Artist dashboard

Ed Sheeran

edit artist details
Ed Sheeran

Country: GB
Birth: 1991-02-17
Active: Yes


Power Rating

Social Media



Genre: Soft Rock, Pop Music, Folk Music, Rock Music, Alternative Rock, Folk-pop

On-demand audio streams A+
Monthly listeners 131.5m 19
Lead streams 81.7b 19
Feat streams 6.6b 18
Monthly revenue $1.5m 17
Sales data B+
CSPC units 110.7m 17
Pure albums 27.2m 13
Physical singles 390.0k 6
Digital singles 88.7m 18
Spotify statistics A
Lead streams 52.3b 19
Feat streams 4.2b 17
Monthly listeners 76.0m 19
Followers 119.8m 20
100m+ tracks 75 17
Popularity 88 17
Followers / Listeners 1.6 14
Replay value 5.1 14
Trends & Indicators B+
Daily streams 12.1m 16
Daily listeners +/- -43.4k 10
Daily followers +/- 17.6k 17
Monthly streams 386.6m 17
Monthly listeners +/- 209.0k 10
Weekly followers +/- 133.2k 17
Trend 0.3 6
Globalness 68.4 17
Playcounts are 7+ days old

Monthly listeners map

Below map represents the 50 cities where the artist has the most Spotify monthly listeners.

Album sales map

This second map is based on pure album sales by country.

Artist career totals

Albums statistics

Figures in equivalent album sales. If different, pure sales are listed between parentheses.

'Av.' stands for Average, 'LD' for Last Day.

As a reminder:

  • Studio Album: sales of the original album
  • Other Releases: sales of compilations generated thanks to the album
  • Physical Singles: sales of physical singles from the album (ratio 3/10)
  • Download Singles: sales of digital singles from the album (ratio 1,5/10)
  • Streaming: equivalent album sales of all the album tracks (ratio 1/1500 for Audio stream and 1/6750 for Video stream)

Songs statistics

Figures in equivalent album sales generated through all formats.

Studio album sales

Compilation album sales

Physical singles sales

Downloads and ringtones sales

Most streamed songs (Top 20)

# Seq. Album Song Spotify total Spotify daily AOD total EAS
1 88 Divide Shape of You 4,289,222,905 1,560,048 6,952,114,028 4,634,742
2 86 Divide Perfect 3,365,242,308 1,672,063 5,454,495,785 3,636,330
3 63 Multiply Photograph 2,861,975,414 1,492,098 4,638,784,196 3,092,522
4 71 Multiply Thinking out Loud 2,725,105,068 718,293 4,416,940,222 2,944,626
5 204 +-=÷× I Don't Care 1,963,675,696 459,552 3,182,790,369 2,121,860
6 124 Equals Bad Habits 1,903,484,602 657,147 3,085,230,657 2,056,820
7 132 Equals Shivers 1,802,012,173 909,194 2,920,760,796 1,947,173
8 98 No.6 Collaborations Project Beautiful People (feat. Khalid) 1,463,905,160 240,300 2,372,745,792 1,581,830
9 77 Divide Castle on the Hill 1,451,841,530 402,813 2,353,192,662 1,568,795
10 80 Divide Galway Girl 1,413,350,295 543,045 2,290,804,798 1,527,203
11 81 Divide Happier 1,395,613,246 244,110 2,262,056,004 1,508,037
12 11 Plus The A Team 1,045,030,229 222,686 1,693,819,481 1,129,212
13 308 Bam Bam Bam Bam (feat. Ed Sheeran) 997,654,604 327,726 1,662,693,158 1,108,462
14 38 Orphan I See Fire 987,574,800 134,487 1,600,693,825 1,067,129
15 354 Features River (feat. Ed Sheeran) 882,932,898 152,567 1,497,289,969 998,193
16 269 Perfect Duet Perfect Duet (Ed Sheeran & Beyoncé) 822,946,644 78,980 1,333,859,077 889,239
17 106 No.6 Collaborations Project South of the Border (feat. Camila Cabello & Cardi B) 808,275,383 134,410 1,310,079,413 873,386
18 53 Multiply Don't 802,862,340 177,875 1,301,305,775 867,537
19 89 Divide Supermarket Flowers 777,995,541 188,620 1,261,000,846 840,667
20 78 Divide Dive 737,029,493 173,327 1,194,601,724 796,401
Album Song
∑ = 32,497,730,329 ∑ = 10,489,341 ∑ = 52,785,258,587 ∑ = 35,190,172
Unlock full updated discography data Table keys
  • Seq. stands for sequence. It sorts albums in discographic order.
  • Spotify total reflects release to date (RTD) streams of the track as shown on their software.
  • Spotify daily is calculated based on streams over the last 1 day(s).
  • AOD (Audio on-demand) reflects total streams through all AOD platforms, Spotify included. The non-Spotify part is an algorithm based figure which considers the main artist's strength and Spotify shares in each market.
  • AOD streams divided by 1,500 would provide equivalent album sales (EAS) for the track.
  • The 'Song' and 'Album' grey fields at the bottom of the table allow filtering on them.

