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Taylor Swift albums and songs sales

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Viral on Spotify
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I don't know why you're including Cruel Summer when it's going to smash all over Europe next summer when she goes on the biggest stadium tour in history by a female artist in the continent

Viral on Spotify Guest
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It's just getting picked up by European radio, it has a lot of upward momentum.

Viral on Spotify Guest
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“I’ve heard titles like Blank Space… ….but I have no idea what they sound like.”

i don’t agree with lots of things going under this thread but can we be serious JUST for a moment, like just a few seconds

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Not sure exactly what your point is but I assume you are questioning how anyone doesn't know the Taylor tracks I mentioned? If that is indeed you point, read through this discussion you've just entered and it might give you your answer.

Viral on Spotify
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It's honestly shocking that someone who is so invested on Taylor Swift hasn't even bother giving one of her biggest hit a listen. Who knows, you might even become more obsessed with her if you gave her discography a shot

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I'm not invested in her, I thought that was pretty evident from the discussion! Obsessed lol that's what I'd call you lot, who can't bear to see any negatives with regards to her or even be objective about her. I mean just read how you speak about her and what you say, if that's not obsessed, infatuation I don't know what is.

I actually did the other day, I played through her top hits on Spotify, to see what all the fuss is about. I only lasted about 3 or 4 songs, her voice annoyed me from the off and I found none of the songs I heard, which would be the ones at the top of her main Spotify page, to be remotely catchy. What I heard, was just remarkably forgettable in my opinion.

Viral on Spotify
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Glad to know you lied about never listening to Blank Space.

Viral on Spotify
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I will admit I read the quote wrong. Nonetheless, I think you really have to reconsider why you have commented 30 times if you're not actually invested in her.

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I'm invested in the discussion and proving my original points, which have been rubbished, ridiculed, misinterpreted, misconstrued, lied about etc etc etc. I believe the points I made to be true and decided to back them up and defend them against people who I felt were inherently biased in this discussion and who didn't want to agree or accept anything I was saying, despite me presenting age demographic evidence, giving historical context and providing sound reasoning and logic.

Maybe you and the others need to question why you seem to see the points I made, as derogatory or some kind of attack on Taylor and her success, when they were neither. In my opinion, they were valid points, that I feel I have went someway to proving to be correct.

Got his first mic
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Wow … for someone trying to tell everyone to be objective and calling others obsessed fans you are definitely fitting in group of people who hate her ..” her voice annoys me .. nothing was catchy enough “ see this is your personal opinion that’s clogging your thought process hence why you are ignoring the facts

Got his first mic
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You yourself mentioned how in 80s you only had one medium to consume music and one medium to hear about things ( radios ) … which u also said is factor why couldn’t you escape certain people but it is also fact that Taylor’s dominance and especially her tour right now proves how she’s a constant in monoculture while there are various ways to escape most of it however you can’t escape her… she’s constantly in media headlines… radio … charts … everywhere… also her dominance level right now is more impressive for a reason ( even if u think it escapes many people) it’s far more impressive when u can choose and pick in these times and people are choosing Taylor while in 80s they didn’t had much choice

Got his first mic
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Because they are not opinions or facts 😭?? You literally discredit her …says you can’t stand he voice … can’t enjoy her music … don’t like her much it’s quite literally personal and professional view point

Viral on Spotify Guest
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The conspiracy theories!

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Im not discrediting her, I'm giving my personal opinion, having finally listened to a few of her tracks a couple of days ago. Everything I wrote was prior to this. I have no issue with her, stop doing what everyone else's doing and just lying about what I've said and what I mean.

Viral on Spotify Guest
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Actually though, he claims to be all holier than thou, objective, and rational. All the while pinning us as delusional, stupid, and childish.

At some point we must question is he even worth trying to reason with, or is he just so deluded into this narrative he has invented he is beyond hope?

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But as others do, you're defending her like I'm trying to downplay her success, it's like you also see this as some kind of attack on her, when it's not.

None of you can seem to look at this objectively and detach your emotional feelings from any kind of discussion about her, that dares to not be wholly positive and complimentary.

Viral on Spotify Guest
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Perhaps a sign nobody agrees with you is a sign you are in fact incorrect and it is you who can't detatch your emotional feelings, and can't dare entertain a conversation that isn't wholly negative and pessimistic.

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Actually, people agreed with Martin before this became a negative, personal discussion. I think we all get the point that TS is doing absolutely brilliantly, probably catching Madonna in the near future, but streaming is a different way of measuring than physical sales, so let's move on, right?

Hyped artist Guest
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"None of you can seem to look at this objectively and detach your emotional feelings from any kind of discussion about her"

Right, as opposed to you using rigorously objective facts such as "I feel like Madonna was so much bigger than Taylor because my parents knew about Madonna iirc". Who would've thought someone would receive any sort of backlash for (repeatedly) posting this kind of stuff in a Taylor Swift thread?

(my guess is you knew it would)

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As usual, just focusing and taking one bit of info or line and trying to make out my whole reasoning is based on that one line.

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I see it more as avid Taylor fans not agreeing with me, actually I see it as avid Taylor fans just arguing with me because they lack objectivity on her and obviously can't bear to see anything written about her that, as said, doesn't show her in a positive light.

I've said on numerous occasions how insanely successful and popular she is and also that she may indeed catch Madonna, that doesn't sound like someone being negative, pessimistic, overly emotional or incorrect.

I made two points which I still believe to be true, that her music, despite this insane popularity, still flies under the radar for a lot people, especially older people, who have no interest in her music or career and that Madonna seemed to penetrate through to wider demographic in the 80s. Neither of my points do I think are negative, pessimistic, incorrect or emotional, I feel they are logical, rational and objective.

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Well, let's be honest, I've admitted to her insane popularity and success and that she may catch Madonna, that's obviously not what some delusional would admit or even see, is it?

How is it a narrative? Do you honestly believe that everyone, everywhere regardless of race, age, etc knows about her and her music? It's a perfectly reasonable point that she doesn't appeal to everyone and that lot's of people, do not know about her or her music. It's also a perfectly reasonable assumption to assume that Madonna/her music did manage to penetrate a wider age demographic back in the 80s than Taylors does now.

If anything, it is you Taylor fans who cannot or do not want to see or even entertain reason.

Viral on Spotify Guest
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You can probably agree that you disagree, or?

Making some noise
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Some sources wrote about $150M opening weekend !

Making some noise
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What about other formats predictions compares to "Midnights" ?

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