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And now, let’s have a look at today’s preview!

Streams on Spotify: Feid

Number of followers: 11,022,070
Popularity rating: 88/100

# Seq. Album Song Spotify total Spotify daily AOD total EAS
1 176 Hey Mor Hey Mor 962,058,427 616,895 1,316,958,894 877,972
2 91 FELIZ CUMPLEAÑOS FERXXO TE PIRATEAMOS EL ÁLBUM Feliz Cumpleaños Ferxxo 907,826,014 924,444 1,287,467,959 858,311
3 121 FERXXOCALIPSIS CLASSY 101 829,942,953 1,090,696 1,177,015,136 784,676
4 187 Yandel 150 Yandel 150 820,794,944 436,740 1,114,427,768 742,951
5 245 Features LA INOCENTE 714,381,898 584,501 992,183,586 661,455
6 220 Features Pa Mí - Remix 709,715,429 141,048 926,312,771 617,541
7 97 FELIZ CUMPLEAÑOS FERXXO TE PIRATEAMOS EL ÁLBUM Normal 695,607,820 703,099 986,502,663 657,668
8 247 Features PERRO NEGRO 627,355,981 1,708,564 890,777,738 593,851
9 182 SIXDO CHORRITO PA LAS ANIMAS 538,912,127 537,080 764,278,711 509,519
10 127 FERXXOCALIPSIS LUNA 502,128,886 2,887,293 712,113,160 474,742
11 226 Features Quizas 450,726,943 146,126 569,123,445 379,415
12 92 FELIZ CUMPLEAÑOS FERXXO TE PIRATEAMOS EL ÁLBUM Ferxxo 100 424,538,762 472,902 602,075,777 401,383
13 219 Features Cuaderno 411,494,870 99,672 537,078,577 358,052
14 47 FERXXO PORFA 389,850,274 185,784 552,880,980 368,587
15 191 El Cielo El Cielo 339,560,644 394,051 500,066,885 333,377
16 167 ULTRA SOLO REMIX ULTRA SOLO REMIX 334,778,634 159,615 439,542,585 293,028
17 164 Pantysito Pantysito 326,443,780 149,516 481,208,164 320,805
18 85 INTER SHIBUYA Monastery 295,945,121 272,225 416,155,957 277,437
19 98 FELIZ CUMPLEAÑOS FERXXO TE PIRATEAMOS EL ÁLBUM Prohibidox 279,898,594 269,150 396,948,827 264,632
20 59 BAHÍA DUCATI PORFA - Remix 265,467,526 44,851 376,482,859 250,988
21 225 Features Porno 246,714,135 189,756 311,520,757 207,680
22 82 INTER SHIBUYA FRIKI 244,216,737 341,952 346,345,245 230,896
23 100 FELIZ CUMPLEAÑOS FERXXO TE PIRATEAMOS EL ÁLBUM Si Te La Encuentras Por Ahí 238,873,730 178,340 338,767,857 225,845
24 111 MOR, No Le Temas a La Oscuridad Niña Bonita 229,870,113 251,957 325,999,035 217,332
25 192 POLARIS POLARIS - Remix 228,264,270 317,593 324,945,373 216,630
26 165 Mojando Asientos Mojando Asientos (feat. Feid) 221,289,055 106,387 300,442,158 200,294
27 75 INTER SHIBUYA - LA MAFIA SI TÚ SUPIERAS - Bonus Track 212,810,797 182,981 301,805,718 201,203
28 224 Features Perreo en La Luna 207,794,573 50,420 262,377,843 174,918
29 188 REMIX EXCLUSIVO REMIX EXCLUSIVO 179,906,547 172,799 255,141,306 170,094
30 178 Salir Con Vida Salir Con Vida 174,269,578 210,766 227,752,214 151,834
