Artist dashboard
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Country: US
Birth: 1983-11-20
Active: Yes
Genre: Hip-hop, Trap Music, Mumble Rap, Contemporary R&B, Dirty South, Atlanta Hip-hop, Southern Hip-hop
On-demand audio streams
Monthly listeners
Lead streams
Feat streams
Monthly revenue
Sales data
CSPC units
Pure albums
Physical singles
Digital singles
Spotify statistics
Lead streams
Feat streams
Monthly listeners
100m+ tracks
Followers / Listeners
Replay value
Trends & Indicators
Daily streams
Daily listeners +/-
Daily followers +/-
Monthly streams
Monthly listeners +/-
Weekly followers +/-
Playcounts are 7+ days old
Monthly listeners map
Below map represents the 50 cities where the artist has the most Spotify monthly listeners.
Artist career totals
Albums statistics
Figures in equivalent album sales. If different, pure sales are listed between parentheses.
As a reminder:
- Studio Album: sales of the original album
- Other Releases: sales of compilations generated thanks to the album
- Physical Singles: sales of physical singles from the album (ratio 3/10)
- Download Singles: sales of digital singles from the album (ratio 1,5/10)
- Streaming: equivalent album sales of all the album tracks (ratio 1/1500 for Audio stream and 1/6750 for Video stream)
Songs statistics
Figures in equivalent album sales generated through all formats.
Studio album sales
Compilation album sales
Physical singles sales
Downloads and ringtones sales
Most streamed songs (Top 20)
# | Seq. | Album | Song | Spotify total | Spotify daily | AOD total | EAS |
1 | 177 | Future | Mask Off | 1,820,647,112 | 837,430 | 3,618,153,799 | 2,412,102 |
2 | 290 | High Off Life | Life Is Good (feat. Drake) | 1,311,080,979 | 249,170 | 2,605,498,118 | 1,736,998 |
3 | 151 | Evol | Low Life (feat. The Weeknd) | 1,071,596,569 | 929,127 | 2,129,573,145 | 1,419,715 |
4 | 368 | I Never Liked You | WAIT FOR U (feat. Drake & Tems) | 1,029,573,343 | 766,495 | 2,046,060,808 | 1,364,040 |
5 | 728 | Features | Love Me | 1,017,231,739 | 986,025 | 1,882,989,534 | 1,255,326 |
6 | 977 | Features | Too Many Nights (feat. Don Toliver & with Future) | 928,932,182 | 716,094 | 1,847,159,349 | 1,231,439 |
7 | 976 | Features | Superhero (Heroes & Villains) [with Future & Chris Brown] | 877,504,604 | 430,927 | 1,744,896,844 | 1,163,264 |
8 | 142 | What A Time To Be Alive | Jumpman | 850,102,944 | 96,418 | 1,662,304,898 | 1,108,203 |
9 | 689 | Features | Cold (feat. Future) | 766,514,145 | 224,692 | 1,286,418,460 | 857,612 |
10 | 421 | We Don't Trust You | Like That | 727,795,685 | 1,247,291 | 1,446,341,086 | 964,227 |
11 | 481 | King's Dead | King's Dead (with Kendrick Lamar, Future & James Blake) | 639,494,024 | 131,613 | 1,289,213,557 | 859,475 |
12 | 802 | Features | X (feat. Future) | 614,536,035 | 97,503 | 1,230,350,304 | 820,233 |
13 | 946 | Features | Way 2 Sexy (with Future & Young Thug) | 604,679,275 | 168,088 | 1,182,399,529 | 788,266 |
14 | 792 | Features | Everyday | 583,321,969 | 347,124 | 1,008,682,682 | 672,455 |
15 | 214 | Hndrxx | Solo | 575,665,683 | 746,356 | 1,144,014,655 | 762,676 |
16 | 827 | Features | End Game | 554,497,336 | 157,361 | 973,555,925 | 649,037 |
17 | 639 | Features | Loveeeeeee Song | 535,146,696 | 412,758 | 895,579,233 | 597,052 |
18 | 364 | I Never Liked You | PUFFIN ON ZOOTIEZ | 529,866,943 | 357,126 | 1,052,999,277 | 701,999 |
19 | 426 | We Don't Trust You | Type Shit | 519,346,048 | 1,043,431 | 1,032,091,207 | 688,060 |
20 | 225 | Wrld On Drugs | Fine China | 512,745,900 | 93,438 | 1,018,974,799 | 679,316 |
Album | Song | ||||||
∑ = 16,070,279,211 | ∑ = 10,038,467 | ∑ = 31,097,257,219 | ∑ = 20,731,504 |
- Seq. stands for sequence. It sorts albums in discographic order.
- Spotify total reflects release to date (RTD) streams of the track as shown on their software.
