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Taylor Swift albums and songs sales

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Viral on Spotify Guest
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This year eas so far around is 35 million plus. feel only way she can top last year's eas is that if she released a recording or else it will be little less than near 50 million of last year

Viral on Spotify Guest
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How did you calculate that 35 m +?

Viral on Spotify Guest
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I Know ttpd is massive success ( 11 million sales ) but it really affected her old catalog and it has not recovered yet. It is still.massive but I guess peak can't be continued forever. Also this year we didn't have cs and anti hero combo. I am hoping for a pop era with more focus on hits but she at this point doesn't care about it.

Viral on Spotify Guest
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Ended last year around 187 million . So without pure updated she is at 220 million. She is nearing 40 million actially

(@Nole Martley)
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For additional perspective, consider that MJ and other music acts were limited to only performing 7 shows at Wembley Stadium back in the 80s. That was their policy back then. However, ticket demand for MJ's Wembley shows were over 1.5 million, meaning he could've sold out Wembley 20 times over if he decided to.

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Another amazing stat is the fact she is averaging 15 million eas per release even if we seprate tvs. Lmao. That is crazy consistency. She will be joining 300 million club by end of 2026 or early 2027, if we assume she doesn't have peak near 2024-2025. Madonna is done case. Queen is the one new target

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2023-2024 peak*

Garage singer Guest
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Your conversation made me laugh ! I'm a Madonna fan and I respect TS too. Her achievement are amazing. But you simply can not compare the success of a singer with a peak period in the 80s with TS's success. In the 80s we were 5 billions people on earth now we're 8 billion. The music market was much smaller with many countries that had no access to modern music. And there is internet now which makes things completely different. Madonna never had 10 songs in the top 10 simply because technologies didn't exist yet. The equivalent was when in 1985 her song "Holiday" was blocked from the top position by her own song "into the grove" (In the UK). It was pure sales : people actually had to go to a record store to actually buy a disc.
Honestly I don't even understand they don't create a category for pre-internet music stars. It would be more accurate and fair.
Her last tour grossed $225 millions only touring North America and Europe. If she would have done the rest of the world she could have grossed a much more impressive amount. All this without a hit in 15 years, just with her name.
That's how big Madonna is. So yes TS's success is the equivalent of Madonna's success in the 80s but she is not bigger than Madonna. It's just 2 different epochs, 2 context.

Viral on Spotify Guest
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Swift's Eras tour will gross 2.5 billion dollars, more than 10 times more than Madonna. Swift's physical sales maybe 5 million pure albums, Madonna's a few hundred thousand per year. The numbers are of such a different class, fact.

Garage singer Guest
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Again : you simply CAN NOT compare the success of a singer with a peak period in the 80s with TS’s success. In the 80s we were 5 billions people on earth now we’re 8 billion. The music market was much smaller with many countries that had no access to modern music. And there is internet now which makes things completely different. Madonna never had 10 songs in the top 10 simply because technologies didn’t exist yet. The equivalent was when in 1985 her song “Holiday” was blocked from the top position by her own song “into the grove” (In the UK). It was pure sales : people actually had to go to a record store to actually buy a disc.
Honestly I don’t even understand they don’t create a category for pre-internet music stars. It would be more accurate and fair.
Her last tour grossed $225 millions only touring North America and Europe. If she would have done the rest of the world she could have grossed a much more impressive amount. All this without a hit in 15 years, just with her name.
That’s how big Madonna is. So yes TS’s success is the equivalent of Madonna’s success in the 80s but she is not bigger than Madonna. It’s just 2 different epochs, 2 context.

Garage singer Guest
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Also TS eras tour estimated gross is 1 billion the 2,5 billion dollars happen in your dreams. It's a stadium tour with 152 dates so again it's not comparable. Context is important.
As far as I know TS has no album with sales exceeding 15 millions.

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Eras tour grossed billion dollars with 60 plus show. Two billion is guaranteed. Taylor has surpassed Madonna in touring and will pass her as best selling artist. Ifs n what's don't count

Garage singer Guest
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I don't know why you guys need to put Madonna down to make your idol looks better ! TS is huge and is the equivalent of how huge Madonna was in the 80s / 90s before the technologies. She is not bigger. Her success in undeniable but it's also thanks to technologies that didn't exit before. This is what you don't want to understand. I'm happy if her tour grosses 2, 3 or 4 billions due to this favorable context. But I don't consider it makes her bigger than Madonna Mariah or MJ.
And the fact that Madonna is always in the conversation simply shows the magnitude of her fame.

