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Most streamed albums on Spotify

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Got his first mic
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you forget some twice

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Un verano sin ti keeps going strong despite many smash albums getting released. Will soon be the most streamed daily again.

It's crazy, at this point you can call it a thriller of the streaming era. I don't think even bad bunny will beat those heights but we thought the same about divide I guess

Garage singer Guest
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Yes bro the album deserves way more recongition
No label promotion
That's why
He is independent

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Garage singer Guest
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Bro we understand
You are really doing great by updating this albums every time

(@normies hunter)
Got his first mic Guest
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bots streams exist lil bro.

(@Clay x)
Garage singer Guest
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I believe one day my album will be on this chart 🙏🙏

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If there are artists with bot streams I don't think bad bunny is one of them. Dude has crazy numbers on every platform and a massive tour to back it up

Making some noise
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Well, everyone can dream I guess...

Garage singer Guest
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Songs In A Minor (Expanded Edition) by Alicia Keys has reached 500 Million Streams.

Thank y'all for your hard work.

(@Clay x)
Got his first mic Guest
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Remember that time you were saying that thing I didn’t care about? Yeah, that is now.

Got his first mic Guest
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except that thriller and divide were globally popular
literally no one knows bad bunny or his music outside of latin america, USA and a couple of european countries
his stans will downvote me but its the truth

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Hi Tnno2,

It isn't the truth, in fact it's purely inaccurate. UVST went #1 in Spain, top 5 in Italy, Switzerland, the Netherlands, top 40 in Germany, France, Austria, Belgium (both sides), Denmark, Norway, Ireland, Lithuania, and top 75 in the UK and Sweden. There are also countries with no official charts with streams where he is very popular, like Portugal. That's more than a "couple" of European countries who know who he is.

The album also went top 5 in Canada. Charting all over 2 continents doesn't seem too bad. Even in Asia and Oceania he is growing, with the album charting top 100 in several of Spotify's weekly album charts. He does even better in MENA, Bad Bunny is up to 20 charted hits in United Arab Emirates for example. That's with no background industry as there are no radio, TV time frame, media section or whatever for his kind of music in many of these markets.

Basically, it pushed the success to the limits of Spanish language's possibilities, the same way Thriller did with English, which means higher numbers in some markets, lowers in others. Why should this be seen as something bad?

Garage singer Guest
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(@Ethan Ickringill)
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I still think it's INSANE that SOS has overtaken CTRL already. Both are classics already, but taking less than 4 months for SOS to beat CTRL just hurts. Good for SZA though, she is QUEEN rn!

(@Ethan Ickringill)
Garage singer Guest
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Oh also, you know how there's a language filter and stuff? I know that you're very busy and that there's quite a few updates you have in mind, but could there be a way to filter the albums by genre?

Making some noise
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Fever by Kylie Minogue has more than 500 million streams. Could it please be added?

Got his first mic Guest
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you need to add bjork albums

Got his first mic Guest
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Lana Del Rey is missing 2 albums..

(@Mike Alfonsin)
Garage singer Guest
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what is going on with this site, the daily streams are all wrong. I really love all this data and lists, but it's getting hard to use.

Got his first mic Guest
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Three Imaginary Boys by The Cure needs to be added

Got his first mic Guest
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Please add "iDon" of Don Omar

Got his first mic Guest
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Please add "iDon" album from Don Omar

Garage singer Guest
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Enrique Iglesias 2001 album "Escape" has more than 500 millions streams, I think it should Be added

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