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Taylor Swift albums and songs sales

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Insane. She sold 5.9 million pure in usa. Worldwide must be around 8 million atleast ( excluding china sales ). On way to 100 million pure one day even without china downloads ( they r pure for me though )

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End of 2024 gonna be crazy. From tagged along with rihanna and Adele as Trinity of generation, she will have minimum of 100 million eas gap with them. 130 million gap with gaga. No-one would've expected it in 2019 and with supposed lover underperformance in streaming back then. Now it is her biggest catalog and a classic.

Btw soon folklore will join 7 billion club on Spotify to become her fifth album to do so ( she is only artist to have four do that ). Though original 1989 and repu will not reach 10 billion anytime soon thanks to rerecordings. But what a catalog. Pure sales, downloads, streams, tour. Just incredible all around dominance never seen this century. Her career going bigger from 14th year is exceptional. A new album ts11 is guaranteed smash at this point.

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Just a small word on the Chinese downloads: they are virtually gone.

With the increase of streams and the regulated market, next to no foreign album is available by now, including Taylor's albums, it hasn't been something profitable for quite some time. Speak Now TV kept selling until August 21 only, Midnights was removed Feb 13, and her classics like Lover stopped selling way before, July 19 2021 for that one.

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So new releases won't be released there? How we gonna get data from there😭
What do u agree about counting the already sold downloads like pure sales as we did with iTunes one

Garage singer Customer
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Luminate just posted their annual report for 2023, and 1989 (TV) sold 1.975m combined physical and digital units. Considering how extremely close that is to yalls estimate, I’m curious how many units yall have it selling outside the US and China. Is it really just 7500?

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1989TV sold 185k pure sales in the UK alone, so there must be either a limitation to estimating data, or there is just an error going on.

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Hi mriv13!

Actually it's more down to a method issue so far. While in the future I think we will be able to directly map sales updates with new US/Uk weekly charts to make them really accurate immediately, for now the auto-sales update is based on yearly trends. It works decently for catalog albums, but for albums which were new when the article was published and in the run up for Christmas, the number will first be deflated until it catches up.

In the case of 1989 TV, it was estimated at 1.79m as of Oct 26, and its yearly expected figure was 1m units, meaning that if we don't change anything, by Oct 26 2024 the number will be calculated on 2.79m. As the script is built for all albums, which are mostly legacy titles, it distributes the yearly forecasts equally throughout the year, which is why right now the number shown is deflated.

What's good is that the model is flexible enough to change the total sales estimated and the yearly forecast at any time. That's why I built it that way, because in the future I can imagine just uploading a sheet with weekly sales for all albums, from all artists, and everything gets updated accurately. The only thing that needs to be done technically is that I should add one update date. For now we have 1 per album, so the forecast of sales and the calculation of streaming daily averages are based on the same date. If I change 1989 TV to its now sales total, it will mess up the "LD" (Last Day) streaming calculation, although it's no big deal as it's only a display flaw, total numbers will be accurate.

Oh by the way, maybe what's of more interest for you, after a very quick check 1989 TV is on roughly 2.65m WW for 2023 pure sales.

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Do we think she can join 100 million pure sales club by looking at how she has sold estimated 8 million pure sales ww just last year …

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Yes look like so . She is about 65 million pure even if we disregard Chinese downloads as pure ( now they r dead too acc to mjd ). From 2024 to 2029 , I see her loving around another 30 million pure sales as she is great catalog seller. 100 million pure is done deal imo. Her all around format success is unparalleled

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I wouldn't say her all round format success is unparalleled, as acts like The Beatles, Michael Jackson, Queen, Eminem etc all have outstanding success across most formats.

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Should have used women * to satisfy ur deliberate query as u love to find little faults to discredit her. 100 million pure sales one day. 162 million digital singles and most streamed female artist by long shot ( in lead streams she gonna even surpass drake this year ). That is all across dominance no female artist have in history. At this point she is overtaking eminem by 2025 atleast. And the others have like four decades head start ( three in case of mj ). So it is even more impressive imo especially in age where there are more sources of entertainment and consumption. And public is more fickle. Had 48.8 million sales in 12 month period and mjd himself said only mj moved over 40 million units in his biggest 12 months. 2024 looks like another year on par with yes I will say unparalleled in such short time period as she is overtaking eminem too. So unparalleled.

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Her yec positions in Germany were amazing. Two albums in top ten . Midnights two years in tow. From weak markets to her global ones. It is amazing to see her grow massive in her past weak markets now. It will be great year again imo! She has started 2024 better than 2023. Can she even top 2023? That will be even more crazy

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You state/lie "Her all around format success is unparalleled", when it isn't, then say you meant only for women, when you didn't mention that to begin with and now make it about length of time to achieve! Talk about moving the goalposts!

