The truth about Britney Spears’ album sales in American continent


If myths are hard to destroy, I hope this table will end the more than inflated figures that have been around for Britney’s first two albums in Brazil. All numbers posted here at have been almost spot on for this market.

The last two albums were too high, I have put the figures in orange rather than red since I added the CD+DVD edition to Circus and both albums had shipments after’s list, as well as latter digital sales as those albums were still rather recent by then. Thus, the gap is as much due to intervals being outdated than figures being over-estimated.

Just like in Mexico, the Britney album was in all likelihood bigger than expected since the estimate we had falls on par with the minimum. It failed to go Platinum upon release though, when certified Gold officially, so it can’t have sold too much higher than 120,000 units still as this album was frontloaded.

Using the same linearity logic mentioned on the page for Mexico, we do know that BOMT outsold Oops all over Americas, since both fit into the same interval, we are tempted to assume that BOMT is closer to the top level while Oops is closer to the bottom range.

Merging all the data together concludes on the following album sales to date:

  • Baby One More Time – 300,000
  • Oops!… I did It Again – 250,000
  • Britney – 140,000
  • In The Zone – 120,000
  • Greatest Hits, My Prerogative – 80,000
  • Blackout – 55,000
  • Circus – 70,000
  • The Singles Collection – 65,000
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