Thresholds - CSPC

Date Format Title Milestone
2025-03-15 Album Plus (+) 14,000,000

Thresholds - Spotify KPIs

Date KPI Milestone
2024-12-26 Listeners 94,000,000
2024-12-25 Listeners 92,000,000
2024-12-24 Listeners 90,000,000
2024-12-23 Listeners 89,000,000
2024-12-21 Listeners 88,000,000
2023-05-22 Listeners 87,000,000
2023-05-18 Listeners 86,000,000
2023-05-12 Listeners 85,000,000
2023-04-18 Listeners 84,000,000
2023-02-27 Followers 110,000,000
2023-01-01 Listeners 83,000,000
2022-12-26 Listeners 82,000,000
2022-12-25 Listeners 81,000,000
2022-12-24 Listeners 80,000,000
2022-12-18 Listeners 79,000,000
2022-12-09 Listeners 78,000,000
2022-12-04 Listeners 77,000,000
2022-11-10 Listeners 76,000,000
2022-07-20 Followers 100,000,000
2022-06-28 Followers 99,000,000
2022-06-06 Followers 98,000,000
2022-05-15 Followers 97,000,000
2022-04-25 Followers 96,000,000
2022-04-04 Followers 95,000,000
2022-03-15 Followers 94,000,000
2022-02-23 Followers 93,000,000
2022-02-03 Followers 92,000,000
2022-01-16 Followers 91,000,000
2021-12-28 Followers 90,000,000
2021-12-10 Followers 89,000,000
2021-11-22 Followers 88,000,000
2021-11-03 Followers 87,000,000
2021-10-12 Followers 86,000,000
2021-09-19 Followers 85,000,000
2021-08-29 Followers 84,000,000
2021-08-06 Followers 83,000,000
2021-07-12 Followers 82,000,000
2021-06-16 Followers 81,000,000
2021-05-20 Followers 80,000,000
2021-04-20 Followers 79,000,000
2021-03-26 Followers 78,000,000
2021-03-05 Followers 77,000,000
2021-02-12 Followers 76,000,000
2021-01-21 Followers 75,000,000
2020-12-31 Followers 74,000,000
2020-12-09 Followers 73,000,000
2020-11-17 Followers 72,000,000
2020-10-22 Followers 71,000,000
2020-09-29 Followers 70,000,000
2020-09-04 Followers 69,000,000
2020-08-12 Followers 68,000,000
2020-07-24 Followers 67,000,000
2020-07-11 Followers 66,000,000
2020-06-19 Followers 65,000,000
2020-05-29 Followers 64,000,000
2020-04-28 Followers 63,000,000
Show More

