Artist dashboard


Country: US
Birth: 1989-11-08
Active: Yes


Power Rating

Social Media



Genre: Contemporary R&B, Alternative R&B, Neo Soul, Pop Music, Hip-hop

On-demand audio streams A+
Monthly listeners 155.4m 19
Lead streams 43.3b 18
Feat streams 13.9b 20
Monthly revenue $5.7m 20
Sales data C+
CSPC units 36.1m 13
Pure albums 1.3m 8
Physical singles 20.0k 2
Digital singles 4.2m 9
Spotify statistics A
Lead streams 23.0b 17
Feat streams 7.4b 19
Monthly listeners 90.1m 19
Followers 28.4m 16
100m+ tracks 49 15
Popularity 95 20
Followers / Listeners 0.3 5
Replay value 9.9 19
Trends & Indicators A-
Daily streams 31.7m 18
Daily listeners +/- -354.2k 8
Daily followers +/- 29.0k 18
Monthly streams 888.1m 18
Monthly listeners +/- -6.0m 7
Weekly followers +/- 221.8k 18
Trend 2.1 14
Globalness 63.8 17
Playcounts are 7+ days old

Monthly listeners map

Below map represents the 50 cities where the artist has the most Spotify monthly listeners.

Album sales map

This second map is based on pure album sales by country.

Artist career totals

Albums statistics

Figures in equivalent album sales. If different, pure sales are listed between parentheses.

'Av.' stands for Average, 'LD' for Last Day.

As a reminder:

  • Studio Album: sales of the original album
  • Other Releases: sales of compilations generated thanks to the album
  • Physical Singles: sales of physical singles from the album (ratio 3/10)
  • Download Singles: sales of digital singles from the album (ratio 1,5/10)
  • Streaming: equivalent album sales of all the album tracks (ratio 1/1500 for Audio stream and 1/6750 for Video stream)

Songs statistics

Figures in equivalent album sales generated through all formats.

Studio album sales

Compilation album sales

Physical singles sales

Downloads and ringtones sales

Most streamed songs (Top 20)

# Seq. Album Song Spotify total Spotify daily AOD total EAS
1 44 SOS Kill Bill 2,425,631,955 1,510,637 4,590,673,417 3,060,448
2 32 Black Panther The Album Music From And Inspired By All The Stars (with SZA) 2,186,828,695 3,253,539 4,329,343,493 2,886,228
3 131 Features Kiss Me More (feat. SZA) 2,066,702,546 840,708 3,836,227,732 2,557,485
4 54 SOS Snooze 1,466,488,029 1,448,509 2,775,428,316 1,850,285
5 42 SOS Good Days 1,367,759,368 1,103,999 2,588,577,611 1,725,718
6 110 Features What Lovers Do (feat. SZA) 1,298,517,317 335,559 2,179,263,956 1,452,842
7 22 Ctrl Love Galore (feat. Travis Scott) 936,424,770 424,827 1,772,247,554 1,181,498
8 47 SOS Nobody Gets Me 932,937,514 1,202,600 1,765,647,684 1,177,098
9 15 Ctrl Broken Clocks 824,347,976 608,325 1,560,134,600 1,040,089
10 73 SOS Deluxe: LANA Saturn 779,873,515 1,142,640 1,475,963,658 983,975
11 49 SOS Open Arms (feat. Travis Scott) 713,734,048 1,060,230 1,350,790,219 900,526
12 140 Features luther (with sza) 687,959,147 4,977,798 1,361,977,489 907,984
13 29 Ctrl The Weekend 610,052,378 242,475 1,154,565,608 769,710
14 46 SOS Low 582,409,605 459,881 1,102,249,781 734,833
15 52 SOS Shirt 575,862,305 284,465 1,089,858,570 726,572
16 136 Features Rich Baby Daddy (feat. Sexyy Red & SZA) 529,077,324 425,387 1,034,566,264 689,710
17 43 SOS I Hate U 515,456,235 187,354 975,535,975 650,357
18 81 Orphan The Weekend - Funk Wav Remix 506,894,779 249,161 959,332,838 639,555
19 137 Features TELEKINESIS (feat. SZA & Future) 443,664,724 341,616 840,197,613 560,131
20 17 Ctrl Drew Barrymore 380,494,976 217,235 720,112,615 480,075
Album Song
∑ = 19,831,117,206 ∑ = 20,316,945 ∑ = 37,462,695,003 ∑ = 24,975,130
Unlock full updated discography data Table keys
  • Seq. stands for sequence. It sorts albums in discographic order.
  • Spotify total reflects release to date (RTD) streams of the track as shown on their software.
  • Spotify daily is calculated based on streams over the last 1 day(s).
  • AOD (Audio on-demand) reflects total streams through all AOD platforms, Spotify included. The non-Spotify part is an algorithm based figure which considers the main artist's strength and Spotify shares in each market.
  • AOD streams divided by 1,500 would provide equivalent album sales (EAS) for the track.
  • The 'Song' and 'Album' grey fields at the bottom of the table allow filtering on them.

