The band Linkin Park were a huge part of the musical landscape during the 00s. In recent years, the hype slowed down but their newly issued album One More Light proved there is still a fan base for them around the world.
UPDATE: This post will remain featured for a week in tribute to the band's lead singer, Chester Bennington, who passed away today, July 20, 2017. May he rest in peace.
Please note all figures have been updated as of June 3, 2017.
Music acts in the middle of the road are often the most difficult to evaluate success-wise. For veterans, the situation has been is clear for a long time as decades of catalog sales settled their position among their peers. For new artists, you only need to turn on the radio to know who's hot. However, artists with careers that started 10 to 20 years ago don't belong to any of these categories.
So, where do Linkin Park stand in the all-time list of most successful bands? Are they on the scale of the Gorillaz?, (who's sales stand around 20 million equivalent album sales) or on the level of Guns N' Roses? ( with sales well past 100 million?) Or do they stand somewhere between these pair?
Original Albums Sales
NB: N/A means no specific number is available. Sales from the country are still accounted for in the Worldwide estimate by using figure patterns of both the artist and the country market. Countries not displayed in this fixed panel are also factored in.
Hybrid Theory (2000)
- America
- US - 11,750,000
- Canada - 800,000
- Argentina - 75,000
- Brazil - 350,000
- Mexico - 250,000
- Asia - 1,955,000
- Japan - 600,000
- Southeast Asian sales on 1,2 million by November 2002
- Oceania
- Australia - 415,000
- New Zealand - 100,000
- Europe - 4,800,000
- UK - 1,635,000
- France - 510,000
- Germany - 855,000
- Italy - 305,000
- Spain - 145,000
- Sweden - 150,000
- Netherlands - 125,000
- Switzerland - 125,000
- Austria - 90,000
- Finland - 65,000
- World - 20,800,000
Meteora (2003)
- America
- US - 6,525,000
- Canada - 575,000
- Argentina - 45,000
- Brazil - 300,000
- Mexico - 150,000
- Asia - 1,400,000
- Japan - 500,000
- South Korea - 100,000
- Taiwan - 110,000
- Oceania
- Australia - 350,000
- New Zealand - 70,000
- Europe - 3,730,000
- UK - 875,000
- France - 665,000
- Germany - 730,000
- Italy - 270,000
- Spain - 185,000
- Sweden - 70,000
- Netherlands - 75,000
- Switzerland - 80,000
- Austria - 65,000
- Finland - 20,000
- World - 13,300,000
Minutes to Midnight (2007)

- America
- US - 3,500,000
- Canada - 375,000
- Argentina - 30,000
- Brazil - 95,000
- Mexico - 50,000
- Asia - 940,000
- Japan - 475,000
- South Korea - 40,000
- Taiwan - 50,000
- Oceania
- Australia - 210,000
- New Zealand - 45,000
- Europe - 2,460,000
- UK - 580,000
- France - 280,000
- Germany - 655,000
- Italy - 235,000
- Spain - 50,000
- Sweden - 30,000
- Netherlands - 35,000
- Switzerland - 65,000
- Austria - 50,000
- Finland - 20,000
- World - 7,800,000
A Thousand Suns (2010)

- America
- US - 1,000,000
- Canada - 100,000
- Argentina - N/A
- Brazil - 40,000
- Mexico - 20,000
- Asia - 380,000
- Japan - 220,000
- South Korea - 10,000
- Oceania
- Australia - 80,000
- New Zealand - 15,000
- Europe - 980,000
- UK - 240,000
- France - 90,000
- Germany - 330,000
- Italy - 55,000
- Spain - 20,000
- Sweden - 10,000
- Netherlands - 15,000
- Switzerland - 30,000
- Austria - 20,000
- Finland - 15,000
- World - 2,700,000
Living Things (2012)

- America
- US - 775,000
- Canada - 75,000
- Argentina - N/A
- Brazil - 35,000
- Mexico - N/A
- Asia - 280,000
- Japan - 175,000
- Oceania
- Australia - 55,000
- New Zealand - 10,000
- Europe - 970,000
- UK - 155,000
- France - 110,000
- Germany - 415,000
- Italy - 50,000
- Spain - 15,000
- Sweden - 5,000
- Netherlands - 15,000
- Switzerland - 25,000
- Austria - 25,000
- Finland - 15,000
- World - 2,250,000
The Hunting Party (2014)

