CSPC Battle: 1975 Monster Rock Albums

Pink FloydWish You Were Here


In a similar way to Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd rarely relied on compilation albums. The few they released did get relevant sales and Wish You Were Here tracks, most notably the title track, largely helped them. Shine On You Crazy Diamond (Part 1-5) is also included on all those albums, plus Have A Cigar on A Foot In The Door, which represents half of the original album as Wish You Were Here only contains six songs.

Although A Collection Of Great Dance Songs was released in 1981, only six years after the original album, it wasn’t a proper album, issued with no promotion at all, which enabled the 70s records to keep their strenght well alive.

The total is pretty solid considering how few releases emerged as tracks of Wish You Were Here created 8,8 million sales of other full length records.

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