Thresholds - CSPC

Date Format Title Milestone
2025-03-20 Album Ctrl 9,000,000
2025-03-18 Artist SZA 36,000,000
2025-03-17 Album SOS 15,000,000

Thresholds - Spotify KPIs

Date KPI Milestone
2025-03-10 Followers 28,000,000
2025-02-27 Listeners 97,000,000
2025-02-23 Listeners 96,000,000
2025-02-21 Listeners 95,000,000
2025-02-19 Listeners 94,000,000
2025-02-18 Listeners 93,000,000
2025-02-16 Listeners 92,000,000
2025-02-15 Listeners 91,000,000
2025-02-13 Listeners 89,000,000
2025-02-12 Followers 27,000,000
2025-02-12 Listeners 87,000,000
2025-02-11 Listeners 86,000,000
2025-02-09 Listeners 85,000,000
2025-02-05 Listeners 84,000,000
2025-01-19 Listeners 83,000,000
2025-01-13 Listeners 82,000,000
2025-01-08 Followers 26,000,000
2024-12-21 Listeners 81,000,000
2024-12-18 Listeners 80,000,000
2024-12-16 Listeners 79,000,000
2024-12-13 Listeners 78,000,000
2024-12-11 Listeners 77,000,000
2024-12-10 Followers 25,000,000
2024-12-09 Listeners 76,000,000
2024-12-07 Listeners 75,000,000
2024-11-02 Followers 24,000,000
2024-09-16 Followers 23,000,000
2024-08-11 Followers 22,000,000
2024-06-30 Followers 21,000,000
2024-05-24 Listeners 74,000,000
2024-05-20 Followers 20,000,000
2024-05-18 Listeners 73,000,000
2024-04-13 Followers 19,000,000
2024-03-16 Listeners 72,000,000
2024-03-01 Followers 18,000,000
2024-01-16 Followers 17,000,000
2023-11-30 Followers 16,000,000
2023-10-12 Listeners 71,000,000
2023-10-09 Listeners 70,000,000
2023-10-02 Followers 15,000,000
2023-08-08 Followers 14,000,000
2023-06-13 Followers 13,000,000
2023-04-19 Followers 12,000,000
2023-03-01 Followers 11,000,000
2023-02-12 Listeners 69,000,000
2023-02-06 Listeners 68,000,000
2023-02-01 Listeners 67,000,000
2023-01-25 Listeners 66,000,000
2023-01-23 Listeners 65,000,000
2023-01-22 Listeners 64,000,000
2023-01-20 Listeners 63,000,000
2023-01-18 Listeners 62,000,000
2023-01-16 Listeners 61,000,000
2023-01-14 Listeners 60,000,000
2023-01-13 Followers 10,000,000
2023-01-12 Listeners 59,000,000
2023-01-10 Listeners 58,000,000
2023-01-07 Listeners 57,000,000
2023-01-05 Listeners 56,000,000
2023-01-04 Listeners 55,000,000
2023-01-02 Listeners 54,000,000
2023-01-01 Listeners 53,000,000
2022-12-30 Listeners 51,000,000
2022-12-29 Listeners 50,000,000
2022-12-28 Listeners 49,000,000
2022-12-26 Listeners 48,000,000
2022-12-25 Listeners 47,000,000
2022-12-23 Listeners 46,000,000
2022-12-22 Listeners 45,000,000
2022-12-21 Listeners 44,000,000
2022-12-19 Listeners 43,000,000
2022-12-18 Listeners 42,000,000
2022-12-17 Listeners 41,000,000
2022-12-14 Listeners 39,000,000
2022-12-13 Listeners 38,000,000
2022-12-11 Listeners 36,000,000
2022-12-10 Followers 9,000,000
2022-11-16 Followers 8,000,000
2022-11-16 Listeners 35,000,000
2022-11-11 Listeners 34,000,000
2022-11-07 Listeners 33,000,000
2022-09-04 Listeners 32,000,000
2022-08-31 Listeners 31,000,000
2022-08-28 Listeners 30,000,000
2022-08-03 Listeners 29,000,000
2022-01-17 Followers 7,000,000
2021-08-31 Followers 6,000,000
2021-04-07 Followers 5,000,000
2020-12-20 Followers 4,000,000
2020-05-27 Followers 3,000,000
Show More