- Spotify daily is calculated based on streams over the last 1 day(s).
- AOD (Audio on-demand) reflects total streams through all AOD platforms, Spotify included. The non-Spotify part is an algorithm based figure which considers the main artist's strength and Spotify shares in each market.
- AOD streams divided by 1,500 would provide equivalent album sales (EAS) for the track.
- The 'Song' and 'Album' grey fields at the bottom of the table allow filtering on them.
Thresholds - CSPC
Date | Format | Title | Milestone |
2025-03-12 | Artist | Future | 50,000,000 |
Thresholds - Spotify KPIs
Date | KPI | Milestone |
2025-01-09 | Followers | 20,000,000 |
2024-10-26 | Followers | 19,000,000 |
2024-08-15 | Followers | 18,000,000 |
2024-05-16 | Followers | 17,000,000 |
2024-04-19 | Listeners | 65,000,000 |
2024-04-16 | Listeners | 64,000,000 |
2024-04-14 | Listeners | 63,000,000 |
2024-04-13 | Listeners | 62,000,000 |
2024-04-10 | Listeners | 61,000,000 |
2024-04-07 | Listeners | 60,000,000 |
2024-04-05 | Listeners | 59,000,000 |
2024-03-05 | Followers | 16,000,000 |
2023-10-04 | Followers | 15,000,000 |
2023-06-03 | Followers | 14,000,000 |
2023-05-18 | Listeners | 58,000,000 |
2023-05-11 | Listeners | 57,000,000 |
2023-05-07 | Listeners | 56,000,000 |
2023-05-01 | Listeners | 54,000,000 |
2023-04-29 | Listeners | 53,000,000 |
2023-04-28 | Listeners | 52,000,000 |
2023-04-26 | Listeners | 51,000,000 |
2023-04-25 | Listeners | 50,000,000 |
2023-04-23 | Listeners | 49,000,000 |
2023-03-19 | Listeners | 48,000,000 |
2023-03-14 | Listeners | 47,000,000 |
2023-02-12 | Listeners | 46,000,000 |
2023-01-30 | Listeners | 45,000,000 |
2023-01-30 | Followers | 13,000,000 |
2023-01-23 | Listeners | 44,000,000 |
2023-01-19 | Listeners | 43,000,000 |
2022-12-24 | Listeners | 42,000,000 |
2022-12-14 | Listeners | 41,000,000 |
2022-12-07 | Listeners | 40,000,000 |
2022-12-03 | Listeners | 39,000,000 |
2022-11-27 | Listeners | 38,000,000 |
2022-08-16 | Followers | 12,000,000 |
2022-08-07 | Listeners | 37,000,000 |
2022-08-03 | Listeners | 36,000,000 |
2022-01-07 | Followers | 11,000,000 |
2021-03-21 | Followers | 10,000,000 |
2020-08-01 | Followers | 9,000,000 |
2020-04-30 | Followers | 8,000,000 |
Thresholds - Streams
Date | Format | Title | Milestone |
2025-03-21 | Album | We Don't Trust You | 2,200,000,000 |
2025-03-21 | Artist all credits |
Future | 45,000,000,000 |
2025-03-19 | Album | Hndrxx | 1,700,000,000 |
2025-03-11 | Album | Evol | 1,600,000,000 |
2025-03-11 | Album | I Never Liked You | 2,500,000,000 |
2025-03-05 | Single | Love Me | 1,000,000,000 |
2025-03-02 | Single | Like That | 700,000,000 |
2025-02-26 | Single | Mask Off | 1,800,000,000 |
2025-02-18 | Album | We Don't Trust You | 2,100,000,000 |
2025-02-14 | Single | Wait For U | 1,000,000,000 |
2025-02-12 | Album | Wrld On Drugs | 1,600,000,000 |
2025-02-10 | Artist all credits |
Future | 44,000,000,000 |
2025-02-08 | Single | Life Is Good (feat. Drake) | 1,300,000,000 |
2025-02-08 | Single | Life Is Good | 1,300,000,000 |
2025-02-04 | Album | High Off Life | 2,300,000,000 |
2025-01-31 | Artist leads |
Future | 27,000,000,000 |
2025-01-22 | Artist all credits |
Future | 43,000,000,000 |
2025-01-21 | Album | DS2 | 1,900,000,000 |
2025-01-18 | Album | We Still Don't Trust You | 600,000,000 |
2025-01-17 | Album | We Don't Trust You | 2,000,000,000 |
2025-01-13 | Album | I Never Liked You | 2,400,000,000 |
2025-01-10 | Single | Low Life | 1,000,000,000 |
2025-01-04 | Artist all credits |
Future | 42,000,000,000 |
2024-12-28 | Artist leads |
