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Hello Henrygb!

I would say there are from 400 to 500 artists worth a study. There are 144 done, 1 ongoing, 135 in the voting list, that's 280 in total. But then plenty more are interesting. You mention Donna Summer, she is along of a few more artists like Radiohead among those very close to be at 50 million, or even possibly slightly over the mark. I want the voting list to be down to 100 artists, once we move below this number, I'll add one by one 'bubbling under' artists.

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Hello Lucas!

None of these artists meet the criteria of 50 million equivalent album sales for international acts and 30 million for local ones. For Brazilians, this article may be of interest for you!

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Hi comuna65!

For now we are valuing at our end the most interesting artists to update based on how much they went up since the last article and the work it requires. Someone like Barbra for example is a lot of work for numbers which wouldn't change much, so she is quite low in our list of priorities to be fully transparent.

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What’s the estimated target for new CSPC’s and updates? Is it like one new CSPC every 1-2 months? (Of course it will not always be possible to achieve the target because of life circumstances and business)

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Hi Fanofpop!

I'm definitely hoping the pace will be faster. Without getting into too many personal details, at the moment I'm in the front line driving a very large project for my client, and when the working day is over I need to take care of my kid who still doesn't sleep too well, to do many appointments as the second is on his way, I'm just ending the search/purchase process of a house as I'm moving this summer, and every time I can save some minutes I work on ChartMasters, so these are very long days.

I'm planning everything so that in about 6 months I'll start having more time available to work on the site. Also, we invested a lot in CSPC's format and tools to industrialize the process. Right now it adds time to the completion of each artist as every time we add new pieces, but I expect that very soon the balance will be positive, and we will start being faster and faster. If everything goes as expected, by mid-2022 I expect to be able to post a new major artist every 10-14 days, and updates fairly quickly.

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Thank you so much for the reply
also congratulations on both the kid and the house and the project 😃
im guessing part of the industrialisation is the receipts database and you’ve already made super impressive streaming tools.

plus even at this rate in the next two years you will easily have probably studied over 150 artists and a comprehensive list of all 100m sellers which is crazy impressive.

An update every two weeks by the end of next year would be so cool, especially as we’ll start seeing a few newer generation artists like Chris brown, Nicki, bad bunny hitting 50m then and eventually joining this requests list.

Super excited for the Rihanna update that you’ve almost finished. Thanks for all your hard work again.

(@Rodolfo Queiroz)
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I need to say that your work is stunning, amazing. Cngratulations

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Just out of interest, do Radiohead not meet any of the requirements or have I missed them!?!

Hyped artist Guest
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I would think they're in the 50m range (40m albums, significant streaming numbers), so yeah it's surprising to not see them...

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I think MJD mentioned them in the category 'almost 50 million' a little while ago

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Does savage garden count for the one album over 15m requirement?

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What about Pink? could she grown around 7 to 10 million CSPC since the last article?

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Honestly being that Sinatra is the only one with a chance of cracking the top 10, he should be out of the requests and studied regardless I think. I understand that he will take a lot of time, but you need the top 20 to be complete before the other lower selling artists start to round out the lower rankings. Just an idea 🙂

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Ciara was never tracked or even really mentioned on this board before. She sold a bare minimum of 23 million records and those numbers have been thrown around for over a decade (she had several platinum hits since then). Would be cool if she could get a well deserved update, because the constant disrespect of her career is just ....

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She just hasn't sold enough to merit a study and unfortunately, given how her career has went, I doubt she ever will. Even her streaming numbers are relatively low, for a contemporary artist, with many legacy artists easily out streaming her.

(@Just A Thought)
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What do you mean? She has platinum certified hits from all seven of her albums, 4 of which debuting in the top 3.

If they can keep track of Fergie, Gwen Stefani, and Aaliyah, I don't see how Ciara can't get a write up seeing that she out charted them and has more RIAA certifications. And Ciara's streaming numbers are on par with artists like Alicia Keys and Madonna....

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What do I mean? Exactly what I said.

For artists to be studied they need to meet one of the following criteria;

over 50 million CSPC sales
over 30 million CSPC sales for a local artist
over 15 million CSPC sales with a single album

She manages none of the above criteria.

Her Spotify numbers are not on par with either of those acts, she is a considerable amount behind both acts.

(@Just A Thought)
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I might as well ask, what does cspc mean?

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Rather than me trying to explain, just have a read of this article

(@Just A Thought)
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Thanks for this. The shift in music consumption has definitely made keeping track of stats a really strange game. I guess I'm just a bit surprised at some of the artists covered and some that weren't.

I know Ciara hasn't been a big album seller since the mid 2000s but I figured that her single sales would make up for that. Anyway, is someone like Usher big enough for a breakdown?

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In truth, she never was a big album seller, her first album done quite well and her 2nd ok, but since then she's pretty much been on a downwards spiral with each subsequent release, only slightly bucking the trend with Ciara in 2013.

Yes, trying to merge old and new sales with steaming is very difficult, as unlike the move from record to CD or even to downloads, the whole way of consuming has fundamentally changed with streaming. The equivalent back in the day IMO, would have been counting how many times someone actually played the record or CD once they'd purchased it, which obviously was impossible.

Yeah!, Usher would be studiable, as I imagine both Confessions is over 15m and his full discography over 50m.

Unfortunately, Usher is not one of the selected artists, in the list to vote for the next artist to be studied but I'm sure he could easily be added to the list.

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No need to add Usher in the list since he has already been studied 🙂

(@Just A Thought)
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Sweet, I'm gonna check it out.

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Lol, shouldve checked already studied, instead of, to be studied!

Making some noise Guest
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Hello! I was wondering how close System of a Down was to making the request ranking, or if they would even qualify at all. I know they enjoyed a good bit of success during the turn of the 21st century, but I'm curious to see how they perform against the top bands of the century. Thank you!

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