CSPC: Amy Winehouse Popularity Analysis

Missing piece of the puzzle

Full Length related records Sales

As 2/3 CDs packages of her individual albums have been added directly to her original albums tally, the full length related records of Amy Winehouse are limited to a few live sets, mostly in DVD format.


How to understand this table? If you check for example At The BBC line, those figures mean it sold 150,000 units worldwide which includes all formats. The second statistics column means all versions of all songs included on this package add for 400 million streaming plays on Spotify as of September 7 2016.

The second part on the right of the table shows how many streams are coming from each original album, plus the share it represents on the overall package streams. Thus, streaming figures tell us Back To Black songs are responsible for 91% of the At The BBC track list attractiveness, which means it generated 136,000 of its 150,000 sales and so on for the other records.

Once again, Back To Black is the clear leader among sales generators in all her secondary releases.

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