- America
- US - 350,000
- Canada - 45,000
- Argentina - N/A
- Brazil - 10,000
- Mexico - N/A
- Asia - 165,000
- Japan - 100,000
- Oceania
- Australia - 25,000
- New Zealand - 5,000
- Europe - 500,000
- UK - 80,000
- France - 50,000
- Germany - 230,000
- Italy - 20,000
- Spain - 5,000
- Sweden - N/A
- Netherlands - 10,000
- Switzerland - 15,000
- Austria - 15,000
- Finland - N/A
- World - 1,100,000
One More Light (2017)
- World - 400,000
NB: Estimation of its to date shipment. As it just came out, the gap between sales and shipment is still relevant, but it will be fulfilled in a matter of weeks
Original Album Sales - Comments
With their three 00s albums moving a combined 42 million units, there is no doubt that Linkin Park was one of the biggest acts of the decade. Although sales decreased album after album, those LPs, Minutes To Midnight included, were among the very best selling albums of their respective years. In fact, with Hybrid Theory at #1 of 2001, Meteora at #3 of 2003 and Minutes To Midnight at #6 of 2007 they all easily made the Global Top 10 of the year as published by the IFPI.
Times got harder from the 10s, however. The band's last three albums sold a combined 6,05 million, nearly 7 times less than their predecessors. If the market notably decreased in the meantime, that doesn't fully explain such a difference. Worst, their sales never rebounded with their new album One More Light not looking to reverse the trend. With the exception of Living Things, all their albums sold 65% or less of its immediate predecessor. A Thousand Suns was the most abrupt fall, selling barely 35% of Minutes To Minutes. However, The Hunting Party selling 1,1 million copies in 2014 is not that bad. So, while the band's profile undoubtedly decreased they remain a relevant act.
Obviously, pure album sales aren't the be-all and end-all of popularity indicators. With downloads entering into the game in the mid-00s, and streaming exploding one decade later, their most recent albums may not be as weak as they seem. Let's check those additional parameters on the following sections!
2000 Hybrid Theory - 20,800,000
2003 Meteora - 13,300,000
2007 Minutes to Midnight - 7,800,000
2010 A Thousand Suns - 2,700,000
2012 Living Things - 2,250,000
2014 The Hunting Party - 1,100,000
2017 One More Light - 400,000
Physical Singles Sales
As a reminder, the weighting is done with a 3 to 1 ratio between one album and one physical single.
As with every other rock band, Linkin Park hardly relied on physical singles sales. This became even truer with this format quickly collapsing after the group's debut. All in all, the band sold over 3 million physical singles.
Hybrid Theory (2000) - 417,000 equivalent albums
One Step Closer - 180,000
Crawling - 310,000
Papercut - 120,000
In The End - 650,000
Points Of Authority - 130,000
Meteora (2003) - 276,000 equivalent albums
Somewhere I Belong - 330,000
Faint - 120,000
Numb - 230,000
From The Inside - 100,000
Breaking The Habit - 140,000
Minutes To Midnight (2007) - 72,000 equivalent albums
What I've Done - 100,000
Bleed It Out - 50,000
Shadow Of The Day - 70,000
Remaining Singles - 20,000
Orphan Album - 198,000 equivalent albums
Numb / Encore - 660,000
Digital Singles Sales
As a reminder, the weighting is done with a 10 to 1,5 ratio between albums and digital singles.
Part 1
Although Linkin Park never truly had a big digital hit, the catalog appeal of their early tracks, plus Minutes To Midnight's singles, generated a healthy tally of 44 million digital singles sold.
What I've Done, which is the only track that had both advantages - favorable market context upon release and strong catalog appeal - ends up as their best selling hit at 6,8 million, followed by various cult tracks including In The End, Numb and Numb / Encore remix, which will come in the Orphan category.
Hybrid Theory (2000) - 2,190,000 equivalent albums
One Step Closer - 1,550,000
Crawling - 1,550,000
Papercut - 1,650,000
In The End - 5,750,000
Points Of Authority - 800,000
Remaining Tracks - 3,300,000
Meteora (2003) - 1,823,000 equivalent albums
Somewhere I Belong - 1,250,000
Faint - 1,750,000
Numb - 4,600,000
From The Inside - 700,000
Breaking The Habit - 1,450,000
Remaining Tracks - 2,400,000
Minutes To Midnight (2007) - 2,655,000 equivalent albums
What I've Done - 6,800,000
Bleed It Out - 3,200,000
Shadow Of The Day - 3,150,000
Given Up - 900,000
Leave Out All The Rest - 1,650,000
Remaining Tracks - 2,000,000
Part 2
Recent years have obviously been more difficult for the band with no era generating more than 7,5 million download singles sales. Burn It Down was a great success though, at nearly 3 million units sold.
Among Orphan songs, the Jay-Z-paired classic Numb / Encore does wonders in catalog sales, now up to over 5 million.
A Thousand Suns (2010) - 885,000 equivalent albums
The Catalyst - 1,400,000
Waiting For The End - 1,700,000
Burning In The Skies - 500,000
Iridescent - 700,000
Remaining Tracks - 1,600,000
Living Things (2012) - 1,125,000 equivalent albums
Burn It Down - 2,900,000
Lost In The Echo - 1,050,000
Powerless - 400,000
Castle Of Glass - 1,550,000
Remaining Tracks - 1,600,000
The Hunting Party (2014) - 375,000 equivalent albums
Guilty All The Same - 400,000
Until It's Gone - 400,000
Wastelands - 200,000
Rebellion - 200,000
Final Masquerade - 400,000
Remaining Tracks - 900,000
One More Light (2017) - 68,000 equivalent albums
Heavy - 400,000
Remaining Tracks - 50,000
Orphan Album - 1,935,000 equivalent albums
Numb / Encore - 5,200,000
New Divide - 5,350,000
A Light That Never Comes - 950,000
We Made It - 400,000
Remaining Tracks - 1,000,000
Streaming Sales
Streaming is made up of two families - audio and video. Our CSPC methodology now includes both to better reflect the real popularity of each track. The main source of data for each avenue is respectively Spotify and YouTube. As detailed in the Fixing Log article, Spotify represents 132 million of the 212 million users of streaming platforms, while YouTube is pretty much the only video platform generating some revenue for the industry. Below is the equivalence set on the aforementioned article:
Audio Stream - 1500 plays equal 1 album unit
Video Stream - 11,750 views equal 1 album unit
Thus... Equivalent Albums Sales = 212/132 * Spotify streams / 1500 + YouTube views / 11750
Streaming Part 1
In a Coldplay-like way, both Hybrid Theory and Meteora have magnificent streams. Each of them contain one blockbuster smash at more than 200 million Spotify streams, In The End and Numb. Please notice this latter song doesn't include the Numb / Encore mash-up, which makes this tally simply unbelieveable.
All album tracks from both albums are impressively strong too, creating equivalent album sales of 780,000 and 693,000 units respectively.

