Artist dashboard
edit artist details
Country: US
Birth: 1972-10-17
Active: Yes
Genre: Hip-hop, Hardcore Hip-hop, Midwest Hip-hop, Horrorcore, Comedy Hip-hop, Dirty Rap, Rap Rock
On-demand audio streams
Monthly listeners
Lead streams
Feat streams
Monthly revenue
Sales data
CSPC units
Pure albums
Physical singles
Digital singles
Spotify statistics
Lead streams
Feat streams
Monthly listeners
100m+ tracks
Followers / Listeners
Replay value
Trends & Indicators
Daily streams
Daily listeners +/-
Daily followers +/-
Monthly streams
Monthly listeners +/-
Weekly followers +/-
Playcounts are 7+ days old
Monthly listeners map
Below map represents the 50 cities where the artist has the most Spotify monthly listeners.
Album sales map
This second map is based on pure album sales by country.
Artist career totals
Albums statistics
Figures in equivalent album sales. If different, pure sales are listed between parentheses.
As a reminder:
- Studio Album: sales of the original album
- Other Releases: sales of compilations generated thanks to the album
- Physical Singles: sales of physical singles from the album (ratio 3/10)
- Download Singles: sales of digital singles from the album (ratio 1,5/10)
- Streaming: equivalent album sales of all the album tracks (ratio 1/1500 for Audio stream and 1/6750 for Video stream)
Songs statistics
Figures in equivalent album sales generated through all formats.
Studio album sales
Compilation album sales
Physical singles sales
Downloads and ringtones sales
Most streamed songs (Top 20)
# | Seq. | Album | Song | Spotify total | Spotify daily | AOD total | EAS |
1 | 72 | The Eminem Show | Without Me | 2,563,607,274 | 1,326,789 | 4,347,401,105 | 2,898,267 |
2 | 294 | Orphan | Lose Yourself - From "8 Mile" Soundtrack | 2,503,190,099 | 1,025,683 | 4,244,944,814 | 2,829,963 |
3 | 69 | The Eminem Show | Till I Collapse | 2,188,211,491 | 746,125 | 3,710,799,681 | 2,473,866 |
4 | 44 | The Marshall Mathers LP | The Real Slim Shady | 2,112,658,385 | 975,668 | 3,582,675,666 | 2,388,450 |
5 | 101 | Encore | Mockingbird | 2,045,203,593 | 1,082,941 | 3,468,284,885 | 2,312,189 |
6 | 151 | Recovery | Love The Way You Lie | 1,799,215,494 | 827,414 | 3,051,134,823 | 2,034,089 |
7 | 229 | Music To Be Murdered By | Godzilla (feat. Juice WRLD) | 1,679,625,187 | 683,230 | 2,848,331,906 | 1,898,887 |
8 | 404 | Features | Smack That | 1,304,698,528 | 846,374 | 2,240,547,039 | 1,493,698 |
9 | 42 | The Marshall Mathers LP | Stan | 1,276,142,493 | 503,908 | 2,164,100,305 | 1,442,733 |
10 | 179 | The Marshall Mathers LP 2 | Rap God | 1,174,344,446 | 327,540 | 1,991,469,752 | 1,327,646 |
11 | 185 | The Marshall Mathers LP 2 | The Monster | 1,171,045,534 | 456,805 | 1,985,875,411 | 1,323,916 |
12 | 153 | Recovery | Not Afraid | 1,139,630,796 | 405,547 | 1,932,601,858 | 1,288,401 |
13 | 67 | The Eminem Show | Superman | 1,114,669,729 | 660,934 | 1,890,272,531 | 1,260,181 |
14 | 357 | Features | Forgot About Dre - Album Version (Edited) | 928,683,020 | 367,912 | 1,612,439,823 | 1,074,959 |
15 | 202 | Revival | River (feat. Ed Sheeran) | 881,763,839 | 161,227 | 1,495,307,462 | 996,871 |
16 | 217 | Kamikaze | Venom - Music From The Motion Picture | 871,250,431 | 247,881 | 1,477,478,678 | 984,985 |
17 | 211 | Kamikaze | Lucky You (feat. Joyner Lucas) | 751,496,360 | 117,453 | 1,274,398,048 | 849,598 |
18 | 23 | The Slim Shady LP | My Name Is | 679,898,819 | 248,712 | 1,152,981,935 | 768,654 |
19 | 127 | Relapse | Forever | 669,970,524 | 285,399 | 1,310,071,082 | 873,380 |
20 | 63 | The Eminem Show | Sing For The Moment | 600,015,974 | 250,602 | 1,017,515,488 | 678,343 |
Album | Song | ||||||
∑ = 27,455,322,016 | ∑ = 11,548,144 | ∑ = 46,798,632,304 | ∑ = 31,199,088 |
- Seq. stands for sequence. It sorts albums in discographic order.
- Spotify total reflects release to date (RTD) streams of the track as shown on their software.
- Spotify daily is calculated based on streams over the last 1 day(s).
- AOD (Audio on-demand) reflects total streams through all AOD platforms, Spotify included. The non-Spotify part is an algorithm based figure which considers the main artist's strength and Spotify shares in each market.
- AOD streams divided by 1,500 would provide equivalent album sales (EAS) for the track.