31 222 Features Imaginate 170,672,515 93,997 215,504,600 143,669
32 177 En La De Ella En La De Ella 168,880,853 77,849 229,358,099 152,905
33 221 Features Feel Me 142,225,422 48,800 179,585,053 119,723
34 103 MOR, No Le Temas a La Oscuridad BUBALU 141,067,242 328,581 200,059,869 133,373
35 65 INTER SHIBUYA - LA MAFIA CHIMBITA 133,518,807 103,000 189,354,769 126,236
36 239 Features No Fue - Remix 127,528,753 90,608 184,906,999 123,271
37 90 FELIZ CUMPLEAÑOS FERXXO TE PIRATEAMOS EL ÁLBUM Castigo 127,492,575 94,632 180,808,439 120,538
38 227 Features Uniforme 123,165,787 24,928 155,518,852 103,679
39 193 Yankee 150 Yankee 150 123,012,816 111,313 167,019,666 111,346
40 32 19 Sígueme - Remix 117,054,419 42,197 166,005,172 110,670
41 87 INTER SHIBUYA VACAXIONES 116,648,546 48,155 165,429,568 110,286
42 186 SIXDO Le Pido a DIOS 107,127,974 142,309 151,927,607 101,285
43 195 SI SABE FERXXO SI SABE FERXXO 105,516,680 575,911 148,425,248 98,950
44 40 FERXXO BORRAXXA 104,626,778 42,230 148,380,441 98,920
45 80 INTER SHIBUYA AMOR DE MI VIDA 104,166,863 88,553 147,728,195 98,485
46 240 Features Cuando Fue 102,424,078 243,633 139,538,262 93,025
47 190 69 69 102,193,844 52,447 137,260,537 91,507
48 163 Llori Pari Llori Pari 100,672,548 143,798 139,627,991 93,085
49 105 MOR, No Le Temas a La Oscuridad FERXXO 151 98,637,879 219,073 139,887,056 93,258
50 77 INTER SHIBUYA - LA MAFIA TENGO FE 89,396,253 75,715 126,780,693 84,520
51 179 A Veces A Veces (feat. Feid) 87,700,726 33,785 112,490,476 74,993
52 83 INTER SHIBUYA FUMETEO - Remix 82,531,925 69,265 117,045,785 78,030
53 42 FERXXO EL CUARTO DE FERXXO 80,789,983 66,338 114,575,384 76,383
54 180 Malibu Malibu 80,642,689 74,538 114,366,493 76,244
55 120 FERXXOCALIPSIS ALAKRAN 78,463,096 495,853 111,275,421 74,183
56 109 MOR, No Le Temas a La Oscuridad LUCES DE TECNO 77,758,628 136,946 110,276,353 73,517
57 74 INTER SHIBUYA - LA MAFIA PURRITO APA 76,226,916 46,131 108,104,097 72,069
58 185 SIXDO La Pasamos CXBRXN 75,004,675 36,632 106,370,730 70,913
59 76 INTER SHIBUYA - LA MAFIA TE MATA 72,117,392 41,648 102,276,019 68,184
60 122 FERXXOCALIPSIS CUAL ES ESA 72,041,039 338,741 102,167,737 68,111
61 58 BAHÍA DUCATI NEA 71,385,163 40,842 101,237,581 67,491
62 95 FELIZ CUMPLEAÑOS FERXXO TE PIRATEAMOS EL ÁLBUM Lady Mi Amor 69,390,286 52,161 98,408,470 65,605
63 96 FELIZ CUMPLEAÑOS FERXXO TE PIRATEAMOS EL ÁLBUM Nieve 69,143,520 32,144 98,058,510 65,372
64 44 FERXXO FRESH KERIAS 68,436,289 16,500 97,055,523 64,703
65 51 FERXXO X19X 63,414,914 100,899 89,934,270 59,956
66 155 Dorado Dorado (feat. Sfera Ebbasta & Feid) 63,072,294 24,017 95,515,483 63,676
