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Travis Scott

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Travis Scott

Country: US
Birth: 1991-04-30
Active: Yes


Power Rating

Social Media



Genre: Hip-hop, Southern Hip-hop, Trap Music, Psychedelic Music, Pop Rap, Pop Music, Contemporary R&B, Psychedelic Rock, Psychedelic Rap, Alternative Hip-hop, Alternative R&B

On-demand audio streams A+
Monthly listeners 123.8m 19
Lead streams 71.8b 19
Feat streams 31.8b 20
Monthly revenue $5.3m 19
Sales data B-
CSPC units 64.9m 15
Pure albums 2.8m 9
Physical singles 100.0k 4
Digital singles 9.6m 10
Spotify statistics A
Lead streams 38.1b 18
Feat streams 16.9b 20
Monthly listeners 70.4m 19
Followers 37.7m 17
100m+ tracks 86 17
Popularity 94 19
Followers / Listeners 0.5 8
Replay value 11.0 20
Trends & Indicators B+
Daily streams 27.8m 18
Daily listeners +/- -73.8k 10
Daily followers +/- 18.2k 17
Monthly streams 777.1m 18
Monthly listeners +/- -4.9m 8
Weekly followers +/- 146.7k 18
Trend 1.1 10
Globalness 61.9 17
Playcounts are 7+ days old

Monthly listeners map

Below map represents the 50 cities where the artist has the most Spotify monthly listeners.

Album sales map

This second map is based on pure album sales by country.

Artist career totals

Albums statistics

Figures in equivalent album sales. If different, pure sales are listed between parentheses.

'Av.' stands for Average, 'LD' for Last Day.

As a reminder:

  • Studio Album: sales of the original album
  • Other Releases: sales of compilations generated thanks to the album
  • Physical Singles: sales of physical singles from the album (ratio 3/10)
  • Download Singles: sales of digital singles from the album (ratio 1,5/10)
  • Streaming: equivalent album sales of all the album tracks (ratio 1/1500 for Audio stream and 1/6750 for Video stream)

Songs statistics

Figures in equivalent album sales generated through all formats.

Studio album sales

Compilation album sales

Physical singles sales

Downloads and ringtones sales

Most streamed songs (Top 20)

# Seq. Album Song Spotify total Spotify daily AOD total EAS
1 32 Birds In The Trap Sing McKnight goosebumps 2,775,276,071 1,127,381 5,255,726,239 3,503,817
2 66 Astroworld SICKO MODE 2,329,790,368 707,663 4,412,080,115 2,941,386
3 108 Orphan HIGHEST IN THE ROOM 1,974,256,686 946,092 3,738,782,161 2,492,521
4 58 Astroworld BUTTERFLY EFFECT 1,661,592,773 696,225 3,146,669,560 2,097,779
5 80 Utopia FE!N (feat. Playboi Carti) 1,231,961,450 1,328,264 2,333,047,939 1,555,365
6 214 Features ZEZE (feat. Travis Scott & Offset) 1,150,763,224 271,862 2,396,821,150 1,597,880
7 253 Features Fair Trade (with Travis Scott) 945,294,145 360,139 1,848,443,295 1,232,295
8 201 Features Love Galore (feat. Travis Scott) 936,424,770 424,827 1,772,247,554 1,181,498
9 259 Features Trance (with Travis Scott & Young Thug) 860,245,210 604,320 1,710,576,954 1,140,384
10 139 THE SCOTTS THE SCOTTS 839,508,703 126,805 1,527,068,849 1,018,045
11 109 Orphan Goosebumps - Remix 830,593,794 186,329 1,572,951,117 1,048,634
12 68 Astroworld STARGAZING 806,272,322 193,371 1,526,891,916 1,017,927
13 75 JACKBOYS OUT WEST (feat. Young Thug) 790,797,575 340,794 1,442,726,351 961,817
14 36 Birds In The Trap Sing McKnight pick up the phone 781,441,885 186,185 1,541,331,602 1,027,554
15 135 The London The London (feat. J. Cole & Travis Scott) 773,333,598 241,998 1,525,338,655 1,016,892
16 59 Astroworld CAN'T SAY 756,842,220 442,670 1,433,282,820 955,521
17 83 Utopia I KNOW ? 755,878,460 485,129 1,431,457,683 954,305
18 15 Rodeo Antidote 748,688,204 164,958 1,417,841,014 945,227
19 260 Features Open Arms (feat. Travis Scott) 713,734,048 1,060,230 1,350,790,219 900,526
20 72 Astroworld YOSEMITE 701,861,206 195,110 1,329,161,590 886,107
Album Song
∑ = 22,364,556,712 ∑ = 10,090,352 ∑ = 42,713,236,792 ∑ = 28,475,491
Unlock full updated discography data Table keys
  • Seq. stands for sequence. It sorts albums in discographic order.
  • Spotify total reflects release to date (RTD) streams of the track as shown on their software.
  • Spotify daily is calculated based on streams over the last 1 day(s).
  • AOD (Audio on-demand) reflects total streams through all AOD platforms, Spotify included. The non-Spotify part is an algorithm based figure which considers the main artist's strength and Spotify shares in each market.
  • AOD streams divided by 1,500 would provide equivalent album sales (EAS) for the track.
  • The 'Song' and 'Album' grey fields at the bottom of the table allow filtering on them.

