Artist dashboard


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Country: CA
Birth: 1993-07-03
Active: Yes


Power Rating

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Genre: TBD

Spotify statistics A-
Lead streams 6.2b 15
Feat streams 361.0m 12
Monthly listeners 36.2m 17
Followers 8.7m 13
100m+ tracks 14 11
Popularity 88 17
Followers / Listeners 0.2 4
Replay value 10.8 20
Trends & Indicators B+
Daily streams 12.4m 16
Daily listeners +/- -189.5k 9
Daily followers +/- 5.8k 15
Monthly streams 390.7m 17
Monthly listeners +/- 3.5m 12
Weekly followers +/- 49.7k 15
Trend 1.6 12
Globalness 38.7 14
On-demand audio streams A
Monthly listeners 64.8m 18
Lead streams 12.3b 15
Feat streams 712.1m 14
Monthly revenue $3.3m 18
Playcounts are 7+ days old

Monthly listeners map

Below map represents the 50 cities where the artist has the most Spotify monthly listeners.

Most streamed songs (Top 20)

# Seq. Album Song Spotify total Spotify daily AOD total EAS
1 2 PartyNextDoor Break from Toronto 1,039,980,437 659,274 2,062,873,995 1,375,249
2 25 PartyNextDoor 3 Come and See Me (feat. Drake) 659,699,146 193,865 1,308,559,435 872,372
3 153 Features Ghost Town 617,615,326 373,755 1,184,268,123 789,512
4 56 Partymobile BELIEVE IT (feat. Rihanna) 356,629,684 45,393 707,399,942 471,599
5 123 Run Up Run Up 345,071,457 40,440 546,593,187 364,395
6 19 PartyNextDoor Two Recognize (feat. Drake) 321,654,238 206,545 638,023,696 425,349
7 163 Features Still Got Time (feat. PARTYNEXTDOOR) 297,022,008 19,985 509,662,439 339,774
8 130 Excitement Excitement 296,707,329 212,696 611,549,409 407,699
9 11 PartyNextDoor Two Belong to the City 293,560,858 327,842 582,298,511 388,199
10 62 Partymobile LOYAL (feat. Drake) 269,312,708 55,313 534,200,608 356,133
11 10 PartyNextDoor Wus Good / Curious 267,825,683 197,190 531,250,990 354,167
12 16 PartyNextDoor Two Her Way 266,903,706 310,763 529,422,184 352,948
13 31 PartyNextDoor 3 Not Nice 213,117,398 39,126 422,733,277 281,822
14 142 Features With You 204,749,949 38,229 400,371,326 266,914
15 140 Features Preach 194,252,674 94,921 379,844,786 253,229
16 98 PartyNextDoor 4 M a k e I t T o T h e M o r n i n g 167,017,954 933,406 331,291,803 220,861
17 60 Partymobile LOYAL (feat. Drake and Bad Bunny) [Remix] 163,220,983 29,333 323,760,245 215,840
18 88 PARTYPACK PERSIAN RUGS 155,079,115 117,889 307,610,280 205,073
19 157 Features Just Might (with PARTYNEXTDOOR) 148,271,272 94,072 294,585,659 196,390
20 7 PartyNextDoor TBH 143,792,288 254,353 285,222,068 190,148
Album Song
∑ = 6,421,484,213 ∑ = 4,244,390 ∑ = 12,491,521,971 ∑ = 8,327,681
Unlock full updated discography data Table keys
  • Seq. stands for sequence. It sorts albums in discographic order.
  • Spotify total reflects release to date (RTD) streams of the track as shown on their software.
  • Spotify daily is calculated based on streams over the last 4 day(s).
  • AOD (Audio on-demand) reflects total streams through all AOD platforms, Spotify included. The non-Spotify part is an algorithm based figure which considers the main artist's strength and Spotify shares in each market.
  • AOD streams divided by 1,500 would provide equivalent album sales (EAS) for the track.
  • The 'Song' and 'Album' grey fields at the bottom of the table allow filtering on them.

