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03/03/2021 2:21 am
Thanks you! but could you tell me the first ten of those decades that appear on the list?
03/03/2021 1:46 pm
31 Queen
46 Beatles
71 Jackson
91 Metallica
104 AC/DC
110 Green Day
112 Marley
125 Floyd
131 Stones
05/03/2021 7:53 am
pero no lees que estoy hablando del pefil de bad bunny ,no de la tabla ,que molesto sos ,hay que aprender a leer me parece
05/03/2021 7:56 am
hello, bad bunny’s profile from spotify numbers tool is missing the original krippy kush song from farruko’s album trapxficante that has 196 million, I only see that this krippy kush remix on his profile, I would appreciate a solution
06/03/2021 10:17 am
Was there some reallocation of Kanye West lead and feature streams? Also, I think Coldplay streams are not up to date.