- The 'Song' and 'Album' grey fields at the bottom of the table allow filtering on them.
Thresholds - Spotify KPIs
Date | KPI | Milestone |
2025-03-01 | Followers | 98,000,000 |
2025-02-04 | Followers | 97,000,000 |
2025-01-11 | Followers | 96,000,000 |
2024-12-22 | Followers | 95,000,000 |
2024-12-04 | Followers | 94,000,000 |
2024-11-15 | Followers | 93,000,000 |
2024-10-26 | Followers | 92,000,000 |
2024-10-07 | Followers | 91,000,000 |
2024-09-14 | Followers | 90,000,000 |
2024-08-27 | Followers | 89,000,000 |
2024-08-10 | Followers | 88,000,000 |
2024-07-23 | Listeners | 86,000,000 |
2024-07-21 | Followers | 87,000,000 |
2024-06-30 | Followers | 86,000,000 |
2024-06-26 | Listeners | 85,000,000 |
2024-06-22 | Listeners | 84,000,000 |
2024-06-18 | Listeners | 83,000,000 |
2024-06-17 | Listeners | 82,000,000 |
2024-06-15 | Listeners | 81,000,000 |
2024-06-13 | Listeners | 80,000,000 |
2024-06-12 | Listeners | 79,000,000 |
2024-06-11 | Listeners | 78,000,000 |
2024-06-09 | Listeners | 77,000,000 |
2024-06-08 | Listeners | 75,000,000 |
2024-06-07 | Listeners | 74,000,000 |
2024-06-07 | Followers | 85,000,000 |
2024-05-16 | Followers | 84,000,000 |
2024-04-16 | Followers | 83,000,000 |
2024-03-20 | Followers | 82,000,000 |
2024-01-31 | Followers | 81,000,000 |
2024-01-01 | Listeners | 73,000,000 |
2023-12-26 | Listeners | 72,000,000 |
2023-12-23 | Listeners | 71,000,000 |
2023-12-20 | Listeners | 70,000,000 |
2023-12-17 | Listeners | 69,000,000 |
2023-12-15 | Followers | 80,000,000 |
2023-11-29 | Followers | 79,000,000 |
2023-11-05 | Followers | 78,000,000 |
2023-09-25 | Followers | 77,000,000 |
2023-09-02 | Followers | 76,000,000 |
2023-08-12 | Followers | 75,000,000 |
2023-07-22 | Followers | 74,000,000 |
2023-07-03 | Followers | 73,000,000 |
2023-06-13 | Followers | 72,000,000 |
2023-05-25 | Followers | 71,000,000 |
2023-05-06 | Followers | 70,000,000 |
2023-04-17 | Followers | 69,000,000 |
2023-03-27 | Followers | 68,000,000 |
2023-03-06 | Followers | 67,000,000 |
2023-02-26 | Listeners | 68,000,000 |
2023-02-17 | Listeners | 67,000,000 |
2023-02-14 | Followers | 66,000,000 |
2023-02-14 | Listeners | 66,000,000 |
2023-01-24 | Followers | 65,000,000 |
2023-01-17 | Listeners | 65,000,000 |
2023-01-09 | Listeners | 64,000,000 |
2023-01-03 | Followers | 64,000,000 |
2023-01-01 | Listeners | 63,000,000 |
2022-12-21 | Listeners | 62,000,000 |
2022-12-16 | Followers | 63,000,000 |
2022-12-07 | Listeners | 61,000,000 |
2022-11-30 | Listeners | 60,000,000 |
2022-11-27 | Followers | 62,000,000 |
2022-11-21 | Listeners | 59,000,000 |
2022-11-12 | Listeners | 58,000,000 |
2022-11-05 | Listeners | 57,000,000 |
2022-11-04 | Followers | 61,000,000 |
2022-11-03 | Listeners | 56,000,000 |
2022-10-29 | Listeners | 55,000,000 |
2022-10-10 | Followers | 60,000,000 |
2022-09-14 | Followers | 59,000,000 |
2022-08-20 | Listeners | 53,000,000 |
2022-08-06 | Listeners | 52,000,000 |
2022-08-04 | Followers | 58,000,000 |
2022-08-03 | Listeners | 51,000,000 |
2022-07-02 | Followers | 57,000,000 |
2022-06-02 | Followers | 56,000,000 |
2022-04-30 | Followers | 55,000,000 |
2022-03-30 | Followers | 54,000,000 |
2022-03-06 | Followers | 53,000,000 |
2022-02-06 | Followers | 52,000,000 |
2022-01-08 | Followers | 51,000,000 |
2021-12-08 | Followers | 50,000,000 |
2021-11-06 | Followers | 49,000,000 |
2021-09-25 | Followers | 48,000,000 |
2021-08-22 | Followers | 47,000,000 |
2021-07-19 | Followers | 46,000,000 |
2021-06-17 | Followers | 45,000,000 |
2021-05-07 | Followers | 44,000,000 |
2021-03-28 | Followers | 43,000,000 |
2021-02-26 | Followers | 42,000,000 |
2021-01-23 | Followers | 41,000,000 |
2020-12-18 | Followers | 40,000,000 |
2020-11-09 | Followers | 39,000,000 |
2020-09-23 | Followers | 38,000,000 |
2020-08-10 | Followers | 37,000,000 |
2020-07-07 | Followers | 36,000,000 |
2020-05-29 | Followers | 35,000,000 |
Thresholds - Streams
Date | Format | Title | Milestone |
2025-03-22 | Single | Sing For The Moment | 600,000,000 |