Your original statement was incorrect and over exaggerated, if anything it was you I was discrediting, not her.

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No u just love to cherry pick statements. My point still stands. Where is the lie? Your goalposts for her changed countless times that even mjd had to delete ur bs replies where u had to go for ur personal feelings about ur frnds not knowing her😂. We all know your agenda. Nothing new.

And yes unparalleled year and soon will be years! she achieved so much at 33 is unparalleled. No-one had sold that much by this age. No Beatles, no queen, not even mj at 33. So nope I didn't inflate . The amount she will sell in 2023_2024 is unmatched in short time. So yes unparalleled! I didn't exaggerate. You also brough decade old bands who have four decades head start to sell that much. Their all around success is in catalog. Her success in unparalleled because pure sales became dead this century. Still she is on way to cross 100 million pure threshold. How it is not unparalleled?. Despite being at disadvantage. Yes it is unparalleled. Got it? Which shows Taylor being there bothers you. Now act obtuse deliberately. Won't stop her selling that much and bothering u inside out. 🥱
You are the one who sees lies here. You can't just handle her all format dominance. That she is coming for ur precious artists in such short time. Unparalleled indeed. Now find another excuse

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It is common sense. When we talk history , we also use time lapses. You can't just put century old artists sales and without pointing out their advantage in context! She is selling pure sales in this day and age without pure sales advantage. So yes unparalleled dominance across all formats. My points stand. She did across all format in such short period of time when two of formats are dead. Whereas other bands artists have time for all formats to exploit. She didn't. Pure sales are down the gutter. She sells there . She sells downloads even it is dead. And rules streaming. All across dominance no artist have in history. Now go n cry in corner with another lame excuses because u can't digest her success💪

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I know some people have issues with reissues counting with originals but here is crazy part. Even if we assume that she retires from music today. Her first 14 releases will be around atleast 220 million by year end. That is 15.6 million per release average. And the remaining five years (2024-2029 ) will keep adding tens of millions in catalog.
How much she will be at end of decade? I assume 270 to 280 million. Even after separation of reissues, her average will be around 19 to 20 million eas per release. Well yeah I don't mind separating them to see more tears and massive success 14 times😂

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Oh, so now it's an "unparalleled year", "my agenda" etc etc etc lol

The thing is, I'm not some child who get's upset with acts catching or surpassing other acts, it's not a game or league table to me, it's a study of music sales/consumption to me.

You on the other hand can't even keep this topic in hand, without making it personal, sneering and acting like you have been affronted, by someone simply pointing out that other artists have also had this supposedly unparalleled success.

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Ah, biased, one sided, pro Taylor reasoning, gotta love obsessed fans, who only see things one way. lol

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Last year (2022) Jay Chou (Taiwan) sold 7,2 million pure copies his new album. It was best selling album(IFPI). Jay Chou is asian superstar, singer-songwriter.

Viral on Spotify
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"1989 and repu will not reach 10 billion anytime soon" Shockingly, 2025 is less than a year away. I guess what we consider soon is relative

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1 billion streams in 13 days on Spotify. She's unstoppable

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Ahh when I gave u context, u had no answer left. Typical. U have to cope with it. Her dominance stays unparalleled. U had to use six decades dominance to make equivalence. Sad!

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Oh he's it's fact. The staff her picks fights deliberately and then paint others as villain. Even if my statement is hyperbole, then I corrected it with correct facts and time lapse thing.

And in the game she is acting ahead. Her unparalleled dominance in short period of time. Which you always find excuses to put down. By bringing bs talks like ur known people not knowing her music making her less universal. We all saw that and ur seething

I have more than better posted fact and corrected u countless times. You have been corrected by other people too. And u go attacking others when u get called out with facts. You deserve the language u get . And even in unparalleled success she is unmatchable. No wonder you have to use Century old catalog sales to cope. Whereas her being at disadvantage and still beating old artists at game makes it unparalleled. Now cry more

Garage singer
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The older artists totals include some 30+ albums. And later had album box sets, greatest hits albums, remastered editions and anniversary editions. To make more sales from the same old music. Everything is counted in their totals, all legit. So there should not be an issue with Taylor’s 6 rerecordings.

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Thanks for the addition of time and gender. Now we're getting more accurate. I'm in doubt if it's more impressive now than before. Yes, more choices of sources for entertainment and consumption, but also more global possibilities than in the years up to the 80s. She knows how to grab those opportunities of course.

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