - 10,000
    • Switzerland - 5,000
    • Austria - N/A
    • Finland - N/A

  • World - 450,000

Original Album Sales - Comments

1996 Backstreet Boys - 7,900,000
1997 Backstreet's Back - 10,800,000
1999 Millennium - 23,800,000
2000 Black & Blue - 11,500,000
2005 Never Gone - 2,650,000
2007 Unbreakable - 1,050,000
2009 This Is Us - 750,000
2013 In a World Like This - 450,000

With 8 studio albums, the Backstreet Boys can be proud to have accumulated such a massive tally as they sold almost 59 million studio albums, an average of 7,3 million per title. This includes their 4 last LPs, without them the average would have been an even more impressive 13,5 million. It proves their fort isn't quite their longevity but, in fact, the way they dominated the scene at their peak period. The best evidence of that dominance is Millennium which moved an impressive 23,8 million units.

It must be said that both Backstreet Boys and Backstreet's Back weren't issued in the US which got instead Backstreet Boys, some kind of compilation with songs from those two early albums. That US LP moved a tremendous 14,2 million copies there, bringing their totals even higher. That record will be seen in the Remaining Long Formats category as usual.

A side note about album sales breakdowns: several figures posted here are under officially certified amount. Black & Blue is 8xPlatinum in the US, representing 8 million units, as well as Platinum in the Netherland for 80,000 units. Those markets sales are estimated on 6,6 million and 65,000 units respectively. In the same way, Never Gone is certified for 1 million units in the US and 100,000 units in the UK, being estimated at 850,000 and 85,000 units. Those are not mistakes but instead records massively shipped upon release with copies that ended up being returned due to proportionally disappointing sales in regards to expectations. This brought a lot of mockery against Black & Blue, although in all fairness shifting 6,6 million copies in the US is still an incredible success no matter what.

Physical Singles Sales

Backstreet Boys (1996) - 1,740,000 equivalent albums

We've Got It Goin' On - 1,200,000
Anywhere for You - 600,000
Get Down (You're the One for Me) - 700,000
I'll Never Break Your Heart - 800,000
Quit Playin' Games (with My Heart) - 2,500,000

Backstreet's Back (1997) - 1,770,000 equivalent albums

Everybody (Backstreet's Back) - 2,500,000
As Long as You Love Me - 1,750,000
All I Have to Give - 1,600,000
That's the Way I Like It - 50,000

Millennium (1999) - 1,230,000 equivalent albums

Larger than Life - 750,000
I Want It That Way - 2,000,000
Show Me the Meaning of Being Lonely - 1,000,000
The One - 350,000

Black & Blue (2000) - 495,000 equivalent albums

The Call - 300,000
Shape of My Heart - 1,100,000
More than That - 250,000

Never Gone (2005) - 120,000 equivalent albums

Incomplete - 200,000
Just Want You to Know - 100,000
Crawling Back to You & Still - 100,000

Unbreakable (2007) - 15,000 equivalent albums

Inconsolable &  Helpless When She Smiles - 50,000

This Is Us (2009) - 15,000 equivalent albums

Straight Through My Heart & Bigger - 50,000

In a World Like This (2013) - 3,000 equivalent albums

In a World like This - 10,000

Orphan - 15,000 equivalent albums

It's Christmas Time AgainChristmas TimeGod, Your Mama, And MeFriends, Never Say Goodbye & Don't Turn Out the Lights - 50,000

Digital Singles Sales

As a reminder, the weighting is done with a 10 to 1,5 ratio between one album and one digital single.