2025-03-21 | Album | The Eminem Show | 8,200,000,000 |
2025-03-10 | Single | The Real Slim Shady | 2,100,000,000 |
2025-03-08 | Album | Recovery | 5,000,000,000 |
2025-03-08 | Album | Relapse | 2,400,000,000 |
2025-03-08 | Single | Somebody Save Me | 100,000,000 |
2025-03-07 | Album | Encore | 3,700,000,000 |
2025-03-02 | Artist leads |
Eminem | 49,000,000,000 |
2025-03-01 | Single | Superman | 1,100,000,000 |
2025-02-28 | Single | Criminal | 100,000,000 |
2025-02-28 | Album | Music To Be Murdered By | 4,200,000,000 |
2025-02-25 | Album | The Death Of Slim Shady (Coup De Grâce) | 1,500,000,000 |
2025-02-22 | Album | The Eminem Show | 8,100,000,000 |
2025-02-22 | Album | The Marshall Mathers LP | 5,100,000,000 |
2025-02-15 | Artist all credits |
Eminem | 55,000,000,000 |
2025-02-11 | Single | Mockingbird | 2,000,000,000 |
2025-02-04 | Single | Without Me | 2,500,000,000 |
2025-01-28 | Album | The Eminem Show | 8,000,000,000 |
2025-01-14 | Album | Recovery | 4,900,000,000 |
2025-01-13 | Artist leads |
Eminem | 48,000,000,000 |
2025-01-11 | Album | Encore | 3,600,000,000 |
2025-01-10 | Album | The Death Of Slim Shady (Coup De Grâce) | 1,400,000,000 |
2025-01-10 | Album | The Marshall Mathers LP | 5,000,000,000 |
2025-01-08 | Album | The Marshall Mathers LP 2 | 4,100,000,000 |
2025-01-06 | Album | Revival | 2,000,000,000 |
2025-01-04 | Artist all credits |
Eminem | 54,000,000,000 |
2025-01-02 | Album | The Eminem Show | 7,900,000,000 |
2024-12-27 | Album | The Slim Shady LP | 1,700,000,000 |
2024-12-20 | Single | Not Afraid | 1,100,000,000 |
2024-12-15 | Single | Lose Yourself | 2,400,000,000 |
2024-12-15 | Album | Music To Be Murdered By | 4,100,000,000 |
2024-12-15 | Single | Godzilla | 1,600,000,000 |
2024-12-15 | Single | Lose Yourself - From "8 Mile" Soundtrack | 2,400,000,000 |
2024-12-15 | Single | Godzilla (feat. Juice WRLD) | 1,600,000,000 |
2024-12-06 | Album | The Eminem Show | 7,800,000,000 |
2024-12-05 | Single | The Real Slim Shady | 2,000,000,000 |
2024-12-03 | Album | The Death Of Slim Shady (Coup De Grâce) | 1,300,000,000 |
2024-12-02 | Single | Love The Way You Lie | 1,700,000,000 |
2024-11-29 | Single | 'Till I Collapse | 2,100,000,000 |
2024-11-29 | Artist leads |
Eminem | 47,000,000,000 |
2024-11-28 | Album | The Marshall Mathers LP | 4,900,000,000 |
2024-11-27 | Artist all credits |
Eminem | 53,000,000,000 |
2024-11-26 | Single | Without Me | 2,400,000,000 |
2024-11-23 | Single | Mockingbird | 1,900,000,000 |
2024-11-19 | Album | Encore | 3,500,000,000 |
2024-11-18 | Album | Recovery | 4,800,000,000 |
2024-11-12 | Album | The Eminem Show | 7,700,000,000 |
2024-11-08 | Single | The Monster | 1,100,000,000 |
2024-11-03 | Album | Relapse | 2,300,000,000 |
2024-11-02 | Single | Stan | 1,200,000,000 |
2024-11-01 | Album | The Death Of Slim Shady (Coup De Grâce) | 1,200,000,000 |
2024-10-24 | Album | Kamikaze | 3,400,000,000 |
2024-10-23 | Album | The Marshall Mathers LP 2 | 4,000,000,000 |
2024-10-20 | Album | The Marshall Mathers LP | 4,800,000,000 |
2024-10-19 | Album | The Eminem Show | 7,600,000,000 |
2024-10-18 | Artist all credits |
Eminem | 52,000,000,000 |
2024-10-15 | Artist leads |
Eminem | 46,000,000,000 |
2024-10-14 | Single | Superman | 1,000,000,000 |
2024-10-08 | Album | The Death Of Slim Shady (Coup De Grâce) | 1,100,000,000 |
2024-10-07 | Album | Encore | 3,400,000,000 |
2024-10-04 | Album | Music To Be Murdered By | 4,000,000,000 |
2024-10-01 | Album | Recovery | 4,700,000,000 |
2024-09-27 | Album | The Eminem Show | 7,500,000,000 |
2024-09-23 | Single | Without Me | 2,300,000,000 |
2024-09-20 | Single | Lose Yourself - From "8 Mile" Soundtrack | 2,300,000,000 |
2024-09-20 | Single | Lose Yourself | 2,300,000,000 |
2024-09-18 | Album | The Death Of Slim Shady (Coup De Grâce) | 1,000,000,000 |
2024-09-16 | Single | Mockingbird | 1,800,000,000 |
2024-09-12 | Single | The Real Slim Shady | 1,900,000,000 |
2024-09-10 | Artist all credits |
Eminem | 51,000,000,000 |