67 194 LA BABY LA BABY 62,816,914 60,805 89,189,527 59,459
68 99 FELIZ CUMPLEAÑOS FERXXO TE PIRATEAMOS EL ÁLBUM Quemando Calorías 62,414,872 36,502 88,516,022 59,010
69 223 Features Me Pregunta 62,304,920 27,971 78,671,114 52,447
70 20 Así Como Suena Que Raro 62,028,211 6,087 87,967,664 58,645
71 106 MOR, No Le Temas a La Oscuridad FERXXO 30 60,204,244 116,653 85,380,936 56,920
72 102 FELIZ CUMPLEAÑOS FERXXO TE PIRATEAMOS EL ÁLBUM XQ Te Pones Así 59,965,372 35,220 85,042,170 56,694
73 146 badwine badwine - Remix 58,488,084 14,375 82,947,098 55,298
74 89 FELIZ CUMPLEAÑOS FERXXO TE PIRATEAMOS EL ÁLBUM Belixe 58,041,765 39,841 82,314,134 54,876
75 67 INTER SHIBUYA - LA MAFIA CORONE 57,987,742 45,281 82,237,519 54,825
76 55 BAHÍA DUCATI FERXXO X ÑEJO 57,376,091 37,401 81,370,083 54,246
77 196 EMPELOTICA EMPELOTICA 56,970,718 390,482 72,633,677 48,422
78 116 MOR, No Le Temas a La Oscuridad VENTE CONMIGO 56,783,901 58,377 80,530,246 53,686
79 48 FERXXO RELXJXTE 56,562,271 33,325 80,215,933 53,477
80 170 De Tanto Chimbiar De Tanto Chimbiar 56,383,017 27,944 79,961,718 53,307
81 63 BAHÍA DUCATI que putas 56,346,755 69,269 79,910,291 53,273
82 183 SIXDO California 55,291,444 41,423 78,413,662 52,275
83 73 INTER SHIBUYA - LA MAFIA JORDAN IV 52,967,248 29,412 75,117,515 50,078
84 88 FELIZ CUMPLEAÑOS FERXXO TE PIRATEAMOS EL ÁLBUM Aguante 52,476,360 44,745 74,421,344 49,614
85 238 Features A Mi También ft. Alvaro Diaz, Feid 52,388,473 49,696 74,382,882 49,588
86 248 Features offline 51,130,635 1,736,714 74,745,625 49,830
87 181 Hombres y Mujeres Hombres y Mujeres 50,658,536 84,120 72,106,245 48,070
88 218 Features La Isla (with Sech & Dalex feat. Justin Quiles, La Exce, Feid, Zion) 50,506,707 7,490 66,182,625 44,121
89 70 INTER SHIBUYA - LA MAFIA FUMETEO 48,259,955 39,298 68,441,689 45,627
90 113 MOR, No Le Temas a La Oscuridad RITMO DE MEDALLO 42,811,479 92,182 60,714,725 40,476
91 166 Barranquilla Bajo Cero Barranquilla Bajo Cero 41,846,497 16,589 55,908,719 37,272
92 126 FERXXOCALIPSIS LA VUELTA 41,306,499 159,218 58,580,381 39,053
93 38 FERXXO ATEO 39,285,400 37,390 55,714,082 37,142
94 147 Ron Ron - Remix 38,829,100 17,093 55,066,963 36,711
95 101 FELIZ CUMPLEAÑOS FERXXO TE PIRATEAMOS EL ÁLBUM X20X 38,827,541 42,287 55,064,752 36,709
96 241 Features Bebé Que Bien Te Ves 38,666,561 27,577 55,125,176 36,750
97 43 FERXXO EXCXSXS 38,640,668 58,540 54,799,731 36,533
98 118 MOR, No Le Temas a La Oscuridad el único tema del ferxxo 38,136,104 98,691 54,084,165 36,056
99 156 Querida Querida 36,653,751 15,099 47,951,463 31,967
100 242 Features Fanático (feat. Feid & De La Ghetto) - Remix 35,980,743 10,952 52,631,443 35,087