Viral on Spotify Guest
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EAS or consumption units is official? a way to measure the consumption of recordings. IFPI, Billboard and Chartmasters use it. 1980-1990-2000 mm. In 1980-1990-2000, CDs and vinyl records were sold the most. For the last 15 years, sales have dropped to zero. Swift is the only artist who still sells solid recordings. Swift has been IFPI's best-selling artist 4 times, i.e. number one on the planet and in the Top ten almost always. IFPI has been operating since 2013. The context is unnecessary. Madonna's superiority is nowhere near Swift's. M. Jackson, Prince and e.g. Bruce Springsteen was on the same level, Jackson dominated and is still number one. Beyonce, Coldplay, etc. are Swift's "worst" competitors at the moment, but they are far and away. Taylor is the most streamed artist, Spotify over 80 billion streams, again 10 times more than Madonna. Now the competition is tougher than before, there are more entrepreneurs than in the last millennium. Taylor has quickly overtaken others on Chartmasters' EAS list. Now it's Madonna's turn. And Taylor Swift continues to run hard.

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Noone is denying Madonna impact and success. Point is Taylor has surpassed in touring and now on way to over all sales. Madonna was known for consistency. But Taylor has even surpassed her in that considering she has no flops and her flop album is on way to ten million eas.

Sorry so we can't use the criteria advantage and disadvantage like pure sales death which affect current artists but we have to factor the advantages and disadvantages of 80s artist? So how abt going towards female artist debuted before Madonna who didn't have same label backing for their albums? What abt their disadvantages? Madonna benefitted from mtv a visual medium to boost her sales. So you can't cherry pick your arguments. So she had technical advantage over someone debuting in 60s .

Taylor even before streaming was great catalogue seller than Madonna.

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And how abt stating wrong touring numbers for taylors tour. Showing half? Billion dollars from 60 plus dates and tour is abt 150 dates. It is crossing two billion mark easy. Madonna biggest tour was nearjy half of dates. She didn't have capacity to sell that many stadiums.

Making some noise Guest
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Taylor belongs to a generation of artists where physical records have been in a steep decline, so why do you expect her to sell more than 15 million physical copies??

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Taylor highlights.
70 million plus pure sales crossed ( not counting Chinese sales which r seen as pure by ifpi. Personally feel if itunes r pure sales. So r Chinese. Which will put her around 75 to 80 million pure )
Ttpd 3.7 million
Midnights 4 million
Lover 3.2 million!
She is crossing 100 million pure even without Chinese sales with new releases and catalog sales. Unless she suddenly starts flopping lol

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Looks like 2024 will fall of record 2023 50 million eas. It will top around 45 million eas I guess. It is still massive number. But 2023 was just other level. Next year she can keep the pace with next two re releases. !

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Lover is such an organic success. When released did huge numbers still labelled flop because it wasn't smash on streaming and me was kind of shortlived. It has gone from 1.8 million to 2.4 million and 3.2 million pure with great catalog sales. And has become streaming classic album. 20 million eas on its own. This album is going to be her streaming classic down the decades or whatever future format is going to be

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Indeed SabrinaQueen, Lover's hold in pure sales is impressive, here are its yearly numbers in the US:
2019: 1,085,000
2020: 174,000
2021: 152,000
2022: 150,000
2023: 426,000
2024: 262,000

Folklore is very impressive as well:
2020: 1,276,000 (+250,000 estimated exclusions due to the change of rules)
2021: 304,000
2022: 220,000
2023: 465,000
2024: 225,000

After 5 years, it has yet to drop below 220,000 sales, when 229,000 units were enough to be inside the yearly top 10 ranking in 2022!

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Almost 11m now

Making some noise Guest
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Lover just surpassed 20,000,000 units! That's history right there

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Crazy she is guaranteed to have 10 twenty million selling albums by end of decade and we are not counting future releases. Though I blame ttpd for damaging her catalog streams..also I think this year we didn't have cruel summer anti hero combo. Still world's most streamed artist. 2023 was just crazy. She is still doing over 40 million eas this year. Though will fall short of 2023 49.9 million eas. Still 92 million eas in 2023-2024 just crazy stat.

With good commercial album and another massive tour. Wonder how many more albums will touch that margin. At one point she will become act with most 20 million eas albums. Madonna isn't in competition at this point. She is coming for 300 million plus before end of decade even if we factor that her streams fall down and she sells 6-7 million pure albums minimum per year with new releases as well as great catalog sales. 100 million pure is achievable by end of decade if she keeps releasing. That will be remarkable achievement

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Lover has distance itself from reputation at 3 million. Even with rerelease reputation will catchup and beat it. But in long time over the decades.. lover gonna be her biggest streaming classic imo.

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