2024-09-10 | Album | The Marshall Mathers LP | 4,700,000,000 |
2024-09-01 | Artist leads |
Eminem | 45,000,000,000 |
2024-09-01 | Album | The Eminem Show | 7,400,000,000 |
2024-08-31 | Single | Rap God | 1,100,000,000 |
2024-08-29 | Album | The Death Of Slim Shady (Coup De Grâce) | 900,000,000 |
2024-08-22 | Single | Love The Way You Lie | 1,600,000,000 |
2024-08-15 | Album | Encore | 3,300,000,000 |
2024-08-13 | Album | The Death Of Slim Shady (Coup De Grâce) | 800,000,000 |
2024-08-08 | Single | Godzilla | 1,500,000,000 |
2024-08-08 | Album | Recovery | 4,600,000,000 |
2024-08-08 | Single | Godzilla (feat. Juice WRLD) | 1,500,000,000 |
2024-08-06 | Album | The Eminem Show | 7,300,000,000 |
2024-08-02 | Artist all credits |
Eminem | 50,000,000,000 |
2024-08-01 | Album | The Death Of Slim Shady (Coup De Grâce) | 700,000,000 |
2024-07-30 | Single | 'Till I Collapse | 2,000,000,000 |
2024-07-28 | Album | The Marshall Mathers LP | 4,600,000,000 |
2024-07-28 | Album | The Slim Shady LP | 1,600,000,000 |
2024-07-24 | Album | The Death Of Slim Shady (Coup De Grâce) | 600,000,000 |
2024-07-23 | Artist leads |
Eminem | 44,000,000,000 |
2024-07-21 | Single | Venom | 800,000,000 |
2024-07-19 | Album | The Marshall Mathers LP 2 | 3,900,000,000 |
2024-07-18 | Album | The Death Of Slim Shady (Coup De Grâce) | 500,000,000 |
2024-07-15 | Album | The Death Of Slim Shady (Coup De Grâce) | 400,000,000 |
2024-07-15 | Single | Without Me | 2,200,000,000 |
2024-07-12 | Album | Music To Be Murdered By | 3,900,000,000 |
2024-07-09 | Artist all credits |
Eminem | 49,000,000,000 |
2024-07-02 | Album | Relapse | 2,200,000,000 |
2024-06-27 | Album | Encore | 3,200,000,000 |
2024-06-27 | Single | Mockingbird | 1,700,000,000 |
2024-06-23 | Artist leads |
Eminem | 43,000,000,000 |
2024-06-20 | Album | The Eminem Show | 7,100,000,000 |
2024-06-20 | Album | The Marshall Mathers LP | 4,500,000,000 |
2024-06-19 | Album | Recovery | 4,500,000,000 |
2024-06-17 | Single | My Name Is | 600,000,000 |
2024-06-17 | Single | Lose Yourself - From "8 Mile" Soundtrack | 2,200,000,000 |
2024-06-17 | Single | Lose Yourself | 2,200,000,000 |
2024-06-14 | Single | The Real Slim Shady | 1,800,000,000 |
2024-06-05 | Artist all credits |
Eminem | 48,000,000,000 |
2024-06-01 | Album | The Eminem Show | 7,000,000,000 |
2024-06-01 | Album | Kamikaze | 3,300,000,000 |
2024-05-22 | Single | Superman | 900,000,000 |
2024-05-16 | Single | Not Afraid | 1,000,000,000 |
2024-05-15 | Album | The Marshall Mathers LP | 4,400,000,000 |
2024-05-15 | Single | Without Me | 2,100,000,000 |
2024-05-12 | Artist leads |
Eminem | 42,000,000,000 |
2024-05-10 | Single | Love The Way You Lie | 1,500,000,000 |
2024-05-10 | Single | Stan | 1,100,000,000 |
2024-05-05 | Album | The Eminem Show | 6,900,000,000 |
2024-05-03 | Album | Music To Be Murdered By | 3,800,000,000 |
2024-04-30 | Album | Recovery | 4,400,000,000 |
2024-04-23 | Album | The Marshall Mathers LP 2 | 3,800,000,000 |
2024-04-20 | Artist all credits |
Eminem | 47,000,000,000 |
2024-04-12 | Single | Mockingbird | 1,600,000,000 |
2024-04-10 | Single | The Monster | 1,000,000,000 |
2024-04-02 | Single | 'Till I Collapse | 1,900,000,000 |
2024-04-02 | Album | The Marshall Mathers LP | 4,300,000,000 |
2024-04-01 | Single | Godzilla (feat. Juice WRLD) | 1,400,000,000 |
2024-03-21 | Album | Encore | 3,000,000,000 |
2024-03-17 | Single | Lose Yourself - From "8 Mile" Soundtrack | 2,100,000,000 |
2024-03-17 | Single | The Real Slim Shady | 1,700,000,000 |
2024-03-16 | Artist leads |
Eminem | 41,000,000,000 |
2024-03-14 | Album | The Eminem Show | 6,700,000,000 |
2024-03-11 | Album | The Slim Shady LP | 1,500,000,000 |
2024-03-08 | Album | Recovery | 4,300,000,000 |
2024-03-04 | Single | Without Me | 2,000,000,000 |
2024-03-03 | Artist all credits |
Eminem | 46,000,000,000 |
2024-02-28 | Album | Relapse | 2,100,000,000 |
2024-02-23 | Album | Music To Be Murdered By | 3,700,000,000 |
2024-02-21 | Album | The Marshall Mathers LP | 4,200,000,000 |