Streaming Part 2
The norm is that catalog sales increase differences between the original success or not of albums. Successful albums only get bigger thanks to this, while lower sellers sell even less proportionally when they turn catalog. This is pretty normal given lower sellers often have a lot of fan-base generated sales, while the true big breakthroughs had sizable hits on radio which will last far longer.
Minutes To Midnight completely reverses this trend. In pure album sales it moved barely 37,5% of Hybrid Theory's sales units, however in streams it achieves nearly 60% of its results. This notable showing brings 464,000 equivalent album sales. A Thousand Suns has no song over 26 million, nevertheless solid streams from all tracks conclude on 189,000 equivalent album sales.

Streaming Part 3
Living Things proves again its nice results in comparison to its immediate predecessor. Both Burn It Down and Castle Of Glass maintain a great popularity with nearly 200 million Spotify streams combined. In total, streams from this LP's songs represent 435,000 equivalent album sales.
Both The Hunting Party and One More Light lack hits - at least so far for the latter one - but continue getting relevant streams with all their songs. They are up to 161,000 and 101,000 equivalent album sales respectively.

Streaming Part 4
The highlight of this list is obviously Numb / Encore. If we add it to the original song Numb, the 380 million total on Spotify would make it the biggest catalog hit of the platform ahead of Lose Yourself by Eminem.
New Divide was big upon release, as shown by its YouTube views which stand at over 400 million. With that said, it isn't holding as well on Spotify. Although its 67 million streams remains a notable figure.

Full Length related record Sales
It sounds fairly logical to add together weighted sales of one era - studio album, physical singles, downloads, streams - to get the full picture of an album's popularity. For older releases though, they also generate sales of various live, music videos and compilation albums.
All those packaging-only records do not create value, they exploit the value originating from the parent studio album of each of its tracks instead. Inevitably, when such compilations are issued, this downgrades catalog sales of the original LP. Thus, to perfectly gauge the worth of these releases we need to re-assign sales proportionally to its contribution of all the compilations which feature its songs. The following table explains this method.
Remaining Long Format
How to understand this table? If you check for example the Live In Texas CD+DVD line, those figures mean it sold 3,400,000 units worldwide. The second statistics column means all versions of all the songs included on this package add for 1,137,000 equivalent album sales from streams of all types.
The second part on the right of the table shows how many equivalent streams are coming from each original album, plus the share it represents on the overall package. Thus, streaming figures tell us songs from Hybrid Theory are responsible for 56% of Live In Texas track list attractiveness, which means it generated 1,887,000 of its 3,400,000 album sales and so on for the other records.