101 236 Features Cuando Amanezca (feat. Danny Ocean, Justin Quiles, Feid) 34,528,805 8,567 48,968,336 32,645
102 10 Así Como Suena 911 33,762,167 6,796 47,881,100 31,920
103 184 SIXDO HOOKIA 33,249,861 18,840 47,154,553 31,436
104 64 INTER SHIBUYA - LA MAFIA 14 De Febrero 33,248,652 28,487 47,152,839 31,435
105 79 INTER SHIBUYA 8 DIAX 31,264,558 22,945 44,339,020 29,559
106 243 Features Triste (with Feid) 31,250,920 10,025 47,718,529 31,812
107 136 Perfecta Perfecta 30,638,373 7,718 43,450,972 28,967
108 57 BAHÍA DUCATI JAMAICA 29,888,042 14,549 42,386,862 28,257
109 119 FERXXOCALIPSIS 50 PALOS 28,939,524 101,417 41,041,685 27,361
110 81 INTER SHIBUYA COMMENT 28,780,296 21,524 40,815,870 27,210
111 128 FERXXOCALIPSIS YO AK 28,705,180 113,556 40,709,341 27,139
112 123 FERXXOCALIPSIS DESQUITE 28,564,755 89,183 40,510,192 27,006
113 104 MOR, No Le Temas a La Oscuridad EY CHORY 28,517,715 81,458 40,443,481 26,962
114 53 FERXXO XX 27,746,444 21,107 39,349,673 26,233
115 94 FELIZ CUMPLEAÑOS FERXXO TE PIRATEAMOS EL ÁLBUM La Buena Fai 27,527,024 19,742 39,038,495 26,025
116 68 INTER SHIBUYA - LA MAFIA EL PADRINO 26,807,823 20,765 38,018,532 25,345
117 189 Mxfix G5 Mxfix G5 26,625,086 14,718 37,759,377 25,172
118 159 Pase Lo Que Pase Pase Lo Que Pase - Remix 25,295,585 18,053 33,360,222 22,240
119 169 Como Ñengo Como Ñengo (feat. Jota Rosa) 24,911,189 12,526 35,328,749 23,552
120 114 MOR, No Le Temas a La Oscuridad ROMÁNTICOS DE LUNES 24,283,947 61,769 34,439,202 22,959
121 108 MOR, No Le Temas a La Oscuridad GANGSTERS Y PISTOLAS 23,841,130 36,083 33,811,204 22,540
122 61 BAHÍA DUCATI enemigos 23,682,458 14,797 33,586,177 22,390
123 107 MOR, No Le Temas a La Oscuridad FERXXO EDITION 23,159,784 69,229 32,844,927 21,896
124 148 badwine badwine - Extended Remix 21,414,650 3,106 30,369,999 20,246
125 4 Así Como Suena Morena 21,182,513 3,376 30,040,785 20,027
126 124 FERXXOCALIPSIS ESQUIRLA 20,690,613 67,066 29,343,179 19,562
127 151 Qué Le Pasa a Mi Ex Qué Le Pasa a Mi Ex - Remix 20,146,081 7,545 26,134,201 17,422
128 84 INTER SHIBUYA MIONCA AL BLOQUE 18,951,950 10,517 26,877,428 17,918
129 50 FERXXO VIDEITOXX 18,904,887 11,253 26,810,683 17,873
130 200 MANIFESTING 20-05 Brickell 18,315,859 1,017,035 25,975,331 17,316
131 39 FERXXO AVXNTADXR 17,741,465 11,280 25,160,732 16,773
132 71 INTER SHIBUYA - LA MAFIA HECTOL 17,402,656 9,996 24,680,237 16,453
133 246 Features Arca 10Mil 17,283,782 33,036 23,661,048 15,774
134 56 BAHÍA DUCATI FOTOGRAFÍAS 17,112,626 11,168 24,268,920 16,179
135 138 Loco por Ti Loco por Ti 16,783,310 3,144 21,507,711 14,338
