add "Escândalo Ìntimo" by Luisa Sonza, please!! It is doing 10m daily streams
Playa Saturno by Rauw Alejandro (266m streams) and it only released in July
Night Visions have another version
Hi kosko!
This version does not have more streams than the one we use already.
Add Nelly Furtado's Whoa Nelly Expanded edition it has 377,990,006 streams currently. It would be applicable for the 2000 search bar.
Please add Alexandra Stan's Saxobeats! The album reached 500 million streams already
Hi, these TikTok-driven random indie sleeper hits should be over 500m
Salvia Plath Melanchole
Vacations Vibes EP
ROAR I Can't Handle Change
Vundabar Gawk