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Taylor Swift albums and songs sales

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Making some noise
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I think this is unfair to Taylor (who I don't even like). Katy Perry hasn't had a huge hit since Dark Horse and her older hits still stream very well. If anything, Taylor will be remembered for a while (even if her music isn't).

Viral on Spotify Guest
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Yeah I'm not exactly sure what the deal is with this. Why are we entertaining this speculative conversation based on a super small sample of random peoples' personal subjective exposure to music? The whole purpose of this website is to be providing clarity to music sales to demonstrate popularity. This feels like a conversation better suited for a reddit or music forum or something.

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I guess because people like to speculate. The TS comments section is littered with speculative posts about subjects such as, how many EAS she'll add next year, if next year will be her best ever, where she will end up in the grand scheme of things, if she'll catch MJ or The Beatles, where she'll be at the end of the decade, what career decisions she'll make after her Eras tour etc.

I guess the best thing to do is, just ignore all and every speculative post, as I doubt they will ever be absent from sites that measure and discuss music sales.

Got his first mic Guest
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Of course, it may be wrong. That's why I'm clarifying "just my opinion." I didn't want any speculation,
and I'll only be glad if she's remembered for a long time. And if not. It's unclear how this diminishes her, or anyone else's, talent

Viral on Spotify Guest
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It's not about speculation. Speculating on numbers can be valid because there is ample to evidence to back it up. Speculating about familiarity of songs amonst random demographics in random countries is a based on the very limited experiences of 3-4 random people on this comment section and drawing conclusions from it, like AnnaJupiter.

Got his first mic Guest
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Katie's doing great, no doubt about it. But we're not talking about streaming. She was very popular in my country at the time. But now, outside of streaming, hardly anyone will remember her. I am based on my experience of course, and I may be wrong

Garage singer Guest
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Is there an updated chart?

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It's still all speculation of future unknowns. Best Just to ignore these kind of posts though, if you don't like to see them or read them, as they are not doing anybody any harm and no-one is being offensive to anyone else and as I said, I can't ever see these kind of tentative discussions and speculative posts, not being part of these kind of sites or forums.

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Yes, she doesn't seem very prevalent in the UK either these days. Last thing I seen or heard from her, was a TV advert for a food delivery service called "Just Eat", where she sings a food based song, in the style of her music! lol

Here it is, if you haven't seen it

Garage singer Guest
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Are EAS values updated along with the stream updates? I may be doing something wrong, but I can't get it to add up correctly.

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Only streaming numbers are live and update automatically, all the other metrics need to be recalculated and added manually, when an overall update is performed.

Viral on Spotify
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Taylor Swift has 113M monthly listeners on Spotify. It seems to me that perhaps you're the one removed from the General Public

Viral on Spotify
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That editor once again clocking this comment section with his delusions. It's time for him to get thread banned.

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Last time I checked there were just under 8B people on this planet. 113m is 0.01% of 8B.

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Let's be honest here Matias, it's people like you that are the problem on this thread. As always you interject into other peoples peaceful and respectful debates and conversations, with your obnoxious bitterness or just come on to throw shade at people. If anybody should be banned, it's people like you.

Landi Schorsch
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...from this we can conclude that, according to M., 99.9% of the world's population has been removed from the general public and hence lives in complete isolation.

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Yes, it would seem so Landi. Apparently the general public now comprises solely of the people that listen to TS monthly on Spotify!!

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Actually, in retrospect, I am still a member of the general public and haven't been removed, as I did listen to a few tracks from her new album, on Spotify, the day it came out.

Landi Schorsch
Signing a deal
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Unfortunately, I've got to admit with great difficulty that I do not belong to the group of 0.01% chosen people who enjoy the privilege of being awarded as Members Of The General Public.

Guilty as charged.🥺

Making some noise
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Horrendous. From A list to shitty commercials lol.

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To be fair, she's not the only one. Snoop Dogg done one 1st, then Katy and most recently, there was one with Christina Aguilera and someone called Latto, who I've never heard of.

Viral on Spotify Guest
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that’s not what I was saying lol. I’m just saying you’re not using the main methods of consumption for what’s the modern popular media. That’s not saying you’re not a part of the general culture or the sort. I don’t listen to Taylor myself, I’m not saying that. What I’m saying is if you don’t listen to popular radio, use social media or the sorts it’s not really an accurate gage to describe the current popular discourse, in terms, at least, of pop music.

Viral on Spotify Guest
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it’s like, in the 80’s not listening to the amin radio stations of the day and not watching MYV etc. Therefore only seeing or hearing of Michael Jackson from adverts, magisine covered seen in shops or the news and saying he doesn’t have recognisable songs. That was my point. By the way, I’m not implying that Taylor Swift is as big as Michael Jackson.

Viral on Spotify Guest
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Sorry spelling errors of main and MTV

Viral on Spotify Guest
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I agree and disagree. I think it can be fun to speculate, but at the end of the day nothing is certain and people deep it too much, like their life depends on it.

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