Backstreet Boys (1996) - 405,000 equivalent albums

We've Got It Goin' On - 300,000
Anywhere for You - 100,000
Get Down (You're the One for Me) - 300,000
I'll Never Break Your Heart - 300,000
Quit Playin' Games (with My Heart) - 900,000
Remaining tracks - 800,000

Backstreet's Back (1997) - 930,000 equivalent albums

Everybody (Backstreet's Back) - 3,000,000
As Long as You Love Me - 2,500,000
All I Have to Give - 500,000
Remaining tracks - 200,000

Millennium (1999) - 975,000 equivalent albums

Larger than Life - 1,000,000
I Want It That Way - 4,000,000
Show Me the Meaning of Being Lonely - 1,000,000
Remaining tracks - 500,000

Black & Blue (2000) - 240,000 equivalent albums

The Call - 400,000
Shape of My Heart - 800,000
Remaining tracks - 400,000

Never Gone (2005) - 135,000 equivalent albums

Incomplete - 500,000
Remaining tracks - 400,000

Unbreakable (2007) - 105,000 equivalent albums

Inconsolable - 400,000
Remaining tracks - 300,000

This Is Us (2009) - 188,000 equivalent albums

Straight Through My Heart - 1,000,000
Remaining tracks - 250,000

In a World Like This (2013) - 105,000 equivalent albums

In a World like This - 500,000
Remaining tracks - 200,000

Orphan - 300,000 equivalent albums

It's Christmas Time Again - 500,000
Remaining tracks - 1,500,000

Streaming Sales

Below table lists Spotify streaming of all songs from the five albums we are studying. The Comprehensive Streaming is reached by multiplying Spotify figures by 68/26. In fact, f" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">as shown in IFPI 2015 Report, there were 68 million paying subscribers to all streaming platforms by the end of 2015. While the exact count of Spotify paying subscribers by the end of 2015 is unknown, that figure reached 20 million in June 2015 and 30 million in March 2016, thus an estimated 26 million is used as of the end of 2015.

The equivalent album sales is the division of the comprehensive streaming figure by 1500 as it is now the norm in the new industry model.

NB: as we now switched to 2017, is going to update the ratio used on this methodology as soon as official market information from IFPI gets published in order to maintain the relevancy of all figures.

Streaming Part 1 - Golden Years

We start this section with their strongest albums, all above 100,000 equivalent albums sold. In fact, Millennium is up to almost 340,000 sales and Backstreet's Back at 265,000.

A combined 700,000 for their golden period, proving their biggest hits maintained a great status and are still remembered by the general public. Their leading force is I Want It That Way which has a huge 120 million plays at Spotify, but it isn't their lone success as Everybody at 81 million and As Long As You Love Me at 49 million perform very well too.

Streaming Part 2 - End & Restart

Giving previously seen patterns what is yet to come, Black & Blue gets fairly good results, just 10,000 equivalent albums sales below their first album, Backstreet Boys.

Considering it doesn't appear amongst their most revered records, and with only one hit, Never Gone produced a remarkable 66,000 CSPC's sales.

Streaming Part 3 - Recent Years

In spite of being released closer to the streaming era, their last 3 albums didn't add much on Spotify and other online platforms. No song from them tops even 6 million plays which results in none of them reaching 50,000 equivalent album sales in streaming format.

Streaming Part 4 - Orphan Tracks

And last, but not least, their Orphan tracks add a very good 65,000 equivalent albums sales.

Their song Drowning would have been thought off as their biggest Orphan track, but, to the surprise of some, Christmas Time has got to be widely accepted by their public and achieved over 12 million streams on Spotify and over 21,000 equivalent albums sales alone. 2012 song It's Christmas Time Again did decently too at 7 million streams.

Full Length related records Sales

The Backstreet Boys' career is quite standard: studio albums, singles, tours, then some compilations releases. It does feature a few specificities as the aforementioned US-only Backstreet Boys album and the high volume of music videos issued and sold.

Remaining Long Format Part 1 - Compilations

How to understand this table? If you check for example The Hits - Chapter One compilation line, those figures mean it sold 6,600,000 units worldwide. The second statistics column means all versions of all songs included on this package add for almost 428 million streaming plays on Spotify.

The second part at the right of the table shows how many streams are coming from each original album plus the share it represents on the overall package streams. Thus, streaming figures tell us Backstreet Boys -the album- songs are responsible for 13% of the album's attractiveness, which means it generated 861,000 of its 6,600,000 album sales and so on for the other records.

We already see a pattern in the above albums, with Millennium taking the lead largely thanks to I Want It That Way.

Both Backstreet Boys and Backstreet's Back take a reasonably big share too, whilst their other records rank much lower, even Black & Blue which, at the time, was very successful and some of its parent singles achieved big initial success.