Thresholds - Streams

Date Format Title Milestone
2025-03-27 Single Shivers 1,800,000,000
2025-03-24 Single Bad Habits 1,900,000,000
2025-03-23 Album No.6 Collaborations Project 6,400,000,000
2025-03-12 Single Don't 800,000,000
2025-03-10 Artist
Ed Sheeran 52,000,000,000
2025-03-05 Artist
Ed Sheeran 55,000,000,000
2025-03-05 Artist
all credits
Ed Sheeran 59,000,000,000
2025-03-04 Single Galway Girl 1,400,000,000
2025-02-28 Album Equals (=) 6,400,000,000
2025-02-28 Album Divide (÷) 16,000,000,000
2025-02-25 Artist
all credits
Ed Sheeran 56,000,000,000
2025-02-25 Album Plus (+) 4,100,000,000
2025-02-25 Single Thinking Out Loud 2,700,000,000
2025-01-29 Single Shape of You 4,200,000,000
2025-01-27 Single South Of The Border 800,000,000
2025-01-20 Artist
all credits
Ed Sheeran 57,000,000,000
2025-01-20 Artist
Ed Sheeran 53,000,000,000
2025-01-06 Album Equals (=) 6,300,000,000
2024-12-25 Album No.6 Collaborations Project 6,300,000,000
2024-12-23 Artist
Ed Sheeran 51,000,000,000
2024-12-17 Artist
all credits
Ed Sheeran 55,000,000,000
2024-12-05 Single Perfect 3,200,000,000
2024-11-23 Single Shivers 1,700,000,000
2024-11-20 Single Photograph 2,700,000,000
2024-11-17 Single Shape of You 4,100,000,000
2024-11-17 Album Equals (=) 6,200,000,000
2024-11-16 Single I Don't Care 1,900,000,000
2024-11-16 Single I Don't Care (with Justin Bieber) 1,900,000,000
2024-11-01 Single Castle On The Hill 1,400,000,000
2024-11-01 Single Thinking Out Loud 2,600,000,000
2024-10-16 Artist
all credits
Ed Sheeran 54,000,000,000
2024-10-16 Artist
Ed Sheeran 50,000,000,000
2024-10-13 Album Multiply (x) 11,000,000,000
2024-10-11 Album No.6 Collaborations Project 6,200,000,000
2024-10-07 Album Plus (+) 4,000,000,000
2024-10-06 Album Equals (=) 6,100,000,000
2024-09-30 Single Perfect 3,100,000,000
2024-09-23 Album Subtract (-) 800,000,000
2024-09-19 Single The A Team 1,000,000,000
2024-09-07 Single Photograph 2,600,000,000
2024-09-06 Single Bad Habits 1,800,000,000
2024-09-05 Single Shape of You 4,000,000,000
2024-08-30 Single Dive 700,000,000
2024-08-18 Album Equals (=) 6,000,000,000
2024-08-05 Artist
all credits
Ed Sheeran 53,000,000,000
2024-08-01 Single Perfect Symphony (Ed Sheeran & Andrea Bocelli) 200,000,000
2024-07-31 Artist
Ed Sheeran 49,000,000,000
2024-07-28 Album No.6 Collaborations Project 6,100,000,000
2024-07-26 Single Shivers 1,600,000,000
2024-07-12 Album Divide (÷) 15,000,000,000
2024-07-10 Single Perfect [Duet Version] 800,000,000
2024-07-08 Single Perfect 3,000,000,000
2024-07-04 Single Beautiful People 1,400,000,000
2024-07-01 Album Equals (=) 5,900,000,000
2024-06-08 Single Thinking Out Loud 2,500,000,000
2024-06-03 Single Shape of You 3,900,000,000
2024-05-28 Album Plus (+) 3,900,000,000
2024-05-23 Artist
all credits
Ed Sheeran 52,000,000,000
2024-05-14 Album Equals (=) 5,800,000,000
2024-05-13 Single Photograph 2,500,000,000
2024-05-09 Single Galway Girl 1,300,000,000
2024-05-05 Artist
Ed Sheeran 48,000,000,000
2024-04-30 Album No.6 Collaborations Project 6,000,000,000
2024-04-24 Single I Don't Care (with Justin Bieber) 1,800,000,000
2024-04-24 Single I Don't Care 1,800,000,000
2024-04-15 Single Tenerife Sea 600,000,000
2024-04-15 Single Perfect 2,900,000,000
2024-03-30 Album Subtract (-) 700,000,000
2024-03-29 Album Equals (=) 5,700,000,000
2024-03-17 Artist
all credits
Ed Sheeran 51,000,000,000
2024-03-16 Single Happier 1,300,000,000
2024-03-13 Single Shivers 1,500,000,000
2024-03-05 Single Bad Habits 1,700,000,000
2024-03-02 Single Supermarket Flowers 700,000,000
2024-02-29 Single Shape of You 3,800,000,000
2024-02-26 Single Castle On The Hill 1,300,000,000
2024-02-20 Artist
Ed Sheeran 47,000,000,000