2024-02-18 | Album | The Eminem Show | 6,600,000,000 |
2024-02-01 | Album | Encore | 2,900,000,000 |
2024-02-01 | Album | Revival | 1,900,000,000 |
2024-01-30 | Single | Love The Way You Lie | 1,400,000,000 |
2024-01-28 | Single | Mockingbird | 1,500,000,000 |
2024-01-27 | Album | The Marshall Mathers LP 2 | 3,700,000,000 |
2024-01-25 | Album | The Eminem Show | 6,500,000,000 |
2024-01-24 | Artist leads |
Eminem | 40,000,000,000 |
2024-01-20 | Album | Recovery | 4,200,000,000 |
2024-01-19 | Artist all credits |
Eminem | 45,000,000,000 |
2024-01-14 | Album | Kamikaze | 3,200,000,000 |
2024-01-14 | Album | The Marshall Mathers LP | 4,100,000,000 |
2024-01-03 | Single | Superman | 800,000,000 |
2024-01-02 | Album | The Eminem Show | 6,400,000,000 |
2023-12-29 | Single | Without Me | 1,900,000,000 |
2023-12-29 | Album | Music To Be Murdered By | 3,600,000,000 |
2023-12-28 | Single | The Real Slim Shady | 1,600,000,000 |
2023-12-27 | Single | Godzilla (feat. Juice WRLD) | 1,300,000,000 |
2023-12-25 | Single | Lose Yourself - From "8 Mile" Soundtrack | 2,000,000,000 |
2023-12-19 | Single | River | 800,000,000 |
2023-12-18 | Album | Encore | 2,800,000,000 |
2023-12-11 | Album | The Eminem Show | 6,300,000,000 |
2023-12-10 | Album | The Marshall Mathers LP | 4,000,000,000 |
2023-12-07 | Artist leads |
Eminem | 39,000,000,000 |
2023-12-07 | Artist all credits |
Eminem | 44,000,000,000 |
2023-12-05 | Album | Recovery | 4,100,000,000 |
2023-12-04 | Single | 'Till I Collapse | 1,800,000,000 |
2023-12-04 | Single | Stan | 1,000,000,000 |
2023-11-22 | Single | Mockingbird | 1,400,000,000 |
2023-11-19 | Album | The Marshall Mathers LP 2 | 3,600,000,000 |
2023-11-06 | Album | Music To Be Murdered By | 3,500,000,000 |
2023-11-02 | Album | The Marshall Mathers LP | 3,900,000,000 |
2023-11-01 | Album | Encore | 2,700,000,000 |
2023-10-29 | Album | Relapse | 2,000,000,000 |
2023-10-27 | Single | Love The Way You Lie | 1,300,000,000 |
2023-10-24 | Album | The Eminem Show | 6,100,000,000 |
2023-10-23 | Artist all credits |
Eminem | 43,000,000,000 |
2023-10-21 | Single | Without Me | 1,800,000,000 |
2023-10-20 | Single | Rap God | 1,000,000,000 |
2023-10-18 | Album | The Slim Shady LP | 1,400,000,000 |
2023-10-14 | Artist leads |
Eminem | 38,000,000,000 |
2023-10-14 | Album | Recovery | 4,000,000,000 |
2023-10-08 | Single | Not Afraid | 900,000,000 |
2023-10-06 | Single | The Real Slim Shady | 1,500,000,000 |
2023-09-29 | Single | Lose Yourself - From "8 Mile" Soundtrack | 1,900,000,000 |
2023-09-28 | Album | The Eminem Show | 6,000,000,000 |
2023-09-22 | Single | The Monster | 900,000,000 |
2023-09-19 | Album | The Marshall Mathers LP | 3,800,000,000 |
2023-09-15 | Single | Venom | 700,000,000 |
2023-09-11 | Single | Superman | 700,000,000 |
2023-09-11 | Album | Encore | 2,600,000,000 |
2023-09-07 | Album | Kamikaze | 3,100,000,000 |
2023-09-04 | Single | Mockingbird | 1,300,000,000 |
2023-09-02 | Album | The Eminem Show | 5,900,000,000 |
2023-09-02 | Artist all credits |
Eminem | 42,000,000,000 |
2023-08-23 | Single | Godzilla (feat. Juice WRLD) | 1,200,000,000 |
2023-08-17 | Artist leads |
Eminem | 37,000,000,000 |
2023-08-07 | Album | The Eminem Show | 5,800,000,000 |
2023-08-02 | Single | Without Me | 1,700,000,000 |
2023-07-28 | Single | 'Till I Collapse | 1,700,000,000 |
2023-07-23 | Album | Encore | 2,500,000,000 |
2023-07-13 | Artist all credits |
Eminem | 41,000,000,000 |
2023-06-29 | Single | The Real Slim Shady | 1,400,000,000 |
2023-06-13 | Album | Recovery | 3,800,000,000 |
2023-06-02 | Single | Love The Way You Lie | 1,200,000,000 |
2023-05-30 | Album | Music To Be Murdered By | 3,300,000,000 |
2023-05-29 | Single | Superman | 600,000,000 |
2023-05-25 | Album | The Eminem Show | 5,500,000,000 |
2023-05-18 | Single | Without Me | 1,600,000,000 |
2023-05-06 | Album | The Marshall Mathers LP 2 | 3,400,000,000 |
2023-05-06 | Album | The Slim Shady LP | 1,300,000,000 |