Full Length related records Sales - Summary
Here is the most underestimated indicator of an album's success - the amount of compilation sales of all kinds it generated. Due to the dependency of sales of the original studio albums on these releases, they are a key piece of the jigsaw.
Hybrid Theory perfectly illustrates those mechanics. It was a tremendous success on its own, but it also created millions of additional sales through live and remix albums exploiting its songs, building a massive value of 6,8 million sales.

BONUS - Compilation Albums Sales
NB: N/A means no specific number is available. Sales from the country are still accounted for in Worldwide estimate by using figure patterns of both the artist and the country market. Countries not displayed in this fixed panel are also factored in.
Reanimation (2002)
- America
- US - 2,100,000
- Canada - 175,000
- Argentina - 20,000
- Brazil - 65,000
- Mexico - 35,000
- Asia - 525,000
- Japan - 100,000
- Oceania
- Australia - 40,000
- New Zealand - 15,000
- Europe - 990,000
- UK - 250,000
- France - 180,000
- Germany - 180,000
- Italy - 50,000
- Spain - 25,000
- Sweden - 25,000
- Netherlands - 40,000
- Switzerland - 25,000
- Austria - 25,000
- Finland - 10,000
- World - 4,000,000
Live In Texas (2003)
- America
- US - 1,200,000
- Canada - 140,000
- Argentina - N/A
- Brazil - 215,000
- Mexico - 25,000
- Asia - 345,000
- Japan - 130,000
- Oceania
- Australia - 65,000
- New Zealand - 15,000
- Europe - 1,340,000
- UK - 150,000
- France - 320,000
- Germany - 340,000
- Italy - 70,000
- Spain - 75,000
- Sweden - 15,000
- Netherlands - 20,000
- Switzerland - 35,000
- Austria - 30,000
- Finland - 5,000
- World - 3,400,000
Collision Course (2004)

