France Album Sales: Sade

Love Deluxe Era

Repeating their debut album success with two more records was already big for a band as atypical as Sade. No matter what, they did it again in 1992 when they dropped Love Deluxe in November. This time the hit was No Ordinary Love. While the song peaked at #20 because the band was truly targeted at an adult audience, the album shot to #1 for three weeks.

Selling over 200,000 copies in 1992 and passing the Platinum status in March 1993 the album was going to do just as well as the band past albums. By the end of the year, it was up to an estimated 443,000 units.

Thanks to this success plus the CD replacement phenomenon and the fact Sade had no live nor hits package available at the time, their complete catalog sold extremely well in 1992-94. Promise secondary edition which went Gold in 1991 was 2xGold in 1993 and Platinum in 1995. Considering the album never charted during the 90s it is unclear how much it really sold as part of those sales were necessarily from the 80s. Still, the constant new updates reveal the catalog was pretty well alive. In the same way, Stronger Than Pride went 2xPlatinum in 1995, reflecting some 25,000 yearly sales for the early 90s. While the first two albums were past the 800,000 units mark by 1995, they failed to move enough copies since to be over 1 million due to the album on the following page…

Top 3 Most Streamed Tracks on Spotify
  1. No Ordinary Love – 16,276,000
  2. Kiss Of Life – 7,869,000
  3. Cherish The Day – 6,284,000

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