Thresholds - Spotify KPIs

Date KPI Milestone
2025-03-12 Listeners 38,000,000
2025-03-09 Listeners 37,000,000
2025-03-06 Listeners 36,000,000
2025-03-03 Listeners 35,000,000
2025-03-01 Listeners 34,000,000
2025-02-26 Listeners 33,000,000
2025-02-24 Listeners 32,000,000
2025-02-23 Listeners 31,000,000
2025-02-21 Listeners 30,000,000
2025-02-20 Listeners 29,000,000
2025-02-18 Listeners 28,000,000
2025-02-17 Listeners 27,000,000
2025-02-16 Listeners 26,000,000
2025-02-15 Listeners 25,000,000
2025-01-07 Followers 8,000,000
2024-12-07 Listeners 22,000,000
2024-09-04 Followers 7,000,000
2023-12-15 Followers 6,000,000
2023-10-21 Listeners 21,000,000
2023-10-09 Listeners 20,000,000
2023-10-07 Listeners 19,000,000
2023-04-12 Followers 5,000,000
2023-03-03 Listeners 18,000,000
2023-02-12 Listeners 17,000,000
2023-02-02 Listeners 16,000,000
2023-01-23 Listeners 15,000,000
2023-01-15 Listeners 14,000,000
2022-11-10 Listeners 13,000,000
2022-11-09 Followers 4,000,000
2020-04-30 Followers 2,000,000
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Thresholds - Streams

Date Format Title Milestone
2025-03-16 Album Some Sexy Songs 4 U 500,000,000
2025-03-12 Album PartyNextDoor Two 1,200,000,000
2025-03-06 Album Some Sexy Songs 4 U 400,000,000
2025-03-04 Single THE NEWS 100,000,000
2025-03-04 Album PartyNextDoor 3 1,100,000,000
2025-02-26 Album Some Sexy Songs 4 U 300,000,000
2025-02-25 Album PartyNextDoor 1,700,000,000
2025-02-20 Album Some Sexy Songs 4 U 200,000,000
2025-02-16 Album Some Sexy Songs 4 U 100,000,000
2025-01-23 Single Break From Toronto 1,000,000,000
2025-01-22 Artist
PARTYNEXTDOOR 7,000,000,000
2024-12-28 Album Partymobile 1,100,000,000
2024-12-27 Album PartyNextDoor Two 1,100,000,000
2024-12-23 Album PartyNextDoor 1,600,000,000
2024-12-18 Artist
all credits
PARTYNEXTDOOR 9,000,000,000
2024-10-31 Album PartyNextDoor 1,500,000,000
2024-10-19 Album PartyNextDoor Two 1,000,000,000
2024-10-09 Single Break From Toronto 900,000,000
2024-09-01 Artist
PARTYNEXTDOOR 6,000,000,000
2024-09-01 Album PartyNextDoor 1,400,000,000
2024-08-04 Artist
all credits
PARTYNEXTDOOR 8,000,000,000
2024-07-12 Album PartyNextDoor Two 900,000,000
2024-06-04 Album PartyNextDoor 1,300,000,000
2024-05-12 Single Break From Toronto 800,000,000
2024-04-30 Album PartyNextDoor 3 1,000,000,000
2024-04-19 Single Come And See Me 600,000,000
2024-03-07 Album PartyNextDoor Two 800,000,000
2024-03-07 Album PartyNextDoor 1,200,000,000
2024-01-28 Album Partymobile 1,000,000,000
2024-01-17 Single Break From Toronto 700,000,000
2024-01-11 Artist
all credits
PARTYNEXTDOOR 7,000,000,000
2023-12-30 Artist
PARTYNEXTDOOR 5,000,000,000
2023-12-26 Album PartyNextDoor 1,100,000,000
2023-10-11 Album PartyNextDoor 1,000,000,000
2023-10-07 Single Break From Toronto 600,000,000
2023-08-04 Artist
PARTYNEXTDOOR 4,000,000,000
2023-07-09 Album PartyNextDoor 900,000,000
2023-07-01 Artist
all credits
PARTYNEXTDOOR 6,000,000,000
2023-05-20 Album PartyNextDoor 3 900,000,000
2023-04-25 Album Partymobile 900,000,000
2023-03-18 Album PartyNextDoor 800,000,000
2022-11-15 Album PartyNextDoor 700,000,000
2022-05-05 Album PartyNextDoor 600,000,000
2022-05-04 Album PartyNextDoor 3 1,600,000,000
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Date Ranking Overtaking
2025-03-14 Most Monthly Listeners PARTYNEXTDOOR climbs from #91 to #90.
2025-03-14 Most Monthly Listeners PARTYNEXTDOOR climbs from #91 to #90.
2025-03-13 Most Monthly Listeners PARTYNEXTDOOR climbs from #93 to #91.
2025-03-12 Most Monthly Listeners PARTYNEXTDOOR climbs from #96 to #93.

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