2023-05-01 | Album | The Eminem Show | 5,400,000,000 |
2023-04-30 | Album | Kamikaze | 3,000,000,000 |
2023-04-30 | Single | Mockingbird | 1,100,000,000 |
2023-04-29 | Album | Encore | 2,300,000,000 |
2023-04-14 | Album | Recovery | 3,700,000,000 |
2023-04-08 | Album | The Eminem Show | 5,300,000,000 |
2023-04-07 | Artist all credits |
Eminem | 39,000,000,000 |
2023-04-04 | Album | The Eminem Show | 6,800,000,000 |
2023-04-02 | Album | The Marshall Mathers LP | 3,400,000,000 |
2023-03-29 | Single | The Real Slim Shady | 1,300,000,000 |
2023-03-29 | Single | 'Till I Collapse | 1,600,000,000 |
2023-03-26 | Album | Encore | 2,200,000,000 |
2023-03-24 | Single | Lose Yourself - From "8 Mile" Soundtrack | 1,700,000,000 |
2023-03-22 | Album | Music To Be Murdered By | 3,200,000,000 |
2023-03-20 | Artist leads |
Eminem | 34,000,000,000 |
2023-03-19 | Album | Revival | 1,800,000,000 |
2023-03-17 | Album | The Eminem Show | 5,200,000,000 |
2023-02-23 | Album | The Eminem Show | 5,100,000,000 |
2023-02-23 | Album | The Marshall Mathers LP | 3,300,000,000 |
2023-02-22 | Artist all credits |
Eminem | 38,000,000,000 |
2023-02-19 | Album | Encore | 2,100,000,000 |
2023-02-16 | Album | Recovery | 3,600,000,000 |
2023-02-13 | Album | Relapse | 1,800,000,000 |
2023-02-03 | Album | The Marshall Mathers LP 2 | 3,300,000,000 |
2023-02-02 | Album | The Eminem Show | 5,000,000,000 |
2023-01-31 | Artist leads |
Eminem | 33,000,000,000 |
2023-01-19 | Album | Encore | 2,000,000,000 |
2023-01-18 | Album | The Marshall Mathers LP | 3,200,000,000 |
2023-01-16 | Album | Music To Be Murdered By | 3,100,000,000 |
2023-01-12 | Album | The Eminem Show | 4,900,000,000 |
2023-01-10 | Artist all credits |
Eminem | 37,000,000,000 |
2023-01-04 | Album | Kamikaze | 2,900,000,000 |
2022-12-22 | Album | The Eminem Show | 4,800,000,000 |
2022-12-20 | Album | Recovery | 3,500,000,000 |
2022-12-20 | Album | Encore | 1,900,000,000 |
2022-12-14 | Artist leads |
Eminem | 32,000,000,000 |
2022-12-11 | Album | The Marshall Mathers LP | 3,100,000,000 |
2022-12-04 | Album | The Slim Shady LP | 1,200,000,000 |
2022-12-01 | Album | The Eminem Show | 4,700,000,000 |
2022-11-27 | Artist all credits |
Eminem | 36,000,000,000 |
2022-11-21 | Album | Encore | 1,800,000,000 |
2022-11-11 | Album | Music To Be Murdered By | 3,000,000,000 |
2022-11-08 | Album | The Eminem Show | 4,600,000,000 |
2022-11-03 | Album | The Marshall Mathers LP | 3,000,000,000 |
2022-10-28 | Album | The Marshall Mathers LP 2 | 3,200,000,000 |
2022-10-23 | Artist leads |
Eminem | 31,000,000,000 |
2022-10-19 | Album | Recovery | 3,400,000,000 |
2022-10-16 | Album | The Eminem Show | 4,500,000,000 |
2022-10-13 | Album | Relapse | 1,700,000,000 |
2022-10-07 | Album | Encore | 1,700,000,000 |
2022-09-25 | Album | The Marshall Mathers LP | 2,900,000,000 |
2022-09-18 | Album | The Eminem Show | 4,400,000,000 |
2022-09-12 | Album | Kamikaze | 2,800,000,000 |
2022-09-07 | Album | Music To Be Murdered By | 2,900,000,000 |
2022-08-24 | Artist leads |
Eminem | 30,000,000,000 |
2022-08-20 | Album | The Eminem Show | 4,300,000,000 |
2022-08-19 | Artist all credits |
Eminem | 34,000,000,000 |
2022-08-17 | Album | Recovery | 3,300,000,000 |
2022-08-14 | Album | The Marshall Mathers LP | 2,800,000,000 |
2022-07-19 | Album | The Eminem Show | 4,200,000,000 |
2022-07-15 | Album | The Marshall Mathers LP 2 | 3,100,000,000 |
2022-07-14 | Artist all credits |
Eminem | 35,000,000,000 |
2022-07-04 | Album | Music To Be Murdered By | 2,800,000,000 |
2022-06-30 | Album | The Marshall Mathers LP | 2,700,000,000 |
2022-06-27 | Artist leads |
Eminem | 29,000,000,000 |
2022-06-17 | Album | The Slim Shady LP | 1,100,000,000 |
2022-06-15 | Album | The Eminem Show | 4,100,000,000 |
2022-06-12 | Album | Revival | 1,700,000,000 |
2022-06-09 | Album | Recovery | 3,200,000,000 |
2022-06-03 | Album | Encore | 1,600,000,000 |
2022-05-29 | Album | Relapse | 1,600,000,000 |
2022-05-25 | Album | Kamikaze | 2,700,000,000 |
