When should we expect an update? Given that TTPD and her back catalauge have collected a very relevant amount of pure sales it feels like its time
I feel like an update is due soonish; TTPD, 1989 TV, and Speak Now TV together have around 5.7M pure sales in the US alone, and likely over 8M worldwide if you include Chinese DLs
Keep dreaming, Queen Taylor still lose by Billie Eillish without Chinese.
How can newest Album of Eillish beating her newest Album? So can we call Billie Eillish is the Music Industries?
She can't make top 20 in year end chart in France. Struggles going multiplatinum in France, Germany and Italy. Sure she has a successful tour, but people are not interested in her music that much.
I am actually saying she's successful if you read my posts, but she is very exaggerated by her fans too.
Gold is nothing when talking MJ and Madonna level like her fans are. Absolutely nothing.
When she gets at least 2 multiplatinum albums in France and Germany we can talk.
Taylor Swift on Spotify Artist Charts in Germany [Weekly]
1) Austria
1) Belgium
1) UK
1) Ireland
1) Luxembourg
1) Netherlands
1) Norway
1) Portugal
1) Switzerland
2) Sweden
2) Germany
3) Estonia
3) Latvia
4) Denmark
5) Iceland
6) Hungary
9) Lithuania
10) Bulgaria
10) Cyprus
10) France
I feel like people seem interested!
She has blockbuster albums in uk. Even in uk multiplatinum albums r thing of past. That means artists r not big? She has blockbuster tours in Germany and France. In Germany she landed seven albums in year end chart position. Let's talk about it? Including midnight's who finished in top ten two years in tow. How easily u ignore these stats which doesn't fit ur narrative? She is still biggest artist in world and soon gonna overtake Madonna and mj one day. That will matter!
She still gonna outsells both the way she is going worldwide. You can keep ur France in ur pocket lmao
She made top ten of Germany yec with midnight's two years in row and has best selling international album this year in France. She had seven albums in top 50 of German year end charts. How it isn't huge? Even in uk multi-platinum scan days r over. That doesn't mean musicians r not big. Weightage is biased against European markets. That is the thing.
She is about to best selling female artist of all time and the way she is gng. She will overtake mj too..last year u were saying she won't overtake.madonna and she is on way. Darling overall sales matter. Not your selective picking of ur fave markets.
Keep coping. Touring is biggest and a two billion usd tour which smashed records in Europe can't be denied because it hurts ur feelings
He has cherry picked stats. In Germany she places seven albums in top 50 year end chart including two in top ten last year. Cherry picking at best. Many years back he claimed she will never overtake Madonna and she will do that next year. So he is coping hard
Global sales of ttpd must be around 9 million by now. Gonna be her tenth million seller soon. Her 11 th album. Evermore will reach there too. So 11 era already . Just crazy consistency. When she released anthology vinyls. Physical sales will get more boost. It will soon outsell midnights in pure sales. Crazy.
An album which will reach ten million by next year end isn't a flop. Not to mention it will keep climbing up.
I really think the two missing rerecordings will be released later this year. End the Eras era in the most stunning way as possible
It's HER flop . For the other artists it would be peak of their careers .
In five weeks maximum, it will cross 10 million mark. Crazy. Will be amazing to know what were total activity of 1989 ( 2014 or 2015 )and fearless 2009 calendar years. I think it will be her peak for one album in calendar year. Ending year with 13 million eas units.
4.8 million eas in usa in 11 weeks and in two weeks will cross 5 million. 4 million plus eas outside usa. Her non usa eas sales will be enough to be best selling western album this year. Would've done without amerikaaaa.
Us pure sales after 12 weeks -2.6 million. Worldwide pure sales? 3.6 million?
Lover went from underperforming ( for her standards lol ) to her most organic album in recent times is just crazy. It's already more than 2 million ahead of repu which will get a tv boost. But in long run , it will catchup with it. It is a pop romance classic. Lover song is wedding classic.. 20 million is coming. Just crazy..midnights trpd will touch 20 million too. In long run debut will reach there too. So except Evermore , her ten albums will cross 20 million eas. Just crazy consistency
Why do you think her debut (1.5k streaming Av) will reach 20M and Evermore (5.5k Av and adding more than 100k this year on pure sales in the US alone) will not?
It may be that Swift will reach 250 million EAS this year. But the Rolling Stones and Pink Floyd have long since reached that 250
million. Eminem will be there too, interesting to see how his new music sells.
TTPD First 12 Weeks
- 9.5m Global Units (5.9m streaming + estimated 3.6m pure)
- 4.4Bn Spotify Streams (20 100m tracks, 6 200m tracks, 1 500m track)
- 12 conseutive weeks #1 in the US
- #1 bestselling midyear album in US, UK, Canada, Germany, Netherlands,