- America
- US - 2,200,000
- Canada - 240,000
- Argentina - N/A
- Brazil - 80,000
- Mexico - N/A
- Asia - 475,000
- Japan - 250,000
- Oceania
- Australia - 140,000
- New Zealand - 25,000
- Europe - 1,430,000
- UK - 425,000
- France - 160,000
- Germany - 290,000
- Italy - 100,000
- Spain - 25,000
- Sweden - 35,000
- Netherlands - 55,000
- Switzerland - 50,000
- Austria - 35,000
- Finland - 5,000
- World - 4,700,000
BONUS: Total Album (all types) Sales per Country
- America
- US - 29,900,000
- Canada - 2,570,000
- Argentina - 170,000+
- Brazil - 1,225,000
- Mexico - 540,000
- Asia - 6,700,000
- Japan - 2,695,000
- Oceania
- Australia - 1,410,000
- New Zealand - 310,000
- Europe - 18,100,000
- UK - 4,510,000
- France - 2,495,000
- Germany - 4,370,000
- Italy - 1,220,000
- Spain - 570,000
- Sweden - 345,000
- Netherlands - 395,000
- Switzerland - 465,000
- Austria - 370,000
- Finland - 155,000
- World - 62,100,000
Please note that some of the countries totals may be slightly incomplete when the figure is N/A for minor releases. Countries with too much missing information to be precise enough are listed as N/A.
Linkin Park Career CSPC Results
So, after checking all the figures, how many overall equivalent album sales has each Linkin Park album achieved? Well, at this point we hardly need to add up all of the figures defined in this article!
[xyz-ips snippet="updatedCSPCalbums"]
During this article, several questions emerged. The first one was how big their early albums really were. At 30,95 million, Hybrid Theory is pretty impressive, undoubtedly one of the biggest albums of the millennium. At 18 million and 11,4 million respectively, both Meteora and Minutes To Midnight are very solid successes to the surprise of nobody.
A second observation was about the downward spiral the band was facing album after album. While their popularity is clearly going down, CSPC figures tell us Living Things was actually a rebound from A Thousand Suns. As Streaming is clearly favorable to the later album, the gap is only going to grow. There is not much left to defend The Hunting Party though. At 1,5 million overall, the album is weak in all fronts with very low download sales and streaming appeal for a 2014 record.
One More Light isn't starting strongly, but the immense popularity of the band in the streaming arena may help it top its predecessor in the long run.
A third question we raised in the past was the Coldplay vs Linkin Park debate. As a reminder the Yellow band generated 60,4 million equivalent album sales for their 00s outputs - with four albums - and 85,1 million in total. With only three albums in the 00s, Linkin Park top them at 60,3 million. The large majority of their Orphan Album sales came from their 00s material as well, thus pushing the group total for the decade to more than 66 million. Maybe surprisingly, those figures make Linkin Park the biggest band of the 00s, ahead of Coldplay.
At 78,2 million album sales equivalent, Linkin Park's career total is quite solid as well, although their later material is increasing the cumulative number quite slowly. In any case, their catalog is going strong on streaming platforms. A situation poised to last for many years to come.
Compare all studied artists right there:
The following sections list the most successful songs by Linkin Park, as well as the full listing of all CSPC results compiled so far, to better gauge their position in the history of the music industry.
As usual, feel free to comment and / or ask a question!
Sources: IFPI, Spotify, YouTube,
The list of most successful songs is compiled in album equivalent sales generated by each of them. It includes the song's own physical singles sales with a 0,3 weighting, its download and streaming sales, and with appropriate weighting too, plus its share among sales of all albums on which it is featured.
1 2000 - In the End [Hybrid Theory] - 12,040,000
2 2003 - Numb [Meteora] - 7,220,000
3 2004 - Numb / Encore [Orphan] - 4,820,000
4 2007 - What I've Done [Minutes To Midnight] - 3,930,000
5 2000 - One Step Closer [Hybrid Theory] - 3,370,000
6 2000 - Papercut [Hybrid Theory] - 3,330,000
7 2000 - Crawling [Hybrid Theory] - 3,320,000
8 2003 - Faint [Meteora] - 2,610,000
9 2007 - Bleed It Out [Minutes To Midnight] - 2,420,000
10 2003 - Breaking The Habit [Meteora] - 1,880,000
11 2003 - Somewhere I Belong [Meteora] - 1,810,000
12 2000 - Points Of Authority [Hybrid Theory] - 1,530,000
13 2012 - Burn It Down [Living Things] - 1,420,000
14 2000 - A Place For My Head [Hybrid Theory] - 1,300,000
15 2007 - Shadow Of The Day [Minutes To Midnight] - 1,170,000
16 2007 - Leave Out All The Rest [Minutes To Midnight] - 1,150,000
17 2000 - Runaway [Hybrid Theory] - 1,110,000
18 2012 - Castle Of Glass [Living Things] - 1,040,000
19 2003 - From The Inside [Meteora] - 1,020,000
20 2000 - Pushing Me Away [Hybrid Theory] - 1,010,000
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Hi everyone!
I reversed MJD’s formulas to determine the CSP for each track. We could interpret this as the CSP total “due to” a track, so its success.
I have calculated the top 10 below (All songs):
Song [Album] = CSP total (millions sales equivalent)
In The End [Hybrid Theory] = 11,18
Numb [Meteora] = 6,45
Numb / Encore [Collision Course] = 4,58
One Step Closer [Hybrid Theory] = 3,25
What I've Done [Minutes To Midnight] = 3,17
Papercut [Hybrid Theory] = 3,08
Crawling [Hybrid Theory] = 2,82
Faint [Meteora] = 2,54
Bleed It Out [Minutes To Midnight] = 2,41
Breaking The Habit [Meteora] = 1,76
None of the titles in the top 10 is released after the release of "Minutes to Midnight". This confirms that, for almost ten years, the group can not meet the success of their careers start.
If you have any question/remarks about the method/calculation I used to obtained these numbers, I will be pleased to answer you.
Hello, My name is Guilherme, I'm your ''xará'' (''Xará'' in my language means a person who has the same name as your). I'm from Brazil.