Thresholds - Streams

Date Format Title Milestone
2025-03-16 Album Ctrl 5,300,000,000
2025-03-11 Single Pretty Little Birds (feat. Isaiah Rashad) 100,000,000
2025-03-11 Artist
all credits
SZA 30,000,000,000
2025-03-10 Single Open Arms (feat. Travis Scott) 700,000,000
2025-03-06 Single Kill Bill 2,400,000,000
2025-02-28 Single All The Stars (with SZA) 2,100,000,000
2025-02-25 Single Nobody Gets Me 900,000,000
2025-02-19 Artist
all credits
SZA 29,000,000,000
2025-02-15 Album SOS / Lana 12,000,000,000
2025-02-14 Single The Weekend 600,000,000
2025-02-13 Album Ctrl 5,200,000,000
2025-02-12 Single Snooze 1,400,000,000
2025-01-23 Single Saturn 700,000,000
2025-01-19 Artist
all credits
SZA 28,000,000,000
2025-01-19 Single Good Days 1,300,000,000
2025-01-12 Album Ctrl 5,100,000,000
2025-01-11 Single Love Galore 900,000,000
2025-01-10 Artist
SZA 23,000,000,000
2025-01-09 Single Kill Bill 2,300,000,000
2024-12-24 Artist
all credits
SZA 27,000,000,000
2024-12-22 Single Open Arms 600,000,000
2024-12-21 Single Snooze 1,300,000,000
2024-12-18 Album SOS 9,900,000,000
2024-12-17 Single Nobody Gets Me 800,000,000
2024-12-09 Album SOS 9,800,000,000
2024-12-08 Artist
SZA 22,000,000,000
2024-12-07 Album Ctrl 5,000,000,000
2024-11-29 Album SOS 9,700,000,000
2024-11-23 Artist
all credits
SZA 26,000,000,000
2024-11-22 Single Kill Bill 2,200,000,000
2024-11-20 Album SOS 9,600,000,000
2024-11-15 Single Saturn 600,000,000
2024-11-07 Album SOS 9,500,000,000
2024-11-02 Album Ctrl 4,900,000,000
2024-10-28 Album SOS 9,400,000,000
2024-10-21 Single Snooze 1,200,000,000
2024-10-16 Album SOS 9,300,000,000
2024-10-08 Artist
SZA 21,000,000,000
2024-10-05 Single Nobody Gets Me 700,000,000
2024-10-04 Album SOS 9,200,000,000
2024-10-03 Single Kill Bill 2,100,000,000
2024-09-30 Artist
all credits
SZA 25,000,000,000
2024-09-27 Album Ctrl 4,800,000,000
2024-09-23 Album SOS 9,100,000,000
2024-09-16 Single Good Days 1,200,000,000
2024-09-10 Album SOS 9,000,000,000
2024-09-04 Single Broken Clocks 700,000,000
2024-08-28 Album SOS 8,900,000,000
2024-08-25 Album Ctrl 4,700,000,000
2024-08-15 Album SOS 8,800,000,000
2024-08-14 Single Kill Bill 2,000,000,000
2024-08-07 Artist
SZA 20,000,000,000
2024-08-06 Artist
all credits
SZA 24,000,000,000
2024-08-03 Album SOS 8,700,000,000
2024-08-01 Single Snooze 1,100,000,000
2024-07-23 Album SOS 8,600,000,000
2024-07-19 Album Ctrl 4,600,000,000
2024-07-12 Album SOS 8,500,000,000
2024-07-07 Single Nobody Gets Me 600,000,000
2024-07-01 Album SOS 8,400,000,000
2024-06-25 Single Kill Bill 1,900,000,000
2024-06-16 Artist
all credits
SZA 23,000,000,000
2024-06-12 Album Ctrl 4,500,000,000
2024-06-10 Artist
SZA 19,000,000,000
2024-06-10 Album SOS 8,200,000,000