136 54 BAHÍA DUCATI BREAK UP 16,037,547 10,702 22,744,256 15,162
137 69 INTER SHIBUYA - LA MAFIA FERXXO VI 15,865,873 13,185 22,500,790 15,000
138 202 MANIFESTING 20-05 Fecha 15,807,744 367,883 22,418,352 14,945
139 115 MOR, No Le Temas a La Oscuridad VELOCIDAD CRUCERO 15,667,147 28,621 22,218,959 14,812
140 161 Wu Wu Wu Wu 15,117,974 9,633 20,015,033 13,343
141 37 19 dembowpopsexyTROPICAL 15,099,280 11,091 21,413,617 14,275
142 211 Features Que Tengo Que Hacer (feat. Feid) 15,071,613 393 19,251,046 12,834
143 78 INTER SHIBUYA - LA MAFIA XXXX 15,067,304 10,175 21,368,269 14,245
144 154 Le Creo Le Creo 14,351,380 4,438 21,135,105 14,090
145 152 confesión confesión 14,098,052 8,926 19,993,688 13,329
146 150 7 Chamadas 7 Chamadas 13,886,875 799 19,842,469 13,228
147 41 FERXXO CU U U U UX 13,794,183 12,032 19,562,744 13,041
148 29 19 Quiero 13,490,098 11,017 19,131,495 12,754
149 52 FERXXO XNTXS 13,189,029 10,576 18,704,522 12,469
150 66 INTER SHIBUYA - LA MAFIA COMO CUANDO 13,151,216 9,111 18,650,896 12,433
151 46 FERXXO PERREOXOXO 13,102,106 8,168 18,581,249 12,387
152 112 MOR, No Le Temas a La Oscuridad PRIVILEGIOS 13,073,266 25,633 18,540,348 12,360
153 72 INTER SHIBUYA - LA MAFIA HULU 12,761,395 9,138 18,098,057 12,065
154 110 MOR, No Le Temas a La Oscuridad NX TX SIENTAS SOLX 12,399,791 20,460 17,585,234 11,723
155 49 FERXXO TX VXS 12,316,187 10,121 17,466,668 11,644
156 125 FERXXOCALIPSIS INTERLUDE 12,228,853 33,646 17,342,812 11,561
157 168 VIP Feat. Totoy El Frio VIP Feat. Totoy El Frio 12,091,311 7,164 17,509,850 11,673
158 36 19 badwine 11,723,188 7,716 16,625,684 11,083
159 117 MOR, No Le Temas a La Oscuridad VOL 2 11,242,226 17,865 15,943,590 10,629
160 62 BAHÍA DUCATI otra vez 10,865,477 13,063 15,409,289 10,272
161 197 Te Colaboro Te Colaboro 10,558,322 117,282 15,223,231 10,148
162 86 INTER SHIBUYA RUDEBOYZ 10,439,116 8,171 14,804,629 9,869
163 203 MANIFESTING 20-05 No Digas Na 10,350,917 308,453 14,679,546 9,786
164 149 Fanático Fanático 8,984,021 3,218 13,141,529 8,761
165 160 Quatro Quatro 8,668,978 7,962 12,695,752 8,463
166 140 Nuestra Canción Nuestra Canción 8,298,383 2,163 11,768,667 7,845
167 141 Sígueme Sígueme 7,876,622 2,580 11,170,530 7,447
168 93 FELIZ CUMPLEAÑOS FERXXO TE PIRATEAMOS EL ÁLBUM Intro 7,760,321 3,005 11,005,594 7,337
169 199 Rewind Rewind 7,721,809 105,697 14,822,722 9,881
170 60 BAHÍA DUCATI XX - Remix 7,712,303 5,961 10,937,495 7,291
171 198 Sueños Perdidos Sueños Perdidos - Remix 7,404,920 155,484 10,967,863 7,311
172 45 FERXXO MORXX 6,534,610 4,880 9,267,305 6,178
173 145 Besame Besame 6,464,718 927 9,168,185 6,112