2024-02-16 Album Equals (=) 5,600,000,000
2024-02-06 Album No.6 Collaborations Project 5,900,000,000
2024-01-28 Single Perfect 2,800,000,000
2024-01-22 Album Plus (+) 3,800,000,000
2024-01-19 Single Photograph 2,400,000,000
2024-01-14 Single Thinking Out Loud 2,400,000,000
2024-01-11 Artist
all credits
Ed Sheeran 50,000,000,000
2024-01-06 Album Equals (=) 5,500,000,000
2023-12-15 Artist
Ed Sheeran 46,000,000,000
2023-12-11 Album Subtract (-) 600,000,000
2023-11-26 Single Shape of You 3,700,000,000
2023-11-25 Album Equals (=) 5,400,000,000
2023-11-13 Artist
all credits
Ed Sheeran 49,000,000,000
2023-11-10 Single Shivers 1,400,000,000
2023-11-10 Single Perfect 2,700,000,000
2023-11-07 Album Divide (÷) 14,000,000,000
2023-10-18 Album Equals (=) 5,300,000,000
2023-10-12 Artist
Ed Sheeran 45,000,000,000
2023-09-30 Single Photograph 2,300,000,000
2023-09-27 Album Plus (+) 3,700,000,000
2023-09-22 Single Bad Habits 1,600,000,000
2023-09-19 Artist
all credits
Ed Sheeran 48,000,000,000
2023-09-17 Album Subtract (-) 500,000,000
2023-09-11 Album Equals (=) 5,200,000,000
2023-08-31 Album Multiply (x) 10,000,000,000
2023-08-26 Album No.6 Collaborations Project 5,700,000,000
2023-08-24 Single Shape of You 3,600,000,000
2023-08-24 Single The A Team 900,000,000
2023-08-23 Single Perfect 2,600,000,000
2023-08-20 Single Thinking Out Loud 2,300,000,000
2023-08-16 Single Galway Girl 1,200,000,000
2023-08-13 Artist
Ed Sheeran 44,000,000,000
2023-08-08 Album Equals (=) 5,100,000,000
2023-08-04 Single I See Fire 900,000,000
2023-07-25 Single Beautiful People 1,300,000,000
2023-07-24 Artist
all credits
Ed Sheeran 47,000,000,000
2023-07-22 Album Multiply (x) 9,900,000,000
2023-07-20 Single Shivers 1,300,000,000
2023-07-20 Album Subtract (-) 400,000,000
2023-07-13 Single I Don't Care 1,700,000,000
2023-07-13 Single I Don't Care (with Justin Bieber) 1,700,000,000
2023-07-07 Album Equals (=) 5,000,000,000
2023-06-14 Single Photograph 2,200,000,000
2023-06-13 Album Multiply (x) 9,800,000,000
2023-06-12 Album No.6 Collaborations Project 5,600,000,000
2023-06-12 Single Castle On The Hill 1,200,000,000
2023-06-10 Single Perfect 2,500,000,000
2023-06-01 Single Shape of You 3,500,000,000
2023-05-31 Album Plus (+) 3,600,000,000
2023-05-17 Single Bad Habits 1,500,000,000
2023-05-15 Single Happier 1,200,000,000
2023-05-08 Album Multiply (x) 9,700,000,000
2023-05-05 Album Subtract (-) 100,000,000
2023-04-27 Artist
Ed Sheeran 42,000,000,000
2023-04-21 Single Shivers 1,200,000,000
2023-04-19 Artist
all credits
Ed Sheeran 45,000,000,000
2023-04-14 Album Equals (=) 4,700,000,000
2023-04-06 Single Thinking Out Loud 2,200,000,000
2023-04-02 Album No.6 Collaborations Project 5,500,000,000
2023-04-01 Single Perfect 2,400,000,000
2023-03-31 Album Multiply (x) 9,600,000,000
2023-03-22 Album Divide (÷) 13,000,000,000
2023-03-21 Album Equals (=) 4,600,000,000
2023-03-07 Single Shape of You 3,400,000,000
2023-03-07 Single Photograph 2,100,000,000
2023-03-04 Artist
Ed Sheeran 41,000,000,000
2023-02-27 Artist
all credits
Ed Sheeran 44,000,000,000
2023-02-24 Album Equals (=) 4,500,000,000
2023-02-22 Album Multiply (x) 9,500,000,000
2023-02-11 Album Plus (+) 3,500,000,000
2023-01-31 Album Equals (=) 4,400,000,000
2023-01-22 Single Perfect 2,300,000,000
2023-01-22 Album No.6 Collaborations Project 5,400,000,000
2023-01-15 Artist
all credits
Ed Sheeran 42,000,000,000
2023-01-14 Artist
all credits
Ed Sheeran 43,000,000,000
2023-01-14 Artist
Ed Sheeran 40,000,000,000
2023-01-13 Album Multiply (x) 9,400,000,000
2023-01-07 Album Equals (=) 4,300,000,000
2022-12-14 Album Equals (=) 4,200,000,000
2022-11-29 Album Multiply (x) 9,300,000,000