2022-05-18 | Album | The Marshall Mathers LP | 2,600,000,000 |
2022-05-06 | Album | Music To Be Murdered By | 2,700,000,000 |
2022-05-04 | Album | Kamikaze | 5,300,000,000 |
2022-05-04 | Album | Encore | 3,100,000,000 |
2022-04-24 | Artist leads |
Eminem | 28,000,000,000 |
2022-04-21 | Artist all credits |
Eminem | 33,000,000,000 |
2022-04-07 | Album | The Marshall Mathers LP | 2,500,000,000 |
2022-03-31 | Album | The Marshall Mathers LP 2 | 3,000,000,000 |
2022-03-31 | Album | Recovery | 3,100,000,000 |
2022-03-17 | Album | The Marshall Mathers LP | 2,400,000,000 |
2022-03-17 | Album | Music To Be Murdered By | 2,600,000,000 |
2022-03-06 | Artist all credits |
Eminem | 31,000,000,000 |
2022-02-24 | Artist leads |
Eminem | 27,000,000,000 |
2022-02-21 | Artist all credits |
Eminem | 32,000,000,000 |
2022-01-17 | Artist all credits |
Eminem | 30,000,000,000 |
2021-12-24 | Artist leads |
Eminem | 26,000,000,000 |
2021-11-13 | Artist all credits |
Eminem | 29,000,000,000 |
2021-10-15 | Artist leads |
Eminem | 25,000,000,000 |
2021-09-12 | Artist all credits |
Eminem | 28,000,000,000 |
2021-08-04 | Artist leads |
Eminem | 24,000,000,000 |
2021-07-30 | Artist all credits |
Eminem | 26,000,000,000 |
2021-07-08 | Artist all credits |
Eminem | 27,000,000,000 |
2021-05-20 | Artist leads |
Eminem | 23,000,000,000 |
2021-03-06 | Artist leads |
Eminem | 22,000,000,000 |
2021-02-25 | Artist all credits |
Eminem | 25,000,000,000 |
2020-12-24 | Artist all credits |
Eminem | 24,000,000,000 |
2020-12-22 | Artist leads |
Eminem | 21,000,000,000 |
2020-10-06 | Artist leads |
Eminem | 20,000,000,000 |
2020-07-23 | Artist all credits |
Eminem | 22,000,000,000 |
2020-07-11 | Artist leads |
Eminem | 19,000,000,000 |
Date | Ranking | Overtaking |
2025-03-20 | Most Streamed Tracks - All Time | Without Me climbs from #53 to #33. |
2025-03-20 | Most Streamed Tracks - All Time | Lose Yourself climbs from #59 to #37. |
2025-03-20 | Most Streamed Tracks - Year 2000 | Stan climbs from #7 to #5. |
2025-03-20 | Most Streamed Tracks - Year 2002 | Superman climbs from #9 to #8. |
2025-03-14 | Most Streamed Tracks - All Time | Without Me climbs from #51 to #28. |
2025-03-14 | Most Streamed Tracks - All Time | Lose Yourself climbs from #59 to #33. |
2025-03-14 | Most Streamed Tracks - Year 2000 | The Real Slim Shady climbs from #3 to #2. |
2025-03-14 | Most Streamed Tracks - Year 2000 | Stan climbs from #6 to #4. |
2025-03-14 | Most Streamed Tracks - Year 2002 | Superman climbs from #9 to #6. |
Artist rankings
With 223,476,000 EAS, Eminem ranks #10 among the most successful artists of alltime. |
With 13,696,000 EAS, Eminem ranks #10 among the most successful artists of 1999. |
With 36,683,000 EAS, Eminem ranks #2 among the most successful artists of 2000. |
With 60,099,000 EAS, Eminem ranks #1 among the most successful artists of 2002. |
With 24,292,000 EAS, Eminem ranks #1 among the most successful artists of 2004. |
With 10,452,000 EAS, Eminem ranks #6 among the most successful artists of 2009. |
With 22,339,000 EAS, Eminem ranks #3 among the most successful artists of 2010. |
With 13,340,000 EAS, Eminem ranks #4 among the most successful artists of 2013. |
With 125,735,000 copies, Eminem ranks #41 among the artists with the most pure album sales of all time. |
With 204,920,000 units, Eminem ranks #2 among the artists with the most digital single sales of all time. |
With 83,727,874,028 streams, Eminem ranks #10 among artists with the most streams on audio on-demand streaming services. |
With 49,373,263,771 lead streams on Spotify, Eminem ranks #7 among the most streamed artists of all time. |
With 71,192,528 listeners currently, Eminem ranks #16 among artists with the most monthly listeners on Spotify. |
With 86,389,533 listeners, Eminem ranks #19 among artists with the highest monthly listeners peak on Spotify. |
With 98,832,616 followers, Eminem ranks #7 among artists with the most followers on Spotify. |
