Here you will find the list of the most streamed songs ever on Spotify, with their up to date statistics. And yes, this top here is about songs, not tracks!
Top Spotify songs - Results
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Top Spotify songs - How it works
The more popular a song is, the higher chances are that it gets exploited a lot through several remixes, including hyped ones. So the ranking focusing on one track only, available on our most streamed tracks page, doesn't provide the full picture. That's why we created this list which aggregates all versions with distinct playcounts of the same song.
The picture it draws is fairly different and more accurate than lists we are used to see. A prime example is the blockbuster hit Despacito, which has two versions well past a billion each, which bring it to the overall ranking of #6.
The Weekend and Ed Sheeran reign supreme with a pair of songs from each inside the top 4. Blinding Lights and Save Your Tears are at 1 and 4, while Shape of You and Perfect rank at 2 and 3.
We have more for you
Hey guys,
can you please extend the list so that all songs that have over a billion views are displayed?
That would be awesome!
Sincerely _n3rd1
The pandemic is really bringing the industry to a stand still. Sade who has gone almost 11 years w/o an album may never record again. Many artists are retiring young ( Anita Baker) or legends losing time ( Dionne Warwick ). Drake is magnetic and unique. Still waiting for your finishing up all time icons like Sinatra , 140 weeks on Billboard 200 now in 11th decade ( starting in 1939 with Harry James) and 1940 ( 1st weekly number ever I’ll Never Smile Again ) and 249 more plus record top 10;top 20 and top 40 albums with soundtracks almost 70( 100 on album charts another record) . Happy 2021, better days for all💜
Vocês poderiam fazer uma lista com as músicas sem junção de remix, live, etc.
Hi Everton! This list exists on Wikipedia, the list is available in the introduction of the page 🙂
Hey probably just a minor bug, but somethings up with the daily streams on this. The total streams look good tho.
hola ,podrian hacer una lista con los albums mas escuchados de la historia por favor
Hi Fanofpop!
We have now set schedulers for these pages so they are performed at the same hour every day. If Spotify is late, you can then see increases of 0 for all songs, the following day increase would then reflect a 2-days jump!
Is it possible to know the most streamed songs of a given year or decade? Per example, if I want to know the most streamed songs of the 90's or 80's etc. will it be possible?
There is something not quite right here. Sometimes the numbers are lower than they were the day before, why is that?