2024-06-07 Single Good Days 1,100,000,000
2024-06-06 Single Snooze 1,000,000,000
2024-06-01 Album SOS 8,100,000,000
2024-05-21 Album SOS 8,000,000,000
2024-05-12 Album SOS 7,900,000,000
2024-05-10 Album Ctrl 4,400,000,000
2024-05-07 Single Kill Bill 1,800,000,000
2024-05-04 Artist
all credits
SZA 22,000,000,000
2024-05-03 Album SOS 7,800,000,000
2024-04-28 Single Broken Clocks 600,000,000
2024-04-24 Album SOS 7,700,000,000
2024-04-23 Artist
SZA 18,000,000,000
2024-04-22 Single Love Galore 800,000,000
2024-04-15 Single Snooze 900,000,000
2024-04-14 Album SOS 7,600,000,000
2024-04-11 Album Ctrl 4,300,000,000
2024-04-03 Album SOS 7,500,000,000
2024-03-24 Album SOS 7,400,000,000
2024-03-23 Artist
all credits
SZA 21,000,000,000
2024-03-15 Album SOS 7,300,000,000
2024-03-14 Album Ctrl 4,200,000,000
2024-03-06 Album SOS 7,200,000,000
2024-03-05 Single Kill Bill 1,700,000,000
2024-03-05 Artist
SZA 17,000,000,000
2024-03-04 Single Good Days 1,000,000,000
2024-02-26 Album SOS 7,100,000,000
2024-02-23 Single Snooze 800,000,000
2024-02-17 Album SOS 7,000,000,000
2024-02-15 Album Ctrl 4,100,000,000
2024-02-12 Artist
all credits
SZA 20,000,000,000
2024-02-08 Album SOS 6,900,000,000
2024-01-30 Album SOS 6,800,000,000
2024-01-19 Album SOS 6,700,000,000
2024-01-16 Album Ctrl 4,000,000,000
2024-01-16 Single Kill Bill 1,600,000,000
2024-01-10 Artist
SZA 16,000,000,000
2024-01-08 Album SOS 6,600,000,000
2024-01-05 Single Snooze 700,000,000
2023-12-29 Album SOS 6,500,000,000
2023-12-24 Artist
all credits
SZA 19,000,000,000
2023-12-18 Album SOS 6,400,000,000
2023-12-14 Album Ctrl 3,900,000,000
2023-12-08 Album SOS 6,300,000,000
2023-12-04 Single Kill Bill 1,500,000,000
2023-11-29 Album SOS 6,200,000,000
2023-11-15 Single Snooze 600,000,000
2023-11-11 Album Ctrl 3,800,000,000
2023-11-10 Artist
SZA 15,000,000,000
2023-11-08 Album SOS 6,000,000,000
2023-11-07 Artist
all credits
SZA 18,000,000,000
2023-11-04 Single Good Days 900,000,000
2023-10-28 Album SOS 5,900,000,000
2023-10-22 Single Kill Bill 1,400,000,000
2023-10-17 Album SOS 5,800,000,000
2023-10-07 Album SOS 5,700,000,000
2023-10-07 Album Ctrl 3,700,000,000
2023-09-27 Album SOS 5,600,000,000
2023-09-17 Album SOS 5,500,000,000
2023-09-17 Artist
all credits
SZA 17,000,000,000
2023-09-14 Artist
SZA 14,000,000,000
2023-09-11 Single Kill Bill 1,300,000,000
2023-09-07 Album SOS 5,400,000,000
2023-09-01 Album Ctrl 3,600,000,000
2023-08-28 Album SOS 5,300,000,000
2023-08-18 Album SOS 5,200,000,000
2023-08-07 Album SOS 5,100,000,000
2023-08-04 Single Kill Bill 1,200,000,000
2023-07-27 Album SOS 5,000,000,000
2023-07-25 Artist
all credits
SZA 16,000,000,000
2023-07-22 Single Love Galore 700,000,000
2023-07-21 Album Ctrl 3,500,000,000