Thresholds - Spotify KPIs

Date KPI Milestone
2025-02-17 Followers 37,000,000
2025-01-06 Followers 36,000,000
2024-12-05 Followers 35,000,000
2024-10-29 Followers 34,000,000
2024-09-22 Followers 33,000,000
2024-08-26 Followers 32,000,000
2024-07-29 Followers 31,000,000
2024-06-16 Followers 30,000,000
2024-05-03 Followers 29,000,000
2024-03-21 Followers 28,000,000
2024-02-12 Followers 27,000,000
2023-12-30 Followers 26,000,000
2023-11-10 Followers 25,000,000
2023-09-07 Followers 24,000,000
2023-08-18 Listeners 75,000,000
2023-08-17 Listeners 74,000,000
2023-08-09 Listeners 70,000,000
2023-08-07 Listeners 69,000,000
2023-08-06 Listeners 68,000,000
2023-08-04 Listeners 66,000,000
2023-08-03 Listeners 65,000,000
2023-08-02 Listeners 64,000,000
2023-08-01 Listeners 63,000,000
2023-07-27 Followers 23,000,000
2023-07-25 Listeners 54,000,000
2023-07-24 Listeners 53,000,000
2023-07-23 Listeners 52,000,000
2023-05-22 Listeners 51,000,000
2023-05-13 Listeners 50,000,000
2023-05-06 Listeners 49,000,000
2023-04-28 Listeners 48,000,000
2023-04-21 Listeners 47,000,000
2023-03-11 Followers 22,000,000
2022-12-16 Listeners 46,000,000
2022-12-13 Listeners 45,000,000
2022-11-26 Listeners 44,000,000
2022-11-22 Listeners 43,000,000
2022-11-19 Listeners 42,000,000
2022-11-13 Listeners 41,000,000
2022-11-10 Listeners 40,000,000
2022-11-08 Listeners 39,000,000
2022-11-06 Listeners 38,000,000
2022-08-03 Listeners 37,000,000
2022-07-21 Followers 21,000,000
2022-03-08 Followers 20,000,000
2021-11-28 Followers 19,000,000
2021-09-03 Followers 18,000,000
2021-06-23 Followers 17,000,000
2021-04-09 Followers 16,000,000
2021-02-06 Followers 15,000,000
2020-12-12 Followers 14,000,000
2020-10-15 Followers 13,000,000
2020-08-26 Followers 12,000,000
2020-07-18 Followers 11,000,000
2020-06-10 Followers 10,000,000
2020-04-26 Followers 9,000,000
2020-04-23 Followers 8,000,000
Show More

