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Taylor Swift albums and songs sales

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“I assume you are questioning how anyone doesn’t know the Taylor tracks I mentioned?” i get that the older the public is, the less in touch they are with the current music scene, but discrediting blank space like that goes way too far. if you haven’t listened at least 3 seconds of it in a tv show that’s pretty much your problem; blank space is a stupidly big hit that even surged to the charts for a second time due to its longevity. blank space is quite inescapable, and maybe you just heard it once or something like that, but putting it as an non-biased example of songs that people do not know by sound and just by name is absolutely ridiculous. even if we ignore its overwhelming success on digital platforms and i base my affirmation on feelings, to talk with someone who doesn’t know/listened to blank space i’d need to go talk to my 87 year old grandpa (i live in ecuador and not in an anglophone country btw).

Garage singer Guest
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Who is this new Chartmasters Twitter admin? They're acting very unprofessionally, insulting Katy's sales and saying things that Swifties want to hear. Has a Swiftie infiltrated the account? Look into this please.

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Mariah Carey : Q1 2024
Celine Dion : Q4 2024
Madonna : 2027-2028

That's my prediction when she surpasses those artists. I don't think Christmas season will help Mariah keeping the gap that long. Regarding Madonna, she needs her biopic to be as successful as Bohemian Rhapsody to boost her discography but then again that will only buy her some times because I strongly believe that Taylor will eventually surpass her at the end.

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I disagree :
Mariah - November-December 2023
Celine - August-September 2024
Madonna -Q4 2026 - Q2 2027 .

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It's not her fanbase, it's the UK general public, people over the age of 18. Many of whom would not have witnessed her in her prime or even the majority of her more successful years. It was also to show that Taylor is not hugely popular amongst older demographics (72nd), which was to do with my original point, that despite her insane success, her music is obviously not filtering through to a lot of people and on the back of many fans being incredulous at the fact, that not everyone knew about her and her music.

It's not about caring, it's about the fact that nowadays unless you follow artists, read certain sites, subscribe to specific stuff etc or obviously it seems live in the US, her life, her dating, her scandals, even her music, does not filter through to lots of people, in the way I feel Madonnas did, mainly due to the limited nature of media options and platforms back in the 80s and how people of all ages shared these limited outlets for their news on current affairs, sport, entertainment etc. It also clearly appears that her level of saturation is and has been way different and far greater in the US, than what it is or has been in the UK.

But my points were not about her numbers or the relative success of either artist, so continually feeling the need to highlight them in response to my points, just seems unneeded.

I'm being aggressive lol, ever listened to yourself and the way you respond to people who see things differently to you? All your posts to such people seem to be littered with disdain, aggression and childlike replies like "Deal with it, do u need tissues, what r even smoking?" Sounds like a case of, pot calling the kettle black, to me.

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She isn't. Of the decade maybe but sure as hell not of the century lol

Hyped artist Guest
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  1. Are you kidding me? Everyone can read your post above saying “Taylor Swift will also be irrelevant for younger people in the future”...
  2. So you can make "assumptions" that someone has multiple IPs but they can't make assumptions that someone is sexist? OK.
  3. Again, thank you for admitting you were openly mocking Swifties by "guessing possible discussions" like the "absurd" idea of a Nobel Prize.
  4. I see you haven't followed this discussion at all, it started with Anonymous06 bringing up Taylor in the Queen thread 17 days ago, and then coming here to talk about Queen.

Garage singer Guest
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Congrats to evermore 7 million, crazy how close evermore is to 30 by Adele

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And it just had it's best day on Spotify since January 2021 with over 6.4m streams, gaining the 2nd most in all of 2020 only behind folklore!

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It's crazy by end of decade her lowest seller so far, evermore will be over 12 million units I think

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Ok, I've now lost about one hour of my life clearing all the trash that was posted on this article.

Can we stop the silly name calling, let-me-deflate-your-fave, and my-fave-is-da-best attitude, please? I don't want to sound harsh but like 90% of the messages, both sides, were completely pointless and missing the mark.

Let's be constructive. It's ok to be a fan, and it's ok to not like an artist. We are all free and entitled to our personal tastes. It's all about respecting others' opinions and trying to understand them before jumping to their neck. It says more about you than about the other.

No need to say the next time it happens I'll just block whoever starts insulting others.

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She has chance to beat 228 million day with the way she moved 90 million streams yesterday. Crazy. 1989 will open with three million units worldwide like midnights? Though I won't say it will sell 6 million units like midnights before year end as in end it is re recording. But can do 5 million. Can see it reaching 40 million units by mid 2025

Viral on Spotify
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Taylor has 55 songs gaining over 500k daily streams on Spotify. That's just crazy and unprecedented


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Many of those must be album tracks not just singles

Hyped artist Guest
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Even more !)

Garage singer Guest
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You would think evermore was a flop but its actually performing pretty well for an album with no smash hit. 7m units before its 3rd anniversary is pretty much on par with Reputation I believe and that is seen as a success. By the first half of 2025 it should cross the 10m units mark.

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You might be right but I am estimating that after era tour. She might take break from touring and her streams stats will come down ( she will still tens of millions per year). I am just making safe guess.

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Taylor's catalog performs like old gen legacy acts. Also due to fact she didn't release her hits collection which would've ruined her original sales. She is like led Zeppelin in that regard. Keep selling year after year and decade after decade. Smart in that regard.

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I just checked who has the most albums in the yearly top 5s and, when it comes to the "album era" (post-60s), Taylor has the most:

2008: #2 (#1 really, even Gaga said TFM is 2 albums)
2012: #1
2014: #1
2017: #3
2019: #3
2020: #5
2022: #2

Speak Now is #6 in 2010 and closing fast on the #5 (Rihanna's Loud).

Before that you have The Beatles with 12 albums, and then the pre-Beatles era when album sales were extremely low to the point of being irrelevant really. The current 1962 list for example:

1. The Beach Boys - Surfin Safari 4.9m
2. Elvis Presley - Girls! Girls! Girls! 3.6m
3. Frank Sinatra with Count Basie - Sinatra-Basie 3.1m
4. Elvis Presley - Pot Luck 2m

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Lover outsold midnights this week in USA. First time since aug 2022 , lover is her top album in USA. And also 8.5 million of it's units came outside America. Asia really contribute to her sales a lot , but lack of official certifications there don't show the full picture! It is really her biggest blockbuster after 1989 in long run.

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Repu tv rumored in jan 2024. Well it will again go ahead of lover next year and will reach 20 million first I guess, but in long run, I expect lover to catch it up again. As it is her streaming pop staple. Well she might catch celine quickly than expected.

Viral on Spotify Guest
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Big day for Taylor Swift

*Cruel summer hits #1 on the Hot 100, her milestone 10th #1
*Taylor becomes the only female artist to ever have both 10 #1 singles and albums in the US
*Cruel Summer hits #1 on the digital song sales chart with 41k sales, becoming her record-extending 27th #1
*Cruel Summer hits #1 on the Canadian Hot 100, her milestone 10th #1

Hyped artist Guest
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Is line "Studio" in "Compilations sales figures listing" it's the sum for corresponding album ?

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Hi Denysanatol!

Yes, this is a display glitch as this is a technical line aimed to assign sales trends from compilations to studio albums. I fixed the database view to the data as before, so now they are hidden back.

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Wait the article is updated and takes her total to 172.9 million. But without speak now tv physicals mentioned? So actual total is 174 million? You missed out bg mistake I guess?

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