Future | 26,000,000,000 |
2024-12-26 | Album | Future | 2,900,000,000 |
2024-12-15 | Album | We Don't Trust You | 1,900,000,000 |
2024-12-09 | Album | Hndrxx | 1,600,000,000 |
2024-12-03 | Album | Evol | 1,500,000,000 |
2024-12-01 | Single | Like That | 600,000,000 |
2024-11-24 | Artist all credits |
Future | 41,000,000,000 |
2024-11-17 | Album | I Never Liked You | 2,300,000,000 |
2024-11-13 | Album | We Don't Trust You | 1,800,000,000 |
2024-10-25 | Artist leads |
Future | 25,000,000,000 |
2024-10-22 | Album | We Still Don't Trust You | 500,000,000 |
2024-10-19 | Single | Mask Off | 1,700,000,000 |
2024-10-18 | Single | Wait For U | 900,000,000 |
2024-10-13 | Album | We Don't Trust You | 1,700,000,000 |
2024-10-13 | Artist all credits |
Future | 40,000,000,000 |
2024-09-26 | Album | DS2 | 1,800,000,000 |
2024-09-24 | Album | I Never Liked You | 2,200,000,000 |
2024-09-19 | Album | Future | 2,800,000,000 |
2024-09-16 | Album | We Don't Trust You | 1,600,000,000 |
2024-09-14 | Album | High Off Life | 2,200,000,000 |
2024-08-23 | Album | We Don't Trust You | 1,500,000,000 |
2024-08-12 | Album | Hndrxx | 1,500,000,000 |
2024-08-08 | Artist all credits |
Future | 38,000,000,000 |
2024-08-05 | Album | I Never Liked You | 2,100,000,000 |
2024-08-03 | Album | We Still Don't Trust You | 400,000,000 |
2024-08-01 | Album | We Don't Trust You | 1,400,000,000 |
2024-07-28 | Single | Low Life | 900,000,000 |
2024-07-16 | Artist leads |
Future | 22,000,000,000 |
2024-07-14 | Album | We Don't Trust You | 1,300,000,000 |
2024-06-30 | Single | Wait For U | 800,000,000 |
2024-06-25 | Album | We Don't Trust You | 1,200,000,000 |
2024-06-17 | Single | Mask Off | 1,600,000,000 |
2024-06-14 | Album | Evol | 1,400,000,000 |
2024-06-14 | Artist all credits |
Future | 37,000,000,000 |
2024-06-13 | Album | Future | 2,700,000,000 |
2024-06-12 | Album | Pluto x Baby Pluto | 900,000,000 |
2024-06-09 | Album | We Don't Trust You | 1,100,000,000 |
2024-06-05 | Album | I Never Liked You | 2,000,000,000 |
2024-06-02 | Album | We Still Don't Trust You | 300,000,000 |
2024-05-27 | Album | We Don't Trust You | 1,000,000,000 |
2024-05-16 | Album | DS2 | 1,700,000,000 |
2024-05-15 | Album | We Don't Trust You | 900,000,000 |
2024-05-06 | Album | We Don't Trust You | 800,000,000 |
2024-04-30 | Album | We Still Don't Trust You | 200,000,000 |
2024-04-26 | Album | We Don't Trust You | 700,000,000 |
2024-04-25 | Artist all credits |
Future | 36,000,000,000 |
2024-04-18 | Album | High Off Life | 2,100,000,000 |
2024-04-16 | Artist leads |
Future | 21,000,000,000 |
2024-04-10 | Album | We Don't Trust You | 500,000,000 |
2024-04-05 | Album | Hndrxx | 1,400,000,000 |
2024-04-04 | Album | We Don't Trust You | 400,000,000 |
2024-03-30 | Album | I Never Liked You | 1,900,000,000 |
2024-03-30 | Album | We Don't Trust You | 300,000,000 |
2024-03-27 | Album | We Don't Trust You | 200,000,000 |
2024-03-23 | Album | We Don't Trust You | 100,000,000 |
2024-03-11 | Artist all credits |
Future | 35,000,000,000 |
2024-03-01 | Single | Life Is Good (feat. Drake) | 1,200,000,000 |
2024-02-20 | Album | Future | 2,600,000,000 |
2024-01-29 | Album | I Never Liked You | 1,800,000,000 |
2024-01-25 | Single | Wait For U | 700,000,000 |
2024-01-21 | Artist all credits |
Future | 34,000,000,000 |
2024-01-12 | Single | Mask Off | 1,500,000,000 |
2024-01-08 | Artist leads |
Future | 20,000,000,000 |
2024-01-05 | Album | DS2 | 1,600,000,000 |
2024-01-02 | Album | Evol | 1,300,000,000 |
2023-12-26 | Single | Low Life | 800,000,000 |