BONUS – Original Compilation Sales

Backstreet Boys (1997)

Afficher l'image d'origine

  • America

    • US - 14,200,000
    • Canada - N/A
    • Argentina - N/A
    • Brazil - N/A
    • Mexico - N/A

  • Asia

    • Japan - N/A

  • Oceania

    • Australia - N/A
    • New Zealand - N/A

  • Europe - N/A

    • UK - N/A
    • France - N/A
    • Germany - N/A
    • Italy - N/A
    • Spain - N/A
    • Sweden - N/A
    • Netherlands - N/A
    • Switzerland - N/A
    • Austria - N/A
    • Finland - N/A

  • World - N/A

Remaining Long Format Part 2 - Early videos

In parallel of selling albums in massive quantities, the group was no stranger to the music video format either, registering great sales through both VHS and DVD. The Backstreet Boys, not surprisingly, reached tremendous figures via that avenue.

Sales distribution-wise, in the above titles which include their most successful videos, Millennium doesn't look as strong as they did on the compilations. Their first two albums, Backstreet Boys and Backstreet's Back, take the highest shares.

Remaining Long Format Part 3 - Latter videos

With these music videos, on the other hand, Millennium regains its status, in some cases by an overwhelming margin.

Thanks to Around The World, Black & Blue gets a good 300,000 additional copies. And the rest of their catalogue gets predictable results: their first two albums obtain very good results, their last efforts didn't generate much.

Backstreet Boys Career CSPC Results

So, after checking all figures, how many overall album sales equivalent each Backstreet Boys album achieved? Well, at this point we barely need to do the addition of all figures defined all over this article!

[xyz-ips snippet="updatedCSPCalbums"]

If the average sales per studio album was already great, as seen above, the final CSPC's figures look naturally stronger as the Backstreet Boys also managed big cumulative sales from other full length releases, especially compilations and music videos, plus other formats, amongst them physical singles, digital downloads songs and streaming.

All in all, the first two albums get the strongest benefit due to their second self-titled album, Backstreet Boys, released only in the USA and featuring tracks from its predecessors. It sold over 14 million in the biggest worldwide market and all those, naturally, are split between the first self-titled album and Backstreet's Back.

Backstreet Boys - the original studio album - jumps from 7,9 million to a more fittingly massive 17 million, whereas Backstreet's Back generated an extra 17,4 million equivalent album sales to nothing less than 28,2 million CSPC's sales.

Despite such strong figures, Millennium remains their biggest album ever, their signature LP. At 29,55 million, this is firmly established in the upper side of their catalogue, albeit not by such a strong margin as on pure albums sales.

After their biggest album, they lost ground as already mentioned. Black & Blue, however, still generated 13,3 million unit sales overall and Never Gone almost 3 million. This Is Us and In A World Like This, their last two outputs, failed to reach 1 million. The most striking fact pointing out the incredible meltdown after their first split is the cumulative tally of 5,8 million from their last 4 albums combined, all together they reach barely 40% of their weakest seller among the first part of their career, e.g. Black & Blue.

Nevermind, the Backstreet Boys amassed the impressive total of 94,43 million equivalent album sales. A total that puts them alongside some of their peers like Britney Spears who's up to 99,8 million. The bad thing is that, at current trends, it will take long before they reach 100 million CSPC sales. Such a huge result is nothing to feel shy about yet.

As usual, feel free to comment and / or ask a question!

Sources: IFPI, Spotify,

Biggest tracks - Backstreet Boys

The list of most successful songs is compiled in album equivalent sales generated by each of them. It includes the song own physical singles sales with a 0,3 weighting, its download and streaming sales with appropriate weighting too plus its share among sales of all albums on which it is featured.

