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Travis Scott albums and songs sales

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CSPC Travis Scott albums and songs sales
Background image: Getty Images Entertainment | Simone Joyner

Travis Scott has been teasing Utopia for years, once released it perfectly responded with one of the biggest hip hop debuts in recent years.

In the second half of the 10s, his rise to superstardom was unstoppable. When he seemed ready to take over the crown from Drake as the new top hip hop seller, the Astroworld festival tragedy put a huge question mark on the future of his career.

Music fans quickly moved away from controversy though, streaming his new effort massively. We review in numbers the discography of the Houston rapper.

A big picture of Travis Scott's career

Both Rodeo (2015) and Birds in the Trap Sing McNight (2016) were great successes, respectively going to #3 and #1 in the US.

The growing demand paved the way to the smash album Astroworld (2018) that contained Scott's first chart topping single, Sicko Mode. This record is now eligible for a 6xPlatinum certification in the US while peaking inside the top 5 in most major markets.

From that point, the artist was on a roll. The hype around each of his new tracks was massive, with Highest In The Room, The Scotts and Franchise topping the Billboard Hot 100 in a span of less than a year.

His virtual shows on Fortnite in April 2020 were tremendously successful too, attracting over 27 million people and making Scott a global star.

A remix of Goosebumps also fueled his back catalog, cementing the status of Scott as a streaming juggernaut.

Even before the amazing streaming performances, the artist made himself famous thanks to his impressive stage presence.

He always wanted his fans to be in a state of transe while at his concerts, just like him. The electricity in the air brought the Rolling Stone magazine to call the Astroworld Tour the "greatest show on earth".

Everything back fired when a crowd crush left 10 people dead, mostly teenagers, on November 5, 2021. The terrible news shook the world, with social media quickly trying to cancel Scott.

Investigations cleared the artist, among other persons, of any wrongdoing during the tragic event, with the Grand jury declining to induct him in June 2023.

Scott then returned to what he knows best, which is releasing hip hop albums, with Utopia coming out a few weeks later, meeting with success instantly.

We, too, went on to do what we do best - dig into the numbers to shine a light on an artist's true popularity. A special thanks to manager David Stromberg and the Sony Music team for sharing valuable sales information with us in order to be as accurate as possible.

As usual, I'll be using the Commensurate Sales to Popularity Concept in order to relevantly gauge his results. This concept will not only bring you sales information for all Scott albums, physical and download singles, as well as audio and video streaming. In fact, it will also determine their true popularity.

If you are not yet familiar with the CSPC method, below is a nice and short video of explanations. I fully recommend watching it before getting into the sales figures. Of course, if you are a regular visitor feel free to skip the video and get into the numbers directly.

The Commensurate Sales to Popularity Concept (CSPC)

There are two ways to understand this revolutionary concept. In the first place, there is this Scribe video posted below. If you are unaware of the CSPC method, you will get the full idea within just a pair of minutes.

[adthrive-in-post-video-player video-id="qixxDCRj" upload-date="2023-11-08T15:43:50.000Z" name="Commensurate Sales to Popularity Analysis (CPSC) - Explanations.mp4" description="null" player-type="default" override-embed="default"]

If you are a mathematical person, and want to know the full method as well as formulas, you can read the full introduction article.

Now let's get into the artist's sales figures in detail in order to apply this concept and define the act's true popularity!

Travis Scott Album Sales

CSPC Travis Scott album sales detailed

Updated Studio Album Sales & Comments

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Before starting, we must point out that both Huncho Jack, Jack Huncho and JackBoys are extra / collaborative projects, which explains the unlinear numbers in comparison to the proper studio sets.

Rodeo is now over 450,000 units. Mainly a US seller at first, in a market where streaming was already booming, pure sales were low.

The album gained a classic status yet. After not going much over 100,000 sales during the initial promotion campaign, it went on to clear 300,000 over the counter sales in the US by March 10, 2022, it is still moving near a thousand per week over eight years after its release.

Very telling is the fact that the album has now moved more LPs (137,000) than CDs (94,000) and downloads (131,000). Collectors are adding this item to their vinyl discography lately.

Birds has a similar showing, although its initial sales were lower due to the shrinking market. In the US, it's close to 280,000 pure sales, with physicals now moving ahead of digitals. The latter are dominated by LPs which moved twice as many units as CDs.

Huncho Jack, Jack Huncho has been a download-only release since day one, with still no physical product available, as a result its sales are virtually frozen for quite some time.