2023-07-17 Album SOS 4,900,000,000
2023-07-10 Artist
SZA 13,000,000,000
2023-07-07 Album SOS 4,800,000,000
2023-07-02 Single Kill Bill 1,100,000,000
2023-06-28 Artist
SZA 12,000,000,000
2023-06-13 Single Good Days 800,000,000
2023-06-02 Single Kill Bill 1,000,000,000
2023-05-31 Album SOS 4,400,000,000
2023-05-22 Album SOS 4,300,000,000
2023-05-14 Album SOS 4,200,000,000
2023-05-07 Single Kill Bill 900,000,000
2023-05-06 Album SOS 4,100,000,000
2023-04-30 Album Ctrl 3,300,000,000
2023-04-21 Album SOS 3,900,000,000
2023-04-14 Album SOS 3,800,000,000
2023-04-13 Single Kill Bill 800,000,000
2023-04-07 Album SOS 3,700,000,000
2023-03-31 Album SOS 3,600,000,000
2023-03-25 Album Ctrl 3,200,000,000
2023-03-25 Single Kill Bill 700,000,000
2023-03-24 Artist
SZA 11,000,000,000
2023-03-24 Album SOS 3,500,000,000
2023-03-18 Album SOS 3,400,000,000
2023-03-12 Album SOS 3,300,000,000
2023-03-07 Album SOS 3,200,000,000
2023-03-01 Album SOS 3,100,000,000
2023-02-27 Artist
all credits
SZA 13,000,000,000
2023-02-24 Album SOS 3,000,000,000
2023-02-19 Album SOS 2,900,000,000
2023-02-18 Album Ctrl 3,100,000,000
2023-02-14 Album SOS 2,800,000,000
2023-02-12 Artist
SZA 10,000,000,000
2023-02-09 Album SOS 2,700,000,000
2023-02-05 Album SOS 2,600,000,000
2023-01-31 Album SOS 2,500,000,000
2023-01-26 Album SOS 2,400,000,000
2023-01-24 Artist
all credits
SZA 12,000,000,000
2023-01-22 Album SOS 2,300,000,000
2023-01-18 Album SOS 2,200,000,000
2023-01-15 Album Ctrl 3,000,000,000
2023-01-14 Album SOS 2,100,000,000
2023-01-13 Artist
SZA 9,000,000,000
2023-01-11 Album SOS 2,000,000,000
2023-01-06 Album SOS 1,900,000,000
2023-01-02 Album SOS 1,800,000,000
2022-12-29 Album SOS 1,700,000,000
2022-12-25 Album SOS 1,600,000,000
2022-12-23 Artist
all credits
SZA 11,000,000,000
2022-12-21 Album SOS 1,500,000,000
2022-12-18 Album SOS 1,400,000,000
2022-12-15 Album SOS 1,300,000,000
2022-12-14 Album Ctrl 2,900,000,000
2022-12-13 Album SOS 1,200,000,000
2022-12-12 Artist
SZA 8,000,000,000
2022-12-11 Album SOS 1,100,000,000
2022-12-09 Artist
all credits
SZA 10,000,000,000
2022-12-09 Album SOS 1,000,000,000
2022-11-08 Album Ctrl 2,800,000,000
2022-10-27 Artist
all credits
SZA 9,000,000,000
2022-09-27 Album Ctrl 2,700,000,000
2022-09-07 Artist
SZA 7,000,000,000
2022-08-13 Album Ctrl 2,600,000,000
2022-06-22 Album Ctrl 2,500,000,000
2022-02-14 Artist
SZA 6,000,000,000
2021-12-03 Artist
SZA 5,000,000,000
2021-10-04 Artist
all credits
SZA 7,000,000,000
2021-10-03 Artist
all credits
SZA 8,000,000,000
2021-05-05 Artist
all credits
SZA 6,000,000,000
2021-04-25 Artist
SZA 4,000,000,000
2021-01-17 Artist
SZA 3,000,000,000
2020-12-02 Artist
all credits
SZA 5,000,000,000
2020-06-20 Artist
SZA 2,000,000,000
Show More


