Bcoz it will get a tv with millions from physicals and then streaming will do job. Physicals will take it around 14-15 million eas and then streaming will do job. Logical
Do u have breakdown of pure? Thnx in advance. We know Chinese downloads r dead which would've out it over 10 million already. Sigh
1 year since the last update and it's so funny how many of the records and achievements of hers are already outdated by now due to herself beating them.
Look forward the next update that is probably going to skyrocket her to the +230 million...
Crossed six million was in streaming sales in three months is amazing! Bcoz it takes so much time for streaming to accumulate units.
Guys, if you want Taylor's page to be updated, then register for free, confirm your email, and with silver membership you can vote for her.
They've revealed in the past Taylor accounts for a decently large portion of their web traffic in their 'chartmasters wrapped' of 2022 I believe, so I'm suprised they haven't expidited an update for her, her pure sales country breakdowns are increasingly oudated.
That may be true, but from an accuracy point of view other choices can be made
The argument that swifties should register and vote for Taylor's data to be updated is so meh...
For years, her numbers have been every calendar year without this and by the way, the amount of traffic and views that her updates used to generate for the site is a lot more valuable than the votes of half dozen registered members that vote on an artist with almost no visibility.
The voting method should exist for the artists who doesn't have a big fanbase or are legends, but when it comes to an artist with contemporary monstrous numbers being made by almost every week, it would be great to have an update at least once a year.
That is the intention. Contemporary artists that are experiencing huge eras, are updated more regularly than those that are not.
Unfortunately, a balance has to be initiated though and not everyone can get what they want, when they want it. Also, time is of the essence and updates and new analysis do take time to compete, especially when they have to be fitted into life in general.
It's obvious that Taylor creates more traffic than anybody at the moment but as Clockingbell intimated, although this is an important driver, it is not the only one.
I agree with everything you said. I didn't want to start an argument, I just wanted to point out the possibility of voting for the update. As much as Taylor is doing great numbers, other artists deserve it too. And of course these updates/new studies take a lot of time and work (by the way, I really appreciate the work you guys put in). No matter how much we want Taylor's site to be updated, we still have to be patient.
I fail to see how from an accuracy point of view it makes more sense to update other artists that move way less units. If you want the most accurate data possible, it would make sense to update the artist that moves (by far) the most units. Taylor has released 2 re-recordings and a brand new studio album since the last update. This represents millions upon millions of missing units.
Sure, I get your point. But when should we expect a full update on Taylor’s numbers then?
It would be amazing if Taylor Swift surpasses Madonna as biggest-selling female artist in history, just for the absolute meltdown that it would cause among Madge's psycho stans lol
I actually think it just passed 12M. But I could totally be botching the numbers.
Around 10.5-10.7 million when pure sales and teach equivalent sales are factored.
Is ttpd her fastest to reach ten million eas or is it 1989 og or midnights?. Because 1989 must have good teas as well as pure sales with massive video streams
They won't admit defeat, or they've already lost. EAS is currently a bit of a poor popularity indicator. The most significant is the concert revenue today. Few records are sold, only Swift sells decent quantities. Yes, and record sales in Asia have remained good. The income of the Eras tour will be up to 2.5 billion dollars. This is such a number in popular culture that it is difficult to surpass. Elton John previously held the record for a sub-billion tour that spanned years. Probably no artist has ever reached this level with 8 albums in Top12 Austria. Neither the Beatles nor Jackson had such superiority.
This reminded me of the question of which artist has the dumbest fans in the world. It is easy to see pathological features in other fans, because the patterns are familiar to oneself. It requires reflection and self-reflection. It has been said that Bob Dylan has the most stupid fans and it makes sense when the artist is familiar to me. On the other hand, Dylan is so far from the mainstream even for his age. Taylor Swift fans are realists, it's easy for them to be because the results are unique. Madonna was the most popular artist in the world, but the fans don't recognize the current stagnation.. Tearing joy from some single stream result, etc. It's also made worse by the fact that among them there is some clearly pathological personality. Apparently, too much fandom exposes you. Elvis Presley fans have a hard time admitting facts, there is always a beer brand that says so. So there is a lot of bias in these things.
the eas are not adding up correctly, 1989 is at 39.1m, just to put an example