With 12, Eminem ranks #9 among artists with the most lead songs over 1 billion streams on Spotify. |
With 94, Eminem ranks #8 among artists with the most lead songs over 100 million streams on Spotify. |
Album rankings
With 36,459,000 EAS, The Marshall Mathers LP ranks #52 among the most successful albums of all time. |
With 40,374,000 EAS, The Eminem Show ranks #35 among the most successful albums of all time. |
With 14,423,000 EAS, The Slim Shady LP ranks #8 among the most successful albums of 1999. |
With 36,459,000 EAS, The Marshall Mathers LP ranks #2 among the most successful albums of 2000. |
With 40,374,000 EAS, The Eminem Show ranks #1 among the most successful albums of 2002. |
With 19,504,000 EAS, Encore ranks #3 among the most successful albums of 2004. |
With 9,207,000 EAS, Relapse ranks #4 among the most successful albums of 2009. |
With 21,845,000 EAS, Recovery ranks #4 among the most successful albums of 2010. |
With 13,339,000 EAS, The Marshall Mathers LP 2 ranks #5 among the most successful albums of 2013. |
With 8,206,302,084 streams on Spotify, The Eminem Show ranks #43 among the most streamed albums of all time. |
With 1,750,586,483 streams on Spotify, The Slim Shady LP ranks #6 among the most streamed albums of 1999. |
With 5,162,350,103 streams on Spotify, The Marshall Mathers LP ranks #3 among the most streamed albums of 2000. |
With 8,206,302,084 streams on Spotify, The Eminem Show ranks #1 among the most streamed albums of 2002. |
With 3,728,451,901 streams on Spotify, Encore ranks #3 among the most streamed albums of 2004. |
With 2,411,314,651 streams on Spotify, Relapse ranks #6 among the most streamed albums of 2009. |
With 5,026,664,456 streams on Spotify, Recovery ranks #3 among the most streamed albums of 2010. |
With 4,189,181,490 streams on Spotify, The Marshall Mathers LP 2 ranks #8 among the most streamed albums of 2013. |
Song rankings
With 17,779,000 EAS, Lose Yourself ranks #64 among the most successful songs of all time. |
With 12,990,000 EAS, The Real Slim Shady ranks #4 among the most successful songs of 2000. |
With 9,848,000 EAS, Stan ranks #7 among the most successful songs of 2000. |
With 17,779,000 EAS, Lose Yourself ranks #1 among the most successful songs of 2002. |
With 12,357,000 EAS, Without Me ranks #2 among the most successful songs of 2002. |
With 11,947,000 EAS, 'Till I Collapse ranks #3 among the most successful songs of 2002. |
With 7,621,000 EAS, Mockingbird ranks #4 among the most successful songs of 2004. |
With 8,146,000 EAS, Love The Way You Lie ranks #4 among the most successful songs of 2010. |
With 5,353,000 EAS, Not Afraid ranks #9 among the most successful songs of 2010. |
With 3,814,000 EAS, The Monster ranks #9 among the most successful songs of 2013. |
With 3,544,000 EAS, Rap God ranks #10 among the most successful songs of 2013. |
With 2,562,280,485 streams on Spotify, Without Me ranks #53 among the most streamed tracks of all time. |
With 2,502,164,416 streams on Spotify, Lose Yourself ranks #59 among the most streamed tracks of all time. |
With 2,187,465,366 streams on Spotify, 'Till I Collapse ranks #100 among the most streamed tracks of all time. |
With 2,111,682,717 streams on Spotify, The Real Slim Shady ranks #3 among the most streamed tracks of 2000. |
With 1,275,638,585 streams on Spotify, Stan ranks #7 among the most streamed tracks of 2000. |
With 2,562,280,485 streams on Spotify, Without Me ranks #1 among the most streamed tracks of 2002. |
With 2,502,164,416 streams on Spotify, Lose Yourself ranks #2 among the most streamed tracks of 2002. |
With 2,187,465,366 streams on Spotify, 'Till I Collapse ranks #4 among the most streamed tracks of 2002. |
With 1,114,008,795 streams on Spotify, Superman ranks #9 among the most streamed tracks of 2002. |
With 2,044,120,652 streams on Spotify, Mockingbird ranks #1 among the most streamed tracks of 2004. |
With 1,798,388,080 streams on Spotify, Love The Way You Lie ranks #5 among the most streamed tracks of 2010. |