Thresholds - Streams

Date Format Title Milestone
2025-03-22 Artist
all credits
Travis Scott 55,000,000,000
2025-03-17 Artist
Travis Scott 38,000,000,000
2025-03-16 Album Utopia 5,700,000,000
2025-03-13 Single YOSEMITE 700,000,000
2025-03-13 Single Nightcrawler (feat. Swae Lee & Chief Keef) 400,000,000
2025-03-12 Album Rodeo 3,200,000,000
2025-03-04 Album Birds In The Trap Sing McKnight 5,900,000,000
2025-02-25 Single Fe!n 1,200,000,000
2025-02-22 Album Utopia 5,600,000,000
2025-02-20 Single Stargazing 800,000,000
2025-02-11 Single Sicko Mode 2,300,000,000
2025-02-04 Album Astroworld 10,000,000,000
2025-02-03 Single My Eyes 600,000,000
2025-02-02 Album Utopia 5,500,000,000
2025-01-23 Single Goosebumps 2,700,000,000
2025-01-22 Album Birds In The Trap Sing McKnight 5,800,000,000
2025-01-20 Artist
all credits
Travis Scott 54,000,000,000
2025-01-20 Artist
Travis Scott 37,000,000,000
2025-01-14 Album Rodeo 3,100,000,000
2025-01-14 Single Highest In The Room 1,900,000,000
2025-01-14 Artist
all credits
Travis Scott 53,000,000,000
2025-01-13 Album Utopia 5,400,000,000
2025-01-09 Album Astroworld 9,900,000,000
2024-12-28 Artist
Travis Scott 36,000,000,000
2024-12-28 Artist
all credits
Travis Scott 52,000,000,000
2024-12-24 Album Utopia 5,300,000,000
2024-12-21 Single Fe!n 1,100,000,000
2024-12-21 Single Butterfly Effect 1,600,000,000
2024-12-17 Single I Know ? 700,000,000
2024-12-15 Album Astroworld 9,800,000,000
2024-12-13 Album Birds In The Trap Sing McKnight 5,700,000,000
2024-12-07 Album Utopia 5,200,000,000
2024-12-04 Artist
all credits
Travis Scott 51,000,000,000
2024-11-28 Single Can't Stay 700,000,000
2024-11-23 Album Astroworld 9,700,000,000
2024-11-21 Album Utopia 5,100,000,000
2024-11-18 Album Rodeo 3,000,000,000
2024-11-11 Artist
Travis Scott 35,000,000,000
2024-11-08 Single Goosebumps 2,600,000,000
2024-11-07 Album Birds In The Trap Sing McKnight 5,600,000,000
2024-11-05 Album Utopia 5,000,000,000
2024-11-02 Album Astroworld 9,600,000,000
2024-11-02 Single Fe!n 1,000,000,000
2024-10-28 Single Highest In The Room 1,800,000,000
2024-10-25 Single Goosebumps [HVME Remix] 800,000,000
2024-10-24 Artist
all credits
Travis Scott 50,000,000,000
2024-10-22 Album Utopia 4,900,000,000
2024-10-14 Album Astroworld 9,500,000,000
2024-10-09 Album Utopia 4,800,000,000
2024-10-02 Album Birds In The Trap Sing McKnight 5,500,000,000
2024-09-29 Album Rodeo 2,900,000,000
2024-09-29 Artist
Travis Scott 34,000,000,000
2024-09-26 Single Fe!n 900,000,000
2024-09-25 Album Utopia 4,700,000,000
2024-09-23 Single Butterfly Effect 1,500,000,000
2024-09-23 Album Astroworld 9,400,000,000
2024-09-23 Artist
all credits
Travis Scott 49,000,000,000
2024-09-14 Single Sicko Mode 2,200,000,000
2024-09-12 Album Utopia 4,600,000,000
2024-09-06 Single 90210 600,000,000
2024-09-01 Album Astroworld 9,300,000,000
2024-08-31 Single Goosebumps 2,500,000,000
2024-08-29 Album Utopia 4,500,000,000
2024-08-23 Artist
all credits
Travis Scott 48,000,000,000
2024-08-22 Album Birds In The Trap Sing McKnight 5,400,000,000
2024-08-20 Single Highest In The Room 1,700,000,000
2024-08-19 Artist
Travis Scott 33,000,000,000
2024-08-18 Single I Know ? 600,000,000
2024-08-15 Album Utopia 4,400,000,000
2024-08-15 Single Fe!n 800,000,000
2024-08-10 Album Astroworld 9,200,000,000
2024-08-09 Album Rodeo 2,800,000,000
2024-08-01 Album Utopia 4,300,000,000
2024-07-27 Artist
all credits
Travis Scott 47,000,000,000
2024-07-20 Album Utopia 4,200,000,000
2024-07-20 Album Astroworld 9,100,000,000
2024-07-17 Single Antidote 700,000,000
2024-07-14 Album Birds In The Trap Sing McKnight 5,300,000,000
2024-07-06 Album Utopia 4,100,000,000
2024-07-04 Artist
Travis Scott 32,000,000,000
2024-07-01 Single Fe!n 700,000,000
2024-06-28 Album Astroworld 9,000,000,000