2022-11-27 Single Shape of You 3,300,000,000
2022-11-20 Album Equals (=) 4,100,000,000
2022-11-12 Single Photograph 2,000,000,000
2022-11-06 Artist
Ed Sheeran 39,000,000,000
2022-11-05 Single Thinking Out Loud 2,100,000,000
2022-11-05 Album No.6 Collaborations Project 5,300,000,000
2022-11-04 Single I Don't Care (with Justin Bieber) 1,600,000,000
2022-10-28 Album Equals (=) 4,000,000,000
2022-10-25 Single Perfect 2,200,000,000
2022-10-17 Album Multiply (x) 9,200,000,000
2022-10-07 Album Equals (=) 3,900,000,000
2022-09-22 Artist
all credits
Ed Sheeran 41,000,000,000
2022-09-17 Album Equals (=) 3,800,000,000
2022-09-04 Album Multiply (x) 9,100,000,000
2022-08-29 Album Equals (=) 3,700,000,000
2022-08-29 Album No.6 Collaborations Project 5,200,000,000
2022-08-14 Album Plus (+) 3,300,000,000
2022-08-09 Album Equals (=) 3,600,000,000
2022-08-07 Artist
all credits
Ed Sheeran 40,000,000,000
2022-08-05 Single Shape of You 3,200,000,000
2022-07-24 Album Equals (=) 3,500,000,000
2022-07-23 Album Multiply (x) 9,000,000,000
2022-07-22 Artist
Ed Sheeran 37,000,000,000
2022-07-08 Single Perfect 2,100,000,000
2022-07-07 Album Equals (=) 3,400,000,000
2022-07-02 Album Divide (÷) 12,000,000,000
2022-06-25 Album No.6 Collaborations Project 5,100,000,000
2022-06-22 Album Equals (=) 3,300,000,000
2022-06-20 Artist
all credits
Ed Sheeran 39,000,000,000
2022-06-09 Album Multiply (x) 8,900,000,000
2022-06-09 Single Perfect [Duet Version] 700,000,000
2022-06-08 Album Equals (=) 3,200,000,000
2022-05-27 Artist
Ed Sheeran 36,000,000,000
2022-05-27 Single Thinking Out Loud 2,000,000,000
2022-05-04 Album No.6 Collaborations Project 10,000,000,000
2022-05-04 Album Plus (+) 6,400,000,000
2022-05-01 Artist
all credits
Ed Sheeran 38,000,000,000
2022-04-28 Album Multiply (x) 8,800,000,000
2022-04-25 Album No.6 Collaborations Project 5,000,000,000
2022-04-15 Single Shape of You 3,100,000,000
2022-04-14 Album Plus (+) 3,200,000,000
2022-04-11 Artist
Ed Sheeran 35,000,000,000
2022-04-01 Single I Don't Care (with Justin Bieber) 1,500,000,000
2022-03-18 Artist
all credits
Ed Sheeran 37,000,000,000
2022-03-16 Album Multiply (x) 8,700,000,000
2022-03-13 Single Perfect 2,000,000,000
2022-02-20 Single Photograph 1,800,000,000
2022-01-30 Artist
all credits
Ed Sheeran 36,000,000,000
2022-01-02 Artist
Ed Sheeran 33,000,000,000
2021-12-21 Single Shape of You 3,000,000,000
2021-12-15 Single Thinking Out Loud 1,900,000,000
2021-12-14 Artist
all credits
Ed Sheeran 35,000,000,000
2021-11-23 Single Perfect 1,900,000,000
2021-11-17 Artist
Ed Sheeran 32,000,000,000
2021-11-04 Artist
all credits
Ed Sheeran 34,000,000,000
2021-10-06 Artist
Ed Sheeran 31,000,000,000
2021-10-03 Single Photograph 1,700,000,000
2021-09-23 Artist
all credits
Ed Sheeran 33,000,000,000
2021-09-18 Single I Don't Care (with Justin Bieber) 1,400,000,000
2021-09-13 Single Perfect [Duet Version] 600,000,000
2021-09-01 Single Shape of You 2,900,000,000
2021-08-15 Artist
Ed Sheeran 30,000,000,000
2021-08-13 Single Perfect 1,800,000,000
2021-07-15 Single Thinking Out Loud 1,800,000,000
2021-06-29 Single I Don't Care - Acoustic 100,000,000
2021-06-03 Artist
all credits
Ed Sheeran 31,000,000,000
2021-05-17 Single Shape of You 2,800,000,000
2021-05-09 Single Photograph 1,600,000,000
2021-04-24 Single Perfect 1,700,000,000
2021-04-15 Single I Don't Care (with Justin Bieber) 1,300,000,000
2021-02-06 Single Thinking Out Loud 1,700,000,000
2021-01-26 Single Shape of You 2,700,000,000
2021-01-04 Single Perfect 1,600,000,000
2020-09-18 Artist
Ed Sheeran 26,000,000,000
2020-06-24 Artist
all credits
Ed Sheeran 27,000,000,000
2020-06-19 Artist
Ed Sheeran 25,000,000,000
Show More