174 30 19 Ron 6,279,408 3,851 8,905,381 5,936
175 244 Features TBT (Remix) [feat. Micro TDH, Feid] 6,166,565 1,827 7,861,938 5,241
176 28 19 FKU 5,641,985 3,275 8,001,395 5,334
177 157 Mente Daña Mente Daña 5,218,142 1,789 7,681,611 5,121
178 201 MANIFESTING 20-05 De Negro 4,789,840 105,881 6,792,893 4,528
179 15 Así Como Suena La Respuesta 4,321,846 644 6,129,190 4,086
180 16 Así Como Suena Lluvia 4,274,139 808 6,061,532 4,041
181 26 19 Buena Mala 4,033,198 2,246 5,719,833 3,813
182 204 MANIFESTING 20-05 Pa Janguiar 3,949,276 85,188 5,600,815 3,733
183 158 Juegas Juegas (feat. Feid) 3,428,295 5,026 4,663,468 3,108
184 210 Features Dispuesta (feat. Feid & Helian Evans) 3,291,355 1,201 4,667,760 3,111
185 153 Gotitas al viento Gotitas al viento (feat. Feid) 3,191,156 3,897 4,276,748 2,851
186 27 19 Con Tu Body 3,021,098 2,226 4,284,484 2,856
187 35 19 Ven Pa Casa_RGT 3,006,713 2,705 4,264,084 2,842
188 33 19 Trampa 2,860,804 2,056 4,057,157 2,704
189 34 19 Ven Pa Casa 2,606,782 2,789 3,696,906 2,464
190 11 Así Como Suena Ahora 2,389,774 614 3,389,148 2,259
191 209 Features Te Necesito 2,159,318 111 2,801,142 1,867
192 213 Features Wasamara (What's the Matter) (feat. Feid) 1,986,110 337 2,708,001 1,805
193 173 Nieve Nieve - Good Times Ahead Remix 1,943,552 1,300 2,756,322 1,837
194 142 Pa' Donde Vamos Pa' Donde Vamos 1,819,229 233 2,580,008 1,720
195 18 Así Como Suena Mazucamba 1,673,994 582 2,374,038 1,582
196 172 Nieve Nieve - Benny Benassi Remix 1,574,964 2,434 2,233,595 1,489
197 31 19 Subiendo 1,272,403 1,017 1,804,506 1,203
198 135 Kika Kika 1,268,723 348 1,799,287 1,199
199 6 Así Como Suena Si Ella Supiera 1,253,221 554 1,777,302 1,184
200 237 Features Cuando Fue (feat. Feid) - Mixed 1,172,490 634 1,597,351 1,064
201 132 Si Te Vas Si Te Vas 1,049,864 394 1,488,904 992
202 139 NMF NMF (El Freaky, Afro Bros, Feid, Apache, Toby Letra, Stanley Jackson) 1,047,040 380 1,631,133 1,087
203 13 Así Como Suena Completa 1,036,101 505 1,469,386 979
204 131 Conmigo Conmigo 1,026,435 327 1,455,677 970
205 5 Así Como Suena Otra Noche 995,287 489 1,411,504 941
206 17 Así Como Suena Matando 984,544 538 1,396,268 930
207 25 Así Como Suena Tácticas 936,923 533 1,328,732 885
208 9 Así Como Suena Siénteme 936,131 432 1,327,609 885
209 12 Así Como Suena Como Tú 883,653 522 1,253,186 835
210 21 Así Como Suena S.O.S. 845,055 580 1,198,446 798
211 22 Así Como Suena Si De Mí Te Enamoras 815,895 567 1,157,092 771
212 19 Así Como Suena Peculiar 788,691 523 1,118,512 745
213 14 Así Como Suena Dime 763,388 519 1,082,627 721
214 208 Features Mientras Tanto 733,160 133 998,385 665