  1. 1999 - I Want It That Way [Millennium] - 18,360,000
  2. 1997 - Everybody (Backstreet's Back) [Backstreet's Back] - 14,760,000
  3. 1997 - As Long as You Love Me [Backstreet's Back] - 9,370,000
  4. 1996 - Quit Playin' Games (with My Heart) [Backstreet Boys] - 8,480,000
  5. 2000 - Shape of My Heart [Black & Blue] - 6,160,000
  6. 1999 - Larger than Life [Millennium] - 4,130,000
  7. 1999 - Show Me the Meaning of Being Lonely [Millennium] - 3,690,000
  8. 2000 - The Call [Black & Blue] - 3,120,000
  9. 1997 - All I Have to Give [Backstreet's Back] - 3,090,000
  10. 1995 - I'll Never Break Your Heart [Backstreet Boys] - 2,700,000
  11. 1995 - We've Got It Goin' On [Backstreet Boys] - 2,540,000
  12. 1996 - Get Down (You're the One for Me) [Backstreet Boys] - 1,610,000
  13. 2005 - Incomplete [Never Gone] - 1,560,000
  14. 2000 - More than That [Black & Blue] - 1,460,000
  15. 1999 - The One [Millennium] - 1,120,000

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Got his first mic Guest
Joined: 8 years ago
Posts: 1

I love the backstreet boys

Signing a deal Guest
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Posts: 79

Hi MJD and Hernán! Great job on this analysis on BSB!

When i calculated the album sales breakdown for their first 3 albums, the remaining countries not listed add up to 1,5-2 million albums.

Are they really that huge in Southeast Asia and Africa? If so, can you please evaluate their biggest markets there and provide some numbers for us?

Please and thank you! Keep up the good work! By the way, is the Whitney CSPC analysis coming up? If so, looking forward for it!

Got his first mic Guest
Joined: 8 years ago
Posts: 3

Hi MJD! Great job on this article (as always). I'm actually a little surprised by their album sales, because even though they're still massive, I always thought they were around 80-85 million. Nice to see Millennium nearing the 30 million mark in terms of CSPC. Hopefully it will get there one day.

I have a question involving one of their peers, who has sold more albums (studio + compilation). Britney Spears or the Backstreet Boys? Because I only counted 73 million for the Backstreet Boys, and you estimated nearly 77 million for Britney. I always thought the Backstreet Boys had sold more albums so I'm a little confused about that.

Anyway, fantastic work regardless. When you have the time, you should try to analyze other acts from that era (Christina Aguilera, N'Sync), I feel like that would be really interesting!

Got his first mic Guest
Joined: 8 years ago
Posts: 1

Hernan, you did a great job. Congratulations. I have a question: which album sold more, millenium or baby one more time?

Millennium (1999)

US 14,000,000
Canada 1,500,000
Argentina 200,000
Brazil 700,000
Japan 1,200,000
Australia 260,000
New Zealand  50,000
Europe 3,410,000
UK  560,000
France 110,000
Germany 850,000
Italy 340,000
Spain 425,000
Netherland 100,000
Austria 65,000
Finland 43,000
World  23,800,000


Baby One More Time (1999)

AmericaUS 14,200,000
Canada 1,400,000
Argentina 140,000
Brazil 300,000
Mexico 425,000
Japan 500,000
Australia  320,000
New Zealand 50,000
Europe  4,740,000
UK  1,275,000
France 675,000
Germany 850,000
Italy 200,000
Spain 350,000
Sweden 100,000
Netherland 225,000
Switzerland 125,000
Austria  55,000
Finland  38,000
World  23,500,000


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Hello Raffi!

Actually, a lot of certifications came out for them back in the day. By mid-98, their first two albums were certified as listed below:
Backstreet Boys
Philippines Platinum x7 280,000
Taiwan Platinum x5 250,000
Malaysia Platinum x5 125,000
Hong Kong Platinum x3 60,000
Indonesia Platinum x3 150,000
Singapore Platinum x3 45,000
Thailand Platinum 50,000
India Platinum 20,000
Korea Gold 50,000

Chile Platinum x5 100,000
Venezuela Platinum 20,000
Colombia Gold 25,000

Backstreet's Back
Philippines Platinum x8 320,000
Malaysia Platinum x6 150,000
Indonesia Platinum x4 200,000
Hong Kong Platinum x4 80,000
Taiwan Platinum x4 200,000
India Platinum x4 80,000
Singapore Platinum x3 45,000
Thailand Platinum x3 150,000
South Korea Platinum x2 200,000