2024-06-26 Artist
all credits
Travis Scott 46,000,000,000
2024-06-23 Single Butterfly Effect 1,400,000,000
2024-06-21 Album Utopia 4,000,000,000
2024-06-16 Album Rodeo 2,700,000,000
2024-06-15 Single Goosebumps 2,400,000,000
2024-06-10 Single Can't Stay 600,000,000
2024-06-08 Album Utopia 3,900,000,000
2024-06-04 Album Astroworld 8,900,000,000
2024-06-03 Album Birds In The Trap Sing McKnight 5,200,000,000
2024-05-25 Album Utopia 3,800,000,000
2024-05-24 Artist
all credits
Travis Scott 45,000,000,000
2024-05-20 Single Fe!n 600,000,000
2024-05-17 Artist
Travis Scott 31,000,000,000
2024-05-16 Single Highest In The Room 1,600,000,000
2024-05-14 Album Utopia 3,700,000,000
2024-05-12 Album Astroworld 8,800,000,000
2024-05-02 Album Utopia 3,600,000,000
2024-04-29 Album Birds In The Trap Sing McKnight 5,100,000,000
2024-04-27 Album Rodeo 2,600,000,000
2024-04-22 Single Sicko Mode 2,100,000,000
2024-04-21 Album Utopia 3,500,000,000
2024-04-19 Album Astroworld 8,700,000,000
2024-04-17 Artist
all credits
Travis Scott 44,000,000,000
2024-04-09 Album Utopia 3,400,000,000
2024-04-04 Single Goosebumps 2,300,000,000
2024-04-03 Artist
Travis Scott 30,000,000,000
2024-03-29 Album Utopia 3,300,000,000
2024-03-28 Album Astroworld 8,600,000,000
2024-03-27 Single Butterfly Effect 1,300,000,000
2024-03-24 Album Birds In The Trap Sing McKnight 5,000,000,000
2024-03-20 Artist
all credits
Travis Scott 43,000,000,000
2024-03-18 Album Utopia 3,200,000,000
2024-03-11 Album Rodeo 2,500,000,000
2024-03-10 Album Utopia 3,100,000,000
2024-03-06 Album Astroworld 8,500,000,000
2024-03-03 Album Utopia 3,000,000,000
2024-02-24 Artist
Travis Scott 29,000,000,000
2024-02-24 Album Utopia 2,900,000,000
2024-02-21 Artist
all credits
Travis Scott 42,000,000,000
2024-02-16 Album Birds In The Trap Sing McKnight 4,900,000,000
2024-02-14 Album Utopia 2,800,000,000
2024-02-12 Album Astroworld 8,400,000,000
2024-02-04 Album Utopia 2,700,000,000
2024-01-29 Album Rodeo 2,400,000,000
2024-01-25 Album Utopia 2,600,000,000
2024-01-21 Single Goosebumps 2,200,000,000
2024-01-20 Album Astroworld 8,300,000,000
2024-01-15 Artist
Travis Scott 28,000,000,000
2024-01-14 Album Utopia 2,500,000,000
2024-01-13 Artist
all credits
Travis Scott 41,000,000,000
2024-01-12 Single Highest In The Room 1,500,000,000
2024-01-08 Album Birds In The Trap Sing McKnight 4,800,000,000
2024-01-04 Album Utopia 2,400,000,000
2024-01-03 Single Stargazing 700,000,000
2023-12-27 Album Astroworld 8,200,000,000
2023-12-23 Album Utopia 2,300,000,000
2023-12-20 Single Sicko Mode 2,000,000,000
2023-12-11 Album Utopia 2,200,000,000
2023-12-06 Album Rodeo 2,300,000,000
2023-12-02 Album Astroworld 8,100,000,000
2023-11-30 Artist
all credits
Travis Scott 40,000,000,000
2023-11-30 Album Utopia 2,100,000,000
2023-11-27 Album Birds In The Trap Sing McKnight 4,700,000,000
2023-11-15 Single Butterfly Effect 1,200,000,000
2023-11-11 Single Yosemite 600,000,000
2023-11-06 Album Utopia 1,900,000,000
2023-11-05 Album Astroworld 8,000,000,000
2023-11-04 Artist
Travis Scott 27,000,000,000
2023-10-26 Artist
all credits
Travis Scott 39,000,000,000
2023-10-25 Album Utopia 1,800,000,000
2023-10-19 Single Goosebumps [HVME Remix] 700,000,000
2023-10-16 Single Goosebumps 2,100,000,000
2023-10-10 Album Utopia 1,700,000,000
2023-10-06 Album Astroworld 7,900,000,000
2023-10-02 Album Utopia 1,600,000,000
2023-09-26 Album Rodeo 2,200,000,000
2023-09-23 Album Utopia 1,500,000,000
2023-09-20 Artist
all credits
Travis Scott 38,000,000,000
2023-09-15 Artist
Travis Scott 26,000,000,000
2023-09-15 Album Utopia 1,400,000,000
2023-09-09 Album Utopia 1,300,000,000
2023-09-08 Album Astroworld 7,800,000,000
2023-08-29 Album Utopia 1,100,000,000
2023-08-23 Artist
all credits
Travis Scott 37,000,000,000