215 1 Así Como Suena Ayer 732,389 431 1,038,665 692
216 24 Así Como Suena Sorpresas 706,709 515 1,002,246 668
217 3 Así Como Suena Magnífica 672,413 435 953,608 635
218 8 Así Como Suena Si Tú Quieres 655,296 448 929,332 619
219 143 Maldita Maldita 650,806 450 922,965 615
220 2 Así Como Suena Luna Llena 646,352 439 916,648 611
221 7 Así Como Suena Si Te Vas 644,028 545 913,352 608
222 23 Así Como Suena Si Fuera Fácil 633,911 470 899,004 599
223 129 No Es Casualidad No Es Casualidad 628,517 377 891,355 594
224 175 Nieve Nieve - Nick León Remix 618,094 838 876,573 584
225 144 Mi Naturaleza Mi Naturaleza 613,618 125 913,027 608
226 130 La Ultima Vez La Ultima Vez 611,940 481 867,845 578
227 217 Features Te Quiero Ver 597,665 106 847,601 565
228 137 Basta Ya Basta Ya - Remix 571,278 196 810,179 540
229 133 La Respuesta La Respuesta (Versión Acústica) 429,693 277 609,385 406
230 162 No Quiero Tu Amor No Quiero Tu Amor - Remix 428,852 169 608,192 405
231 212 Features Frágiles 415,074 20 586,181 390
232 171 Nieve Nieve - Armand Van Helden Remix 408,527 435 579,368 386
233 174 Nieve Nieve - Henry Fong Remix 406,718 466 576,802 384
234 205 Orphan Diez de la Noche 363,150 9 515,014 343
235 134 La Respuesta La Respuesta (Versión Salsa) 308,679 781 437,764 291
236 235 Features Ahora Mami - Remix 292,178 28 414,363 276
237 232 Features Porno (Sped Up) 223,667 814 282,419 188
238 216 Features Pasó 130,688 49 185,340 123
239 207 Features Esta Noche 52,177 15 73,996 49
240 231 Features Perreo en La Luna (Sped Up) 21,003 69 26,520 17
241 233 Features Quizas (Sped Up) 17,936 22 22,647 15
242 228 Features Feel Me (Sped Up) 14,681 26 18,537 12
243 214 Features Dame Amor 14,400 12 20,421 13
244 215 Features Que Hare Yo 13,348 3 18,929 12
245 206 Features Shawty 11,519 14 16,336 10
246 229 Features Imaginate (Sped Up) 10,934 24 13,806 9
247 230 Features Me Pregunta (Sped Up) 8,267 13 10,438 6
248 234 Features Uniforme (Sped Up) 6,390 16 8,068 5
Album Song
∑ = 19,776,349,216 ∑ = 25,328,269 ∑ = 27,494,563,788 ∑ = 18,329,709
Table keys
  • Seq. stands for sequence. It sorts albums in discographic order.
  • Spotify total reflects release to date (RTD) streams of the track as shown on their software.
  • Spotify daily is calculated based on streams over the last 0 day(s).
  • Non-Spotify total is an algorithm based figure which considers the main artist's strength and Spotify shares in each market.
  • Summing Spotify and non-Spotify streams divided by 1,500 would provide equivalent album sales (EAS) for the track.
  • The 'Song' and 'Album' grey fields at the bottom of the table allow filtering on them.

