The truth about Britney Spears’ album sales in American continent


Chile appears to be a perfect reflection of Britney’s standard career path. In fact, if you multiply the Max by roughly 180, you will basically get her US albums sales for the first six albums. This is an important matter – it goes on to show how crucial it is to use market mechanics relative to the artist’s trajectory when detailed information is missing. Such calculated guesses will be always more accurate than random guesses, so if you target a figure considered as realistic, that’s the way to go. In this specific example, even if the information is the same for Circus and The Singles Collection, e.g. under 7,500 units each, assuming the former sold the most will always be more realistic than not doing this assumption since it is verified in all other markets.

Merging all the data together concludes on the following album sales to date:

  • Baby One More Time – 65,000
  • Oops!… I did It Again – 50,000
  • Britney – 25,000
  • In The Zone – 17,500
  • Greatest Hits, My Prerogative – 10,000
  • Blackout – 4,000
  • Circus – 5,000
  • The Singles Collection – 3,000
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