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Most streamed artists on Spotify

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Just copy the table, pop it into Excel and sort by the headers!

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Hi Matias & Brunito!

We can do nothing else but reflect what's available on Spotify software. The process is entirely automated, it's not like we purposedly downgraded Bad Bunny. If his catalog was restructured on the tool, it's no doubt because he/his label asked for it. I'm the first one annoyed by these changes, I already developed tricky scripts to avoid most of these issues but limitations remain and we are still dependent on their catalog sorting.

Got his first mic Guest
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Cabron eminem lleva añosde trayectoria y viaja el mundo desde el dia uno y post malone es unos de los artistas mas escuchados del mundo por favor

Got his first mic Guest
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Bad lleva 6 años de carrera y ahora fue que vino a pegar tu crees que esta mejor que los demás que llevan años haciendo billones de streaming 😂😂

Got his first mic Guest
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I know this is a huge request, and it might be tough to track all artists like this. But is there a way to have a separate column for artists' daily streams? About how many streams a specific artist got in the day the chart was updated for the artist.

Garage singer Guest
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aver no tiene nada que ver que viaje jaja hablemos de streams bad estaba en el 4 puesto y bajo al 7 posición así de repente de acuerdo al Spotify dayli charts hace 30 millones de streams diarios eminen y post malone no aparecen actualmente entre los 10 artista mas escuchados entonces es raro pues pero tienes que fijarte en la tabla yo lo veo diario no se porque pero lo miro tienes que revisarlo para comentar algo constructivo

Garage singer Guest
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a okey es de acuerdo a su catalogo que el mismo artista y su sello es que afecta el streams de este bueno tienes razon me habia percatado que habia bajado pues bad bunny es el segundo con mas streams por de atras de olivia rodrigo entonces eso si como fue extraño .

Making some noise
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sabias que bad bunny todavia no cumplio los 5 años de carrera y es el 4to artista mas escuchado de la historia con 29.1 billones(all credits) ?solo esta detras de drake ,ed sheearan y justin biber ,antes de querer destacar porque le tiras hate a bad bunny deberias averiguar mas ,un saludo y anda a dormir que es tarde para vos

Making some noise
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muchas gracias por responder ,ahora entiendo cual es la razon

Got his first mic
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Doja Cat actually has 13 tracks with over 100M. Say So, Boss Bitch, Kiss Me More, Streets, Juicy (both versions combined), Like That, Best Friend, Candy, Motive, Del Mar, Rules, Cyber Sex, and Tia Tamera. If you separate both versions of Juicy then it's 14.

Garage singer
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The stats that you see in the columns Tracks/1B+/100M+/10M+/1M+ are for lead artist only. You can use their tool and see the streams for an artist.

Doja Cat has 16 songs above 100M. In this table it is 12 because 'Best Friend', 'motive', 'Del Mar' & '34+35 Remix' are features.

Got his first mic Guest
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This is a very impressive tool, I've found it very useful for cataloging, I'd love to know if there's a way to see more then the top 1000 artists as you said you track more than this. Thanks for all the work that you do.

Got his first mic Guest
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Thank you for the response

Got his first mic Guest
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BTS 💜💜

Got his first mic Guest
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can you please list artists by total streams - lead and feature combined?

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