2023-08-23 Album Utopia 1,000,000,000
2023-08-18 Album Utopia 900,000,000
2023-08-12 Artist
Travis Scott 25,000,000,000
2023-08-11 Album Astroworld 7,700,000,000
2023-08-08 Single Highest In The Room 1,400,000,000
2023-08-08 Single Sicko Mode 1,900,000,000
2023-08-07 Album Utopia 600,000,000
2023-08-01 Album Utopia 400,000,000
2023-08-01 Artist
all credits
Travis Scott 36,000,000,000
2023-07-30 Album Utopia 300,000,000
2023-07-29 Album Utopia 200,000,000
2023-07-28 Artist
Travis Scott 24,000,000,000
2023-07-28 Album Utopia 100,000,000
2023-07-06 Album Rodeo 2,100,000,000
2023-07-05 Album Birds In The Trap Sing McKnight 4,400,000,000
2023-07-02 Artist
all credits
Travis Scott 35,000,000,000
2023-05-21 Album Astroworld 7,400,000,000
2023-05-20 Album Birds In The Trap Sing McKnight 4,300,000,000
2023-04-25 Single Butterfly Effect 1,100,000,000
2023-04-21 Album Astroworld 7,300,000,000
2023-03-31 Album Birds In The Trap Sing McKnight 4,200,000,000
2023-03-31 Album Rodeo 2,000,000,000
2023-03-27 Single SICKO MODE - Skrillex Remix 100,000,000
2023-03-20 Album Astroworld 7,200,000,000
2023-03-17 Single Sicko Mode 1,800,000,000
2023-03-10 Artist
Travis Scott 21,000,000,000
2023-02-17 Single Goosebumps 1,900,000,000
2023-02-14 Album Astroworld 7,100,000,000
2023-01-22 Single Goosebumps [HVME Remix] 600,000,000
2023-01-21 Album Birds In The Trap Sing McKnight 4,100,000,000
2023-01-12 Artist
all credits
Travis Scott 32,000,000,000
2023-01-09 Album Astroworld 7,000,000,000
2022-12-07 Album Rodeo 1,900,000,000
2022-11-29 Album Astroworld 6,900,000,000
2022-11-19 Artist
all credits
Travis Scott 31,000,000,000
2022-11-18 Artist
all credits
Travis Scott 30,000,000,000
2022-11-03 Album Birds In The Trap Sing McKnight 4,000,000,000
2022-10-22 Album Astroworld 6,800,000,000
2022-09-23 Single Goosebumps 1,800,000,000
2022-09-14 Album Astroworld 6,700,000,000
2022-09-04 Single Sicko Mode 1,700,000,000
2022-08-20 Album Birds In The Trap Sing McKnight 3,900,000,000
2022-08-17 Album Rodeo 1,800,000,000
2022-08-05 Album Astroworld 6,600,000,000
2022-06-25 Album Astroworld 6,500,000,000
2022-06-04 Album Birds In The Trap Sing McKnight 3,800,000,000
2022-06-02 Single Goosebumps [HVME Remix] 500,000,000
2022-05-16 Album Astroworld 6,400,000,000
2022-04-26 Single Goosebumps 1,700,000,000
2022-04-25 Album Rodeo 1,700,000,000
2022-04-06 Album Astroworld 6,300,000,000
2022-03-22 Album Birds In The Trap Sing McKnight 3,700,000,000
2022-02-22 Single Sicko Mode 1,600,000,000
2021-12-25 Artist
all credits
Travis Scott 28,000,000,000
2021-12-22 Artist
all credits
Travis Scott 27,000,000,000
2021-12-11 Single Goosebumps 1,600,000,000
2021-12-06 Single Goosebumps [HVME Remix] 400,000,000
2021-11-07 Artist
all credits
Travis Scott 26,000,000,000
2021-09-03 Single Sicko Mode 1,500,000,000
2021-08-11 Single Goosebumps 1,500,000,000
2021-08-07 Artist
all credits
Travis Scott 25,000,000,000
2021-08-02 Single Goosebumps [HVME Remix] 300,000,000
2021-06-29 Artist
all credits
Travis Scott 24,000,000,000
2021-05-07 Artist
all credits
Travis Scott 23,000,000,000
2021-04-21 Single Goosebumps 1,400,000,000
2021-04-14 Single Sicko Mode 1,400,000,000
2021-03-23 Single Goosebumps [HVME Remix] 100,000,000
2021-02-12 Artist
all credits
Travis Scott 17,000,000,000
2021-02-04 Artist
all credits
Travis Scott 21,000,000,000
2021-02-03 Artist
all credits
Travis Scott 22,000,000,000
2021-01-20 Artist
all credits
Travis Scott 20,000,000,000
2021-01-14 Single Goosebumps 1,300,000,000
2020-11-12 Artist
Travis Scott 14,000,000,000
2020-08-31 Artist
Travis Scott 13,000,000,000
2020-07-04 Artist
all credits
Travis Scott 18,000,000,000
2020-06-28 Artist
Travis Scott 12,000,000,000
2020-05-05 Artist
Travis Scott 11,000,000,000
Show More