Chile Platinum x5 100,000
Venezuela Platinum x3 60,000
Colombia Gold 25,000

South Africa Platinum x2 100,000
The Gulf Platinum x2 60,000

Below list of Millennium certifications came out only 6 months after its release.
Philippines Platinum x5 200,000
Taiwan Platinum x4 200,000
Malaysia Platinum x4 100,000
South Korea Platinum x3 300,000
Indonesia Platinum x3 150,000
India Platinum x3 60,000
Singapore Platinum x3 45,000
Thailand Platinum x2 100,000
Hong Kong Platinum x2 40,000

I'll let your gauge those figures by yourself but obviously they are strongly impressive.

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Hi Bri!

I think you missed something on BSB count as they are up to 80 million albums sold overall! The gap was much bigger about a decade ago but is diminishing ever since, although at low pace now.

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Hi Cameron!

Millennium is undoubtedly the biggest seller on markets not listed - rest of Latin America and continental Asia - thus it is quite natural that its Worldwide estimate is higher too with listed countries accounting for the same total!

Got his first mic Guest
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Definitely One Direction is bigger than Backstreet Boys. 25 million albums in this decade are more impressive than 75 million in the end of 90s.

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Hi Tomas,

One Direction have been obviously incredibly popular, on which argument can you safely claim they got bigger than the Backstreet Boys though? Millennium had 26 weeks inside the US Top 3 Album Chart at the most competitive era of all-time, that's more than One Direction full discography combined.

Got his first mic Guest
Joined: 8 years ago
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Ricky Martin and Britney Spears also had a lot of weeks inside top 3 that year. And Santana. It's nothing special. Sales were huge then. I wish you could adjust those sales to be able to compare them with One direction´s sales. Thank you for your kindness and job. And sorry for my english.

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Millennium was the #1 album of the year - 26 weeks Top 3 is definitely an awful lot. Britney Spears only had 1 week Top 3 and both Santana & Ricky Martin had much less weeks there than Millennium in spite of their own success being already special. This is even more impressive considering that BSB album debuted with a gigantic number, selling bucket loads in a few weeks only.
Saying sales were huge then is ok, but arguying selling an average of 315,000 copies of an album per week during 30 weeks is nothing special is delusional. I don't even mention their success in countries like Germany or Japan that was much bigger than 1D one. No hate against One Direction - but Backstreet Boys were just bigger than them, even factoring in the market context.

Got his first mic Guest
Joined: 8 years ago
Posts: 4

Ok. I admit that Backstreet Boys were bigger in album sales, but One Direction are bigger in tours and singles, and they had more longevity (Backstreet Boys were eclipsed very quickly by nsync and destiny's child).

I now you havent hate against One Direction. Thank you for answer me.

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Posts: 1862

Sadly I still can't agree 😉

Both bands had 6 Top 10 singles, those of the BSB lasting much longer as 1D mostly benefitted from big selling debut weeks. In Tours, their 1999 shows ranked second to Bruce Springsteen in Pollstar annual biggest tours list. They also smashed from 1996 to 2001, the same time frame as 1D. The DC & N' Sync never reached their level of success. Their supposed flop album Black & Blue sold on par with Destiny's Survivor, which was a huge smash for them, which perfectly reveal they weren't on the same league.

Got his first mic Guest
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Posts: 4

It was difficult for me, but... You are right.
Do you know where I can see albuI chart of albums? Billboard page is very slow and complicated.
I know tha may be impossible but can you make, in a future, a methology to adjust albums of differents context of sales ? I think that billboard made one. What is your opinion about that methology? Thanks.

Garage singer Guest
Joined: 8 years ago
Posts: 7

Interesting discussing MJD

But wouldn't Spears's first three albums each spending only one week at number one make the sales for those three albums more impressive than some might give them credit for?

Garage singer Guest
Joined: 8 years ago
Posts: 7

My mistake MJD,

Her debut actually did have more weeks at number one than one week but her next two did not.

Member Admin
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Hi Cbvnm!