Astroworld moved a massive 457,000 download units in the US, an incredible number by 2018 standards. It has also gained traction on LP in later years, with sales on this format topping the 230,000 sales threshold, while CDs stand at 55,000.

It's also the strongest seller oversea, totalling 900,000 copies worldwide.

Want to compare Travis Scott's albums with others?

Total Album (all types) Sales per Country

CSPC Travis Scott album sales per country

Please note country-specific numbers may miss sales of a few minor releases, although totals are complete.

Travis Scott Songs Sales

Below, we list down results from the artist through physical sales, digital sales and streaming.

Please be aware that when the artist is regarded as the lead act, he is rewarded with 100% of these units, while featured acts share among them a 50% piece of the totals.

CSPC - Commensurate Sales to Popularity Concept - Physical singles

Physical Singles

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As a reminder, the weighting is done with a 10 to 3 ratio between one album and one physical single and a 2 to 1 ratio between one album and one EP, and a 10 to 3.5 ratio when the single got relevant releases both as a single and a maxi-single.

As usual with new artists, sales of physical singles are limited to collector items.

Travis Scott has 7 such releases. It started with Sicko Mode, followed by Highest In The Room, both moving over 10,000 units.

Franchise and The Scotts each tripled this number. In-between, Wash Us In The Blood sold roughly 10,000 copies while the limited release Turks stands at 2,500 units, and K-Pop is below this number.

CSPC - Commensurate Sales to Popularity Concept - Download music iTunes Amazon Google Melon

Digital songs

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As a reminder, the weighting is done with a 10 to 1,5 ratio between one album and one digital single.

With downloads, just like with album sales, Scott arrived late to the party.

The collapse of the market enables his first real hit to be his largest seller by far. Antidote has over a million global sales, 890,000 of which come from the US.

Goosebumps' recent surge was huge, but downloads are weak, so it sold mostly during its first life. It's the second top seller so far at 785,000 units.

Sicko Mode is close behind, with 725,000 sales, including 584,000 from the US.

Interestingly, many, many tracks follow with similar numbers.

Pick Up the Phone is slightly higher than the remaining hits with 340,000. Then, no less than 9 songs stand inside the 215,000-275,000 sales ballpark.

Among them are smashes Highest In The Room, Zeze and Butterfly Effect.

Good all-around numbers from album cuts push Scott career total to 9.6 million digital sales.

CSPC - Commensurate Sales to Popularity Concept - Streaming platforms numbers Apple Music Spotify YouTube TIDAL


Streaming is made up of audio and video streams. Our CSPC methodology includes both to better reflect the real popularity of each track.

The main source of data for each avenue is respectively Spotify and YouTube. To factor in the growing impact of multiple Asian countries where these platforms aren't always the go-to site for music streaming, more sources have been added.

In order to account for their real popularity in each relevant country, the below sources have been used along with the mentioned ratios that reflect the market share of each area.

Audio Streams
– South Korea: Genie streams * 2.20 (consistent with Gaon streaming numbers)
– Japan: AWA streams * 100 / 4 (AWA has 4% of the Japanese streaming market)
– Arabic world: Anghami streams
– Sub-Saharan Africa: Boomplay + Audiomack streams
– Elsewhere: Spotify streams * Spotify market shares based on artists' market distribution

Video Streams
– China* : QQ video streams * 50 if the song is available for audio stream, QQ video streams * 5 elseway (scale built based on known figures for several major artists)
– Elsewhere : Youtube views increased by 10% to account for various local platforms

*since Chinese streaming platforms are mostly video streaming platforms, their streams are weighted on par with YouTube streams.

Audio Stream value – 1,500 plays equal 1 album unit
Video Stream value – 6,750 views equal 1 album unit

Equivalent Albums Sales (EAS) = ( Spotify * ArtistRatio + Genie * 2.20 + AWA * 100 / 4 + Anghami + Boomplay + Audiomack ) / 1500 + ( QQ views* 50(or 5) + YouTube * 1.1 ) / 6750

Top Hits

CSPC Travis Scott most streamed songs

Goosebumps, thanks to its success upon release as well as in 2021 with the HVME remix, is the biggest hit to date from Scott.

It is currently the 14th most streamed song of all-time on Spotify at well over 2.7 billion plays. It is also a monster track on YouTube with 1.6 billion views. These numbers are good enough for over 3.7 million equivalent album sales.

Sicko Mode and Highest In The Room complete a very strong top 3 of tracks well past a billion streams on Spotify alone.

