CSPC: Amy Winehouse Popularity Analysis
Physical Singles Sales
With a low market and the profile of an album seller, Amy Winehouse‘s physical sales are pretty low at barely over 600,000 units overall. Valerie sold more than half that figure benefiting from the fact the Mark Ronson version wasn’t a part of the original album.
As a reminder, the weighting is done with a 10 to 3 ratio between one album and one physical single.
Frank (2003) – 5,000 equivalent albums
Stronger Than Me
Take The Box
In My Bed / You Sent Me Flying
Pumps / Help Yourself
= 15,000 units combined
Back To Black (2006) – 180,000 equivalent albums
Rehab – 100,000
Valerie – 350,000
You Know I’m No Good
Back To Black
Tears Dry On Their Own
Love Is A Losing Game
= 150,000 units combined
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