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Making some noise
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When you search Megadeth, there are a selection of albums missing.

Signing a deal Guest
Joined: 6 years ago
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But the GNR have a smaller discography quantitatively, the GNR are more listened to in proportion.

Got his first mic Guest
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Skillet is missing. I think that the Awake album alone has well over 1 billion streams

Garage singer
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Metallica outstreams The Rolling Stones became the biggest band in the world. M72 stadium tour will break all attendance records.

Making some noise Guest
Joined: 4 years ago
Posts: 48

Their stream are nowhere bear Queen so they are not the biggest band 🤭

Got his first mic Guest
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How is it possible that in one day Metallica grown from 165.709.000 EAS to 169.970.000 EAS
Maybe there is an error? Waiting for a clarification.

Viral on Spotify
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There will be more after the update, don't worry. 🙂

Got his first mic Guest
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Then I think they should also update their album streams in their CSPC article, because summing their streams they are on 13.500.000 streams but not 17.786.000 streams.

Signing a deal Guest
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Impossible to be superior to the Red Hot Chili Peppers, they will soon be surpassed even by AC / DC. They are completely incorrect data.

Signing a deal Guest
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Impossible to be superior to the Red Hot Chili Peppers, they will soon be surpassed even by AC / DC. They are completely incorrect data.

Signing a deal Guest
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Michael Jackson surpassed the Beatles, Linkin Park and the Red Hot Chili Peppers in an instant.

Got his first mic Guest
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So you even think there are mistakes or errors for Metallica's stream numbers?

Signing a deal Guest
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For me Metallica's numbers are too high in such a short time compared to the competition.

Member Moderator
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It's a glitch, a few artists such as the Stones, Metallica and MJs numbers are incorrect, as they have numerous tracks that are currently being duplicated. They will all drop back when it's fixed.

Got his first mic Guest
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I think like you especially after the jump of 4 milion in just one day but we await a response from some ChartMasters staff member.

Member Moderator
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Actually MJ is back to normal. It's clearly to do with when the update happens, at some points it shows both the previous track total and the current track total, when updating but eventually the previous total disappears.

Signing a deal Guest
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Posts: 69

So MJ's figure is correct while Metallica's figure is too high, right?

Global sensation Guest
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No, Metallica is correct, on 9.8B in 77th place.

Global sensation Guest
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I wouldn't say that. I think they were both accumulating streams at a pretty equal rate, but Metallica has extended their lead over DC in the past few months, with the Stranger Things/Master of Puppets exposure and their new track. They also have a new album and tour, so I'd favour Metallica to maybe pull slightly further ahead.

Signing a deal Guest
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Posts: 69

You corrected him, yesterday it was over 12B.

Global sensation Guest
Joined: 8 years ago
Posts: 622

Yes, as explained, there is a period of time each day, when the list is updated, where the previous and current streaming totals both get included. For that period of time, an artist looks like they've increased by billions in one day but if you just give it time to fully update, the previous total disappears and the correct total is shown.

(@amino pro)
Garage singer Guest
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What happened to skrillex streams? Dropped from 6 billion to 3,5?

Signing a deal Guest
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I've read how in the last 40 years Metallica have sold more tickets than Bon Jovi, is it just because they have more concerts under their belt? On individual tours Bon Jovi had more success, is that correct?

Got his first mic Guest
Joined: 2 years ago
Posts: 4

Taylor just dropped by like a billion streams, idk what happened

Hyped artist
Joined: 4 years ago
Posts: 312

Metallica overtaking MJ would be quite something, top-streamed 20th century acts (not including Eminem or acts who had most of their success in the 21st century) :

Queen 17.9b
The Beatles 15.1b
Michael Jackson 10.7b
Metallica 9.8b
AC/DC 9b
Elton John 9b
Nirvana 8.1b
Luis Miguel 8.1b
Bob Marley 7.6b
Fleetwood Mac 7.3b
Pink Floyd 7.3b
Guns N' Roses 7.3b
The Rolling Stones 7.2b
2Pac 6.8b
Mariah Carey 6.7b
Elvis Presley 6.3b
Frank Sinatra 6b
Led Zeppelin 6b
U2 6b
ABBA 5.8b

In a way, 2Pac is the most impressive considering he's only 71th in the current all-time EAS list, by comparison Barbra Streisand is 24th with 0.97b streams 😆

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