I need to say that your job about charts and sales is amazing, I love that, congratulations and thank you.
And that like a Evanescence's fan, after read this article, I'm anxious by the CSPC about Evanescence, please.
Sorry for my bad english.
Once again, thank you very much and love from Brazil!
Hello dear MJD congratulations for the CSPC analysis of Linkin Park ; then as I said in the old posts, I'd be very curious about the CSPC analysis on The Beatles especially after all their remastered albums of 2009-2010 have returned in the ranking of the most 'sold albums as Biliboard.
I hope you answer me my dear friend, please !!!
Amazing job! I hope to see Linkin Park return to form on their upcoming album which is due for early 2017. Also, THP wasn't meant to be a commercial success since the beginning. The band stated that they knew it wasn't going to sell millions but they wanted to go against what was being played on Alternative/Rock radio today. Hopefully, their next album brings them back into the mainstream because I think they still have the fanbase and power to do so if they really want.
So would this make Coldplay the best selling band of the 21st century so far and Linkin Park the 2nd best selling band of this century?
Hello Guilherme!
Também posso falar Português 😉
To not disturb other users, just answering you that Evanescence is on the pipe as they feature among 00s biggest acts! Thanks a lot for all your nice words 🙂
Hello Nick!
On my articles I focus on created value rather than units sold and in fact Coldplay is the band that created the most value since 2000 to date, followed by Linkin Park.
In terms of albums equivalent sold since 2000, catalog bands, most notably The Beatles, would need to be considered as well. Then, in terms of unweighted units sold, one would have to check the case of the Black Eyed Peas as they moved a ridiculous amount of digital singles.
Obviously and as highlighted by the CSPC, I'm 100% inclined to believe the first category makes the most sense.
I'm sorry again for disorde dear friend MJD, but I'd be really curious to know when you analyzed the Beatles, also because many sites say that is the best selling album Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band while others say that apart the collection the Beatles 1 (ONE), is the biggest selling album Abbey Road. Sorry again for the insistence, but I hope you will answer me !!!
C'mon, give us Queen! Pretty please? I know it's a lot of work, with a million albums, singles, videos and compilations, but pretty please?
It is tragic that the singer hung himself.
May he rest in peace.
I will add, that as you have JUST finished assessing LINKIN PARKS sales
we have a rare opportunity to see how a band/artists sales shift at the untimely death of the main member.
Please keep us updated.
Once again.........a moment of silence for of the best of the past 20 years
Why does he have to? There are billions of people who never got fame, who had bigger problems and have a rougher life...
My favorite rock band.
Rest in peace Chester. 🙁
MJD can you do Lana Del Rey? I can't find her total sales for Ultraviolence or Honeymoon, and estimates for BTD are probably outdated by now. She's releasing a new album now so I guess it's good timing.
Thanks a lot.
I think the reason of decrease on albums sales is because they release their album like every after 3 years which is too long that their fans might have found love to other music artists/bands when Linkin Park was out of the music scene.
But All the songs of their first album are great, I never imagined to love all of them.
I hope they'll never stop making music. They should look for somebody to take (not replace) Chester's part so their loyal fans will always be happy to continue to collect their albums.
I agree! Along with John Lennon, Jimi Hendrix, Jim Morrison, David Bowie, Freddie Mercury, Ronnie James Dio, Janis Joplin, Brad Delp, Kurt Cobain, Layne Staley, Scott Weiland, Chris Cornell, and to a less extent, Bon Scott, no one can truly replace Chester. He joined the ranks of all the deceased rock vocalist I've mentioned. If Linkin Park can get someone who sounds almost exactly like him with a very similar ability and range as a tribute, then. It would make me feel like if he was still around nostalgically. Alice In Chains have done that move before and it was passable for them.
In the next few years or so, LP will be considered as a classic rock band. They gotta focus a little more on nostalgia these days. That's what makes people buy/stream music and go to concerts.
Hybrid Theory - Platinum x 11
Meteora - Platinum x 7
Minutes to Midnight - Platinum x 4
A Thousand Suns - Platinum
Living Things - Platinum
The Hunting Party - Platinum
Hybrid theory has sold 30 million and meteora 27 million so your way off with your final total
Hi Jason!
These figures are just as inaccurate as the one for BIB. Once again don't believe everything you read!
Show me proof then mate, I got those figures from linkin parks website, and mjd I don’t believe everything I read you seem to know everything about everything pal
Donald mind your own business son, mine are facts son you believe this rubbish site I dont
Dinny make me laugh, yours are facts, thats one of the most hysterical things I've read on here. Sorry to say this pal, but you sound like some easily led muppet, who'll believe anything as long as it comes from an "official" source.
Next you'll be telling us you believe everything a politician or a political party tells us or what some bank or banker tells us or what some oil company tells us, to be true facts, just because the information comes from them!
Don't be so bloody naive and taken in by misinformation. Just because an official source releases a statement doesn't mean it is necessarily true or what it actually purports to be.
When you post on a public forum, you make it everyone else's business. Do you understand how that works?