While the list of songs involves a lot of features, it's again a lead track at number 4 in this ranking, with Butterfly Effect which is now also above a billion as well.

It's no wonder why these tracks are respectively eligible for 11, 14, 7 and 7 Platinum awards In the US.

Outside of the top 4, the main information is how stacked the list is. As many as 11 tracks are between 510,000 and 965,000 EAS, 16 more are over 300,000 and an additional 22 are over 200,000.

Album-wise the leader is Astroworld at 10.7 million EAS.

Full catalog breakdown

If you are familiar with the artist's catalog and want to check details of each and every song, you can access to all of them right here.

Keep yourself up to date

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Want to compare Travis Scott's songs with other top hits?

Travis Scott Career CSPC Results

CSPC Travis Scott albums and songs sales

So, after checking all the figures, how many overall equivalent album sales has each album by Travis Scott achieved? Well, at this point we hardly need to add up all of the figures defined in this article!

Albums CSPC results

[xyz-ips snippet="updatedCSPCalbums"]

The most impressive result in this total is the steady yet fast growth between each album. Among studio albums, numbers were roughly from 3.5m to 7.5m to 11.5m.

All these albums continue to climb strongly, with both Birds and Astroworld enjoying hits with significant ongoing streams.

Side collaborative projects are also improving as JackBoys moved nearly three times more units than Huncho Jack, Jack Huncho. The former is even stronger than it seems as it registers over 4.5 million sales with only 6 tracks plus one interlude.

Another similar project has yet to come out, with Kid Cudi duet lead single The Scotts shifting nearly a million EAS.

Scott is a prolific rapper, recording many more successful orphan songs and features, among which TKN, Franchise, Antisocial, Champions, Love Galore, Know No Better, Sky Walker, Zeze, Dark Knight Dummo, The London, Fair Trade, plus many more.

Then Utopia is blowing up, already past a million units globally.

In total, studio sets, side projects and additional songs combine for an impressive 43 million equivalent album sales.

Singles CSPC results

The list is compiled in album equivalent sales generated by each song. Therefore, these figures are not merged units of singles formats. Instead, it includes weighted sales of the song's physical single, download, ringtone and streaming as well as its share among sales of all albums on which it is featured.

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Discography results

[xyz-ips snippet="ArtistASRstats"]

Records & Achievements

  • At 11,797,000 EAS, Astroworld is the 4th most successful album from 2018.
  • At 2.72 billion, Goosebumps is the 14th most streamed song of all-time on Spotify.

NB: EAS means Equivalent Album Sales.

Dynamic Spotify Key Performance Indicators

Please note that numbers below are retrieved automatically, so they will evolve day by day unlike previously listed data which is valid as of the publication date of the article.

[xyz-ips snippet="ArtistRandomDetails"]

As usual, feel free to comment and / or ask a question!

Sources: Sony Music, IFPISpotifyYouTubeDiscogs.

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Signing a deal
Joined: 4 years ago
Posts: 85

you accidentally included "Total Album (all types) Sales per Country" of another artist.

Signing a deal Guest
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 89

Not that impressive, although props for the hard work

Signing a deal Guest
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 70

Total albums are completely wrong numbers

Member Admin
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Hi Padilla!

Thanks for spotting it, this was 2Pac's totals, now fixed with the correct image! Hopefully one day I'll be able to post a CSPC without missing one category in spite of re-reading it like 3 or 4 times before posting! 😀

Making some noise
Joined: 4 years ago
Posts: 29

Wow, really small album sales but massive streaming numbers. So that’s a demographic issue, his fans are young. I don’t get his music at all, like Drake, but hey.

Making some noise
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 21

His daily streaming amounts seem modest for a streaming-heavy artist like him, I wonder if it's an effect of Astroworld tragedy that less people are listening to his previous music.

(@Kim Petras)
Making some noise Guest
Joined: 2 years ago
Posts: 48

Taylor hit him so hard!!!

Garage singer Guest
Joined: 4 years ago
Posts: 13

Its sick that you did calculations for Travis Scott and not Madonna... idk if he has more votes than her, its Madonna... how can Frank Sinatra have a page before her. madness...............

Viral on Spotify Guest
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 167

Calculations for Madonna were done back in 2017. Just look a bit better.

Making some noise Guest
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 38

Intersting results.
On one hand, he has massive eas.
Astroworld is one of the best selling rap albums of the last decade.
But ultimately he is not that big worldwide, with some countries ignore him mostly.
Utopis started strong, but right now it leggs Hits.