Artist rankings

With 10,855,000 EAS, Travis Scott ranks #9 among the most successful artists of 2016.
With 14,849,000 EAS, Travis Scott ranks #4 among the most successful artists of 2018.
With 7,907,000 EAS, Travis Scott ranks #10 among the most successful artists of 2019.
With 8,910,000 EAS, Travis Scott ranks #2 among the most successful artists of 2023.
With 72,166,131,436 streams, Travis Scott ranks #13 among artists with the most streams on audio on-demand streaming services.
With 38,107,194,955 lead streams on Spotify, Travis Scott ranks #13 among the most streamed artists of all time.
With 70,440,622 listeners currently, Travis Scott ranks #17 among artists with the most monthly listeners on Spotify.
With 75,557,671 listeners, Travis Scott ranks #29 among artists with the highest monthly listeners peak on Spotify.
With 37,716,518 followers, Travis Scott ranks #40 among artists with the most followers on Spotify.
With 86, Travis Scott ranks #9 among artists with the most lead songs over 100 million streams on Spotify.

Album rankings

With 15,358,000 EAS, Astroworld ranks #4 among the most successful albums of 2018.
With 8,799,000 EAS, Utopia ranks #3 among the most successful albums of 2023.
With 5,939,590,713 streams on Spotify, Birds In The Trap Sing McKnight ranks #96 among the most streamed albums of all time.
With 10,182,318,001 streams on Spotify, Astroworld ranks #25 among the most streamed albums of all time.
With 10,182,318,001 streams on Spotify, Astroworld ranks #5 among the most streamed albums of 2018.
With 5,727,073,352 streams on Spotify, Utopia ranks #4 among the most streamed albums of 2023.

Song rankings

With 5,247,000 EAS, Goosebumps ranks #3 among the most successful songs of 2016.
With 4,170,000 EAS, Sicko Mode ranks #7 among the most successful songs of 2018.
With 3,055,000 EAS, Highest in the Room ranks #10 among the most successful songs of 2019.
With 1,152,000 EAS, K-pop ranks #8 among the most successful songs of 2023.
With 2,774,148,690 streams on Spotify, Goosebumps ranks #33 among the most streamed tracks of all time.
With 2,329,082,705 streams on Spotify, Sicko Mode ranks #78 among the most streamed tracks of all time.
With 2,774,148,690 streams on Spotify, Goosebumps ranks #5 among the most streamed tracks of 2016.
With 2,329,082,705 streams on Spotify, Sicko Mode ranks #10 among the most streamed tracks of 2018.