With a new album coming this friday, maybe then it's time
for a Abba update ?.
Outstanding website. Have been looking for accurate, detailed data like this since the beginning of the internet age. I first became interested in music sales consumption from when I was a teenager back in the 1970s. Information that explains how the research is conducted and analyzed.
The Administrators of Chartmasters have repeatedly explained how conditioned we all can become when we read the same information over and over again, which explains how often claims are made that this artist or that artist sold 100 million albums or even 1 billion albums. Where did said artist sell these albums? How much in North America or how much in Asia or Europe?
The details matter. When we are provided details, such as how market conditions from year to year impact various regions of the world differently, we then understand how album sales are distributed. Thorough research mitigates assumptions from becoming facts.
One example about how assumptions could become facts is by looking at the sales data for Mariah Carey's two biggest selling albums. Daydream (1993) has US sales of 10.6 million and Fantasy (1995) has US sales of 10.2 million. Without research you might assume that with US sales of the two albums so close, then wouldn't global sales be similar? The research says otherwise. Daydream sold 15.5 million outside the US, while Fantasy sold 9.7 million outside the US.
Both albums were huge successes, but there was a substantial difference of almost 6 million between their global sales.
Research + analyses = accuracy.
Thank you everyone at Chartmasters for the immense level of work applied toward the artist profiled so far and for providing the outstanding amount of data, that I have not found anywhere else.
Great words Gerome. Yes, research and anaylsis, is the key to it all and not just taking things at face value.
Thank you Jerome for your nice words! We do put a lot of work into it, for many years, so it's always rewarding to see that this work does serve the point.
Many jornalists / mass media contributors do not realize how powerful their position is, and by lazyness they led many people into believing false things. The thing is, rare are the people who study something deeply outside of their work duties. That means most studies come from people with a business interest on it, so most studies, and thus most conclusions, will always come from people with a bias. Jornalists then barely repeat what they see first, so depending on which biased study they saw, they will drop an article telling that either sugar or aspartame is so much better than the other. Then thousands of people take it as a fact, while at the origin the only difference is that one of the studies had a better SEO and ranked better on Google.
My love for music led me to treat this subject over others, and I was lucky enough to find on my way many other enthusiasts as well who are willing to help, but ChartMasters could be done about any subject really. Movies, food, sports, politics, economy, even history or science, which are also full of myths. Hopefully as time goes, for each of them there will be at least one person digging facts enough to debunk it, and that this accurate view will prevail, because at the end of the day, telling the truth is a fundamental first step towards a society that can care about making things better rather than fighting between them!
Queen are the best selling artist of all time in continental Europe (inc. UK), followed by MJ and The Beatles.
El álbum Voulez Vouz aquí tiene 578.000 ventas en streams, pero en Most streamed albums (all-time) aparece con más de 800.000.000 streams en spotify, así que supongo que hay error en uno de los números.
"They haven’t quite stop there"
Should be "stopped" (not stop). Need a proof-reader! ;-0
"even becoming Australian biggest selling album ever at the time" should be "Australia's"
"It hasn’t break records in Germany" should be "It hasn't BROKEN records".
I take it that this is not an native English-speaking site?
"I take it this is not an native English speaking site", should be "...a native..."
Yes, though, English is not the native tongue used, in the majority of articles.
Hi Brian!
If you are willing to do that, you are welcome! 😉