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Frequenty Asked Questions & Notice

Welcome to the Spotify streaming numbers tool! We are very happy to offer you this incredibly efficient tool that gives you your favorite artist’s streams in one click only.

We wouldn’t have been able to achieve this without the great Spotify API and the amazing github project of devgianlu. If the latter happens to meet our page, we would be really glad to get in touch and thank him personally.

Naturally, we tried to make it the least technical that we could so that everyone can enjoy it. If you face any difficulty, please read the FAQ below. For any further request or suggestion please use the comments section.

1) Is it possible to fetch any artist?

Yes. We are directly hitting Spotify’s API. All artists available in their database can be fetched, including artists who are currently unavailable for streaming.

2) I typed in the name but no result was found, why?

Since many artists use similar names or even special characters, the query by name can miss the artist you are looking for. In this case, we suggest to use the search by ID that works for every artist.

3) Where can I find the ID of an artist?

From Google you can search an artist name plus “Spotify”. The first result will always be the artist page on Spotify. There, all 22 characters after “artist/” inside the URL reflect the artist id.
Here the example of Adele, with her id being 4dpARuHxo51G3z768sgnrY.

4) Are numbers updated?

Yes, the streaming data is up to date. As it is retrieved from Spotify’s database itself, they are automatically refreshed every day.

6) I noticed that one song is missing, why?

The Spotify database has many versions of each song and album, way more than displayed in frontend. They often have slight alterations on their name.

In order to avoid flooding you with a lot of duplicated data and displaying messy totals, we took the decision to exclude duplicated lines based on the number of streams. If two distinct songs happen to have the exact same number of streams at some point, for that day the oldest song only will be displayed.

7) Why are tracklists of singles/compilations incomplete?

As we deduplicate songs to prevent us from double counting, tracks which appear in several sections (album, single, compilation) will appear only in the first one, which may lead to incomplete tracklists for compilations or singles.

8) Can I search for songs which are only available under the “Appears on” section?

Yes, they are available at the bottom of the list. They are showing with the “Orphan” or “Features” album name, depending on the artist being lead or featured. Their total is also specified so one can easily ignore them from the total if desired.

9) What does EAS stand for?

EAS stands for Equivalent Album Sales. As streaming is rapidly replacing paid-for sales, the industry standard is to convert these numbers into equivalent album sales.

10) What is the conversion formula for EAS?

The EAS ratio is specific for every artist. It reflects his equivalent album sales thanks to on-demand audio streams across all platforms, like Apple Music, Amazon Music, Deezer, Anghami, etc.

The algorythm first uses the artist top 50 cities on Spotify to know where his streams are coming from, with adjustments made based on the artist music genre.

Then, it applies the market share of Spotify country by country to accurate gauge streams on remaining streaming platforms.

This provides market-comprehensive streaming numbers, which are ultimately divided by 1,500.

The 1,500 division factor reflects the industry-accepted ratio between 1 album sale and 1,500 streams.

You can read more about format conversions with explanations on our Commensurate Sales to Popularity Concept.

11) Is the EAS conversion formula valid for every artist?

Yes. As the countries where an artist gets the most listeners is used, the profiling is fairly solid, and enables to apply appropriate extrapolation factors based on market shares.

Of course, there could be outliers. For example, if an international artist releases a feature with a K-Pop band, that will corrupt his top cities and thus the calculation until the impact of the song goes away.

To reduce this situation, top cities are retrieved only once a month and controls verify that they are consistent with previous results.

12) I typed in a valid artist name but got no result, have I lost a search credit?

No. At times a glitch can prompt an immediate empty answer, but credits aren’t discounted when results aren’t printed. You can simply try back, at best a couple of minutes later, and it may do the trick as in background the query has been running and your results are cached.

13) The tool misled me to an incorrect artist, what can I do?

The artist identification process is the one of Spotify itself. It happens that the primary result for a valid artist name answers with someone else.
For example, typing in French rapper Jul retrieves Julia Michaels data. In case the artist of interest for you can be misleading, use the artist ID instead.

Video recap about the streaming tool