2023-12-22 | Album | High Off Life | 2,000,000,000 |
2023-12-21 | Album | Hndrxx | 1,300,000,000 |
2023-12-03 | Album | I Never Liked You | 1,700,000,000 |
2023-12-02 | Artist all credits |
Future | 33,000,000,000 |
2023-11-21 | Artist leads |
Future | 17,000,000,000 |
2023-10-17 | Album | Future | 2,500,000,000 |
2023-10-15 | Artist all credits |
Future | 32,000,000,000 |
2023-10-10 | Album | I Never Liked You | 1,600,000,000 |
2023-09-21 | Artist leads |
Future | 19,000,000,000 |
2023-09-12 | Single | Wait For U | 600,000,000 |
2023-08-25 | Artist all credits |
Future | 31,000,000,000 |
2023-08-22 | Album | I Never Liked You | 1,500,000,000 |
2023-08-21 | Album | Hndrxx | 1,200,000,000 |
2023-08-13 | Album | The Wizrd | 600,000,000 |
2023-07-14 | Single | Mask Off | 1,400,000,000 |
2023-07-11 | Album | Wrld On Drugs | 1,400,000,000 |
2023-07-06 | Artist all credits |
Future | 30,000,000,000 |
2023-07-03 | Album | I Never Liked You | 1,400,000,000 |
2023-05-18 | Album | I Never Liked You | 1,300,000,000 |
2023-04-19 | Album | High Off Life | 1,800,000,000 |
2023-04-03 | Album | I Never Liked You | 1,200,000,000 |
2023-03-30 | Album | Hndrxx | 1,100,000,000 |
2023-03-21 | Album | DS2 | 1,400,000,000 |
2023-02-19 | Album | I Never Liked You | 1,100,000,000 |
2023-02-08 | Album | Future | 2,300,000,000 |
2023-01-08 | Album | I Never Liked You | 1,000,000,000 |
2022-12-07 | Album | Wrld On Drugs | 1,300,000,000 |
2022-12-05 | Album | High Off Life | 1,700,000,000 |
2022-11-25 | Album | I Never Liked You | 900,000,000 |
2022-11-10 | Album | Hndrxx | 1,000,000,000 |
2022-10-31 | Album | Pluto x Baby Pluto | 700,000,000 |
2022-10-15 | Album | I Never Liked You | 800,000,000 |
2022-10-03 | Album | Future | 2,200,000,000 |
2022-09-07 | Album | I Never Liked You | 700,000,000 |
2022-09-03 | Album | Evol | 1,100,000,000 |
2022-08-05 | Album | I Never Liked You | 600,000,000 |
2022-07-14 | Album | High Off Life | 1,600,000,000 |
2022-07-08 | Album | I Never Liked You | 500,000,000 |
2022-06-15 | Album | I Never Liked You | 400,000,000 |
2022-05-26 | Album | I Never Liked You | 300,000,000 |
2022-05-21 | Album | Wrld On Drugs | 1,200,000,000 |
2022-05-11 | Album | I Never Liked You | 200,000,000 |
2022-05-09 | Artist all credits |
Future | 23,000,000,000 |
2022-05-04 | Album | High Off Life | 3,000,000,000 |
2022-05-04 | Album | Pluto x Baby Pluto | 1,200,000,000 |
2022-05-04 | Album | Wrld On Drugs | 2,300,000,000 |
2022-05-01 | Album | Future | 2,100,000,000 |
2022-03-24 | Album | Pluto x Baby Pluto | 600,000,000 |
2021-09-04 | Artist all credits |
Future | 20,000,000,000 |
2021-06-01 | Artist all credits |
Future | 18,000,000,000 |
2021-05-24 | Artist all credits |
Future | 19,000,000,000 |
2020-06-28 | Artist leads |
Future | 10,000,000,000 |
2020-05-14 | Artist leads |
Future | 9,000,000,000 |
Date | Ranking | Overtaking |
2025-03-20 | Most Streamed Artists - AOD | Future climbs from #23 to #22. |
2025-03-17 | Most Streamed Artists - AOD | Future climbs from #23 to #22. |
2025-03-11 | Most Streamed Artists on Spotify | Future climbs from #28 to #27. |
Artist rankings
With 55,113,451,374 streams, Future ranks #23 among artists with the most streams on audio on-demand streaming services. |
With 27,732,964,581 lead streams on Spotify, Future ranks #28 among the most streamed artists of all time. |
With 62,833,765 listeners currently, Future ranks #25 among artists with the most monthly listeners on Spotify. |
With 65,628,348 listeners, Future ranks #40 among artists with the highest monthly listeners peak on Spotify. |