Date Ranking Overtaking
2025-03-27 Top Albums CSPC - All Time Divide (÷) climbs from #50 to #49.
2025-03-27 Top Albums CSPC - All Time Multiply (x) climbs from #88 to #87.
2025-03-27 Most Streamed Tracks - All Time Photograph climbs from #29 to #28.
2025-03-27 Most Streamed Tracks - All Time Thinking Out Loud climbs from #37 to #36.
2025-03-25 Top Albums CSPC - All Time Divide (÷) climbs from #51 to #50.
2025-03-25 Most Streamed Tracks - All Time Perfect climbs from #11 to #9.
2025-03-25 Most Streamed Tracks - All Time Photograph climbs from #29 to #24.
2025-03-25 Most Streamed Tracks - All Time Thinking Out Loud climbs from #37 to #31.
2025-03-25 Most Streamed Tracks - Year 2017 Perfect climbs from #3 to #2.
2025-03-20 Most Streamed Tracks - All Time Shape of You climbs from #2 to #1.
2025-03-20 Most Streamed Tracks - All Time Perfect climbs from #11 to #6.
2025-03-20 Most Streamed Tracks - All Time Photograph climbs from #29 to #16.
2025-03-20 Most Streamed Tracks - All Time Thinking Out Loud climbs from #37 to #20.
2025-03-20 Most Streamed Tracks - Year 2021 Bad Habits climbs from #9 to #6.
2025-03-14 Most Streamed Tracks - All Time Shape of You climbs from #2 to #1.
2025-03-14 Most Streamed Tracks - All Time Perfect climbs from #11 to #5.
2025-03-14 Most Streamed Tracks - All Time Photograph climbs from #29 to #14.
2025-03-14 Most Streamed Tracks - All Time Thinking Out Loud climbs from #37 to #17.
2025-03-14 Most Streamed Tracks - Year 2021 Bad Habits climbs from #9 to #4.
Show More

