CSPC: Amy Winehouse Popularity Analysis

Spotify Leaflet

Streaming Sales

The below table lists Spotify streaming of all songs from the five albums we are studying. The Comprehensive Streaming is reached by multiplying Spotify figures by 68/26. In fact, as shown in the IFPI 2015 Report, there were 68 million paying subscribers to all streaming platforms by the end of 2015. While the exact count of Spotify paying subscribers by the end of 2015 is unknown, that figure reached 20 million in June 2015 and 30 million in March 2016, thus an estimated 26 million is used as of the end of 2015.

The equivalent album sales is the division of the comprehensive streaming figure by 1500 as is now the norm in the new industry model.


Unsurprisingly, Back To Black occupies the large majority of Amy Winehouse‘s streaming air time. Just put it this way – only the biggest song of Frank tops the weakest album track of Back To Black‘s original track list.

The latter album is incredibly consistent, as while no song is higher than 113 million streams, which is still a superb result, no original song is lower than 13 million. Added tracks to the deluxe edition all break the 5 million criteria too. The equivalent album sales of this record crosses the million barrier. In spite of this, it may come as a surprise to notice this figure is lower than albums like Coldplay‘s Mylo Xyloto, Eminem‘s The Eminem Show, or Lady Gaga‘s The Fame.

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