Date Ranking Overtaking
2025-03-20 Most Streamed Artists - AOD SZA climbs from #37 to #36.
2025-03-19 Most Spotify Followers SZA climbs from #66 to #65.
2025-03-17 Most Streamed Artists - AOD SZA climbs from #37 to #36.
2025-03-12 Top Songs CSPC - Year 2021 I Hate U climbs from #9 to #8.

Artist rankings

With 10,258,000 EAS, SZA ranks #8 among the most successful artists of 2017.
With 7,404,000 EAS, SZA ranks #10 among the most successful artists of 2020.
With 5,751,000 EAS, SZA ranks #5 among the most successful artists of 2022.
With 43,538,186,350 streams, SZA ranks #37 among artists with the most streams on audio on-demand streaming services.
With 23,004,819,380 lead streams on Spotify, SZA ranks #47 among the most streamed artists of all time.
With 90,456,551 listeners currently, SZA ranks #7 among artists with the most monthly listeners on Spotify.
With 97,852,020 listeners, SZA ranks #11 among artists with the highest monthly listeners peak on Spotify.
With 28,341,418 followers, SZA ranks #65 among artists with the most followers on Spotify.

Album rankings

With 15,068,000 EAS, SOS ranks #3 among the most successful albums of 2022.
With 12,636,734,849 streams on Spotify, SOS / Lana ranks #9 among the most streamed albums of all time.
With 12,636,734,849 streams on Spotify, SOS / Lana ranks #2 among the most streamed albums of 2022.

Song rankings

With 6,877,000 EAS, Good Days ranks #3 among the most successful songs of 2020.
With 2,708,000 EAS, I Hate U ranks #8 among the most successful songs of 2021.
With 2,424,121,318 streams on Spotify, Kill Bill ranks #68 among the most streamed tracks of all time.
With 2,424,121,318 streams on Spotify, Kill Bill ranks #2 among the most streamed tracks of 2022.