Weeks at #1 depend too much on the competition. You must look at Top 3/5/10 weeks. BOMT managed 50 consecutive weeks inside the Top 10 (47 at #7 or better) in spite of a huge debut. Then Oops had 17 consecutive weeks Top 3 sticking long at #2 due to heavy Eminem / Nelly albums. Britney sold bucket loads within' 7 weeks due to the late release and Top 5 placing during the crucial Holiday season. It's not the same at all as, say, Femme Fatale which debuted at #1 thanks to low April competition and then dropped fast!

Got his first mic Guest
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Wow. Britney's peak was monstrous. BOMT and OIDIA managed more weeks inside top 10 than the whole discography of Beyonce, for example, and at the most competitive era of all-time. And she was so young...

Are you goint to analyze Spice Girls soon? I wanna know if her peak was so succesful as the Backstreet Boys´s peak.

Garage singer Guest
Joined: 8 years ago
Posts: 7

Thanks for that info MJD.

One would think that weeks inside the top 10 or top 3 are a more tangible testament of popularity than sales being large during a given period, unlike the poster you went back forth with suggested.

Signing a deal Guest
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I may be mistaken but I don't think you've mentioned The Essential BSB (which charted in South Korea) and the collaboration album with the New Kids On The Block. The latter charted in Australia, the US, Canada and probably elsewhere too. It contains 5 BSB hits and 3 new songs recorded with TNKOTB. Only one song out of those last 3 is available on streaming platforms.
It didn't do much in the charts but it still counts ! 🙂

By the way, I think their carreer trajectory is very similar to that of TNKOTB who were hugely successful from 1986 to 1991, even though sales were weaker at that time.
It's funny how BSB never really made it in France.

Garage singer Guest
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I never knew they were THAT huge, 80 million albums is just incredible. They're outsold Janet and Britney. I never knew.

Garage singer Guest
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I was looking back at this analysis and I have thought up some questions regarding the Backstreet Boys' album sales, mainly concerning that in Europe.

Their distribution of sales in Europe was quite weird. They were absolutely massive in Spain and Germany, but were relatively weak in the UK, France and Netherlands. Could you explain this phenomenon? Was teen pop more successful in certain European countries than others? Britney Spears and the Spice Girls had a more linear album sales distribution across Europe though.

Another country where their sales confused me is Japan. Their first 2 albums sold modestly there, when they were experiencing their peak in several other markets. Then, suddenly with Millineum, they somehow achieved a huge 1,2m seller? What's more, they managed impressive sales in Japan even after their golden years (1997-2001). Could you please explain this? Also, are they the biggest selling western acts in Japan out of the teen pop acts that emerged during the same time period? Their studio albums combined have sold an impressive 4m albums, much more than Destiny's Child, Britney, Christina and The Spice Girls.

Finally, could you please provide the album sales breakdown for their The Hits album?

Please and Thank You!

Viral on Spotify Guest
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Backstreet Boys was really2 huge in South East Asia. I can only speak from where I came from which is Malaysia. And here even the local artist would struggle to sell 25,000 (Platinum certification). For a foreign artist to have all 3 of their first albums selling above 100,000 copies and having 4 times platinum or more, is ridiculously huge. Their numbers in Philippines and Indonesia are really strong too, though not as impressive as Britney Spears. I also am pretty surprised that other than their album "Millennium", none of their albums was really that big in North East Asia. I always assumed they were the biggest thing ever growing up, because from where I came from, they were crazy big.

Viral on Spotify Guest
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Young kids these days doesnt know how big Backstreet Boys were back then. Backstreet Boys was the biggest thing ever back then. Their first 3 studio albums alone sold more than 50 million copies worldwide(Backstreet Back and Backstreet Boys are literally the same album with different marketing name in different area). That is already something very extremely impressive. Their songs are much bigger than one direction anyway. Plus, selling more on tours is a good way to gauge somebody's popularity. You need to consider inflation, how much shows were they covering for every tours, etc. I remember Britney Spears in 2002 was probably the biggest superstar in the world but she made only 56 million total gross. That is because she only perform on 60+ shows only. So total tour gross, is not really a good method to gauge someone's popularity.

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