CSPC Battle: 1975 Monster Rock Albums

QueenA Night At The Opera


It may seem surprising to see A Night At The Opera at the same level of the other albums of this study as it is Queen classic album, while the other four are all second to some other album or even lower in the artists respective discographies.

This album obviously includes the juggernaut Bohemian Rhapsody, one of the very biggest hits of all-time. You’re My Best Friend is also a notable hit, Love Of My Life too is quite a decent hit.

Not only the band 1980 Greatest Hits album sold well over 30 million, it did so with 26% of its attractiveness coming from A Night At The Opera singles. Adding most of the other full length records issued with its songs – some more are missing, including local releases but are nearly impossible to track – bring a gigantic cumulative tally of 18,25 million full length records sold thanks to the 1975 studio album.

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