Artist rankings

With 110,666,000 EAS, Ed Sheeran ranks #56 among the most successful artists of alltime.
With 25,021,000 EAS, Ed Sheeran ranks #2 among the most successful artists of 2014.
With 37,289,000 EAS, Ed Sheeran ranks #1 among the most successful artists of 2017.
With 14,383,000 EAS, Ed Sheeran ranks #4 among the most successful artists of 2019.
With 9,575,000 EAS, Ed Sheeran ranks #5 among the most successful artists of 2021.
With 88,675,000 units, Ed Sheeran ranks #19 among the artists with the most digital single sales of all time.
With 84,704,255,034 streams, Ed Sheeran ranks #7 among artists with the most streams on audio on-demand streaming services.
With 52,259,691,888 lead streams on Spotify, Ed Sheeran ranks #6 among the most streamed artists of all time.
With 76,000,686 listeners currently, Ed Sheeran ranks #14 among artists with the most monthly listeners on Spotify.
With 94,810,774 listeners, Ed Sheeran ranks #14 among artists with the highest monthly listeners peak on Spotify.
With 119,755,896 followers, Ed Sheeran ranks #3 among artists with the most followers on Spotify.
With 12, Ed Sheeran ranks #11 among artists with the most lead songs over 1 billion streams on Spotify.
With 75, Ed Sheeran ranks #12 among artists with the most lead songs over 100 million streams on Spotify.

Album rankings

With 29,767,000 EAS, Multiply (x) ranks #87 among the most successful albums of all time.
With 36,696,000 EAS, Divide (÷) ranks #49 among the most successful albums of all time.
With 14,013,000 EAS, Plus (+) ranks #6 among the most successful albums of 2011.
With 29,767,000 EAS, Multiply (x) ranks #2 among the most successful albums of 2014.
With 36,696,000 EAS, Divide (÷) ranks #1 among the most successful albums of 2017.
With 10,437,000 EAS, No.6 Collaborations Project ranks #8 among the most successful albums of 2019.
With 11,598,000 EAS, Equals (=) ranks #4 among the most successful albums of 2021.
With 11,487,263,713 streams on Spotify, Multiply (x) ranks #15 among the most streamed albums of all time.
With 16,140,250,330 streams on Spotify, Divide (÷) ranks #3 among the most streamed albums of all time.
With 6,407,271,252 streams on Spotify, No.6 Collaborations Project ranks #83 among the most streamed albums of all time.
With 6,461,586,230 streams on Spotify, Equals (=) ranks #78 among the most streamed albums of all time.
With 4,122,180,050 streams on Spotify, Plus (+) ranks #5 among the most streamed albums of 2011.
With 11,487,263,713 streams on Spotify, Multiply (x) ranks #1 among the most streamed albums of 2014.
With 16,140,250,330 streams on Spotify, Divide (÷) ranks #1 among the most streamed albums of 2017.
With 6,407,271,252 streams on Spotify, No.6 Collaborations Project ranks #8 among the most streamed albums of 2019.
With 6,461,586,230 streams on Spotify, Equals (=) ranks #5 among the most streamed albums of 2021.

Song rankings

With 8,071,000 EAS, Thinking Out Loud ranks #3 among the most successful songs of 2014.
With 6,395,000 EAS, Photograph ranks #5 among the most successful songs of 2014.
With 11,435,000 EAS, Shape of You ranks #1 among the most successful songs of 2017.
With 8,827,000 EAS, Perfect ranks #2 among the most successful songs of 2017.
With 3,642,000 EAS, I Don't Care ranks #8 among the most successful songs of 2019.
With 3,291,000 EAS, Bad Habits ranks #4 among the most successful songs of 2021.
With 4,286,022,578 streams on Spotify, Shape of You ranks #2 among the most streamed tracks of all time.
With 3,361,831,899 streams on Spotify, Perfect ranks #11 among the most streamed tracks of all time.
With 2,858,963,696 streams on Spotify, Photograph ranks #29 among the most streamed tracks of all time.
With 2,723,644,637 streams on Spotify, Thinking Out Loud ranks #37 among the most streamed tracks of all time.
With 2,858,963,696 streams on Spotify, Photograph ranks #1 among the most streamed tracks of 2014.
With 2,723,644,637 streams on Spotify, Thinking Out Loud ranks #2 among the most streamed tracks of 2014.
With 4,286,022,578 streams on Spotify, Shape of You ranks #1 among the most streamed tracks of 2017.
With 3,361,831,899 streams on Spotify, Perfect ranks #3 among the most streamed tracks of 2017.
With 1,902,108,271 streams on Spotify, Bad Habits